INS:The Bride by John Neal * BEHOLD, THOU ART FAIR, MY LOVE What is the Lord's bride like? His bride is ever forgiving, ever loving. She patiently cares for those who misuse her. She points no fingers - nor accuses - but humbly looks to all in love, with enduring hope that they may forsake their old man (ways), praying they may come into the rest of their Creator. She has no self esteem, but sees herself black, in the Light of the Cross. She does not look down upon others; but with compassion in her eyes, she looks them in their face, that they may see the love and the light of her Beloved, who has filled her heart and is in her eyes. Her life shines, reflecting the radiance of His beauty, and the light of His Word. She sees every soul as being precious, as having been paid for by the Blood of the Lamb. Secretly she intercedes for them, praying earnestly for her Beloved to manifest Himself in them, as He has her. Her prayers are as gentle rain upon dry ground, giving life to dying plants. Their heart melts as she testifies of His loving-kindness and tender- mercy. Her words are butter and honey on whole-wheat bread, with milk in abundance. In loving-kindness she offers aid to the hurt and the sick. In merciful-grace she offers shelter to the homeless, with no thought of being repaid. In tender-humility she gives her blanket to the poor, so they may be warm. In peaceful-joy she makes her last loaf of bread, for the hungry. Their children will be fed today. Such was her Beloved as He walked upon this earth. She hears His voice, and does precisely as He says. Nothing on this earth can keep her from following her Master. Not even death can separate her from her Beloved. She is totally His'. She is, the Lord's Bride. WHO IS THIS THAT COMETH UP FROM THE WILDERNESS, LEANING UPON HER BELOVED? She is an architect - diligently seeing over the building process. When she sets a foundation, one is not afraid to build thereon. Her walls are plumb, her corners precise. If problems arise, she is whom they seek. Her blueprint reading is unexcelled. Her eye is sharp, her judgement clear. Her altar is built of uncut stone. She is faithful, in all His house, a pillar of white marble. When she speaks, her word is taken as holy law, as from the Mouth of the Lamb. She is a watchman - keeping a vigilant eye for the approach of the enemy. She is not afraid to raise the silver trumpet to her mouth, at the first sign of danger. The city rests in peace, when she is upon the wall. Her wisdom is spoken of in the gates of the city. When she speaks, all give ear and take heed, it will surely come to pass. The enemy dares not approach, when she is near. Her sword is swift and sure. Her wings are eagles, taking her to the Heights of the Lamb. She is a shepherd - peacefully watching the flock, caring for them in holy tender love. Without hesitation she lays down her life, for the least of her brethren, of whom she is counted among. In danger she stands her ground, the wolves flee at the sight of her. A whole flock is fed, by her knowledge of the high places. She leads them in and out, and lays them down in a quiet place, by living waters. She carries the wounded ones, upon steady shoulders, to the Hands of the Lamb. She is a gardener - sowing the holy seed with no regard to the season. With tender care, she pulls the weeds that choke the little flowers life. Her touch is gentle and kind, not a petal falls to the ground. Skillfully she prunes the trees and vines of dead branches, they produce an excellent fruit. She keeps the Master's vineyards in a most orderly way. Her fruit is highly sought in the market place. Her message is from the throne of grace, the Cross of the Lamb. She is a minstrel - faithfully sharing in Light to those who are in darkness. When she breaks bread, all are filled, not a piece is lost. She comforts the hurt with holy songs of joy, encourages the weak with holy hymns of faith, admonishes the body with holy songs of the Kingdom. Her teaching is clear and precise. The little lambs want to be like her, when they are grown. When the way is not sure, they look to her. The path is written on her heart, the Way of the Lamb. She is a mother - wisely preparing the meals for her children's nourishment. Lovingly she insures their dress is modest, their attitude proper. She has plenty of nourishing milk for the new born ones. She is a nurse - joyfully caring for the sick and injured. She has special fondness for the little ones who have cuts and bruises from rocky paths. The elder ones call her blessed daughter. She is the eldest sister in a large family of children - patiently caring for each of her younger brothers and sisters needs, making peace in their quarrels. She waits patiently with tears, for the one who ran away, an ever burden on her heart. She is, the King's Bride. I AM MY BELOVED'S, AND MY BELOVED IS MINE The bride sleeps and dreams of her Beloved, the day He will come for her. In the early morning hours He wakes her. "Is today the day my Love? that You will come for me?" Her heart longing, with anticipation. "Oh let it be so." In the early morning hours she walks to the altar. The dew washes her feet as she goes forth to the spring of life. The coolness of the morning air reminds her of the need of His warmth within. Without which, there would be no meaning of life...for her. She kneels at the altar and prays earnestly to her Lord. Tears run down her cheek as she prays for her worthiness. She lays her all upon the altar - her heart, her mind, her own desires - she prays until the Holy Fire has consumed all. Till she more. She sits and dines with her Master. She never questions the food He has prepared for her, but looks into His eyes and eats every word as it proceeds forth...from His mouth. As the meal nears end, tears form in her eyes. "Come My Love," He says rising up, stretching out His arms. "Look into My eyes, tell Me, what troubles your heart?" She lifts her head for a moment, as if to look in His eyes. But runs to His feet instead, broken in heart, and weeping. "my Lord - my Love. I wish for this never end.... I wish to stay with in Your holy presence - here at Your feet for the rest of time. Please do not send me back into the world - please...let me stay with, now and forever, " she pleads devoutly. He reaches down and ever so gently lifts her head. "Look into Mine eyes, " He says softly. She does for a moment, then closes her eyes in humility. Tears fill her eyes as she remembers the first time she asked Him to keep her here and now....... His voice - so tender. His eyes - filled with compassion. His love - encompassing her. "But who shall care for My sheep? the ewes? the little lambs? the new born ones? the ones...the ones that have been injured? or are sick?...Who shall care for them? --- How...shall this dark world...know of My are not there to give it? reflect it? --- For...I have you." ........She rises with her robe in hand and asks her Love to take it. She feels no longer worthy to wear it. As she hands it over, she pleads with Him to wash it in His precious Blood, with hope He may be moved for her weakness. He comes, and ever so softly kisses her cheek. He is pleased. The longing desire of her heart, to be alone with Him. At the thought of her perfect submission, He touches her long hair with His hand. Ever so gently, He wipes away each tear. Opening her eyes, she sees her robe is perfectly white. Her love for Him flows forth, as the fragrance of a flower garden, after a gentle spring rain. She falls upon the ground in holy worship, kissing His feet; never ceasing to stop glorifying Him, praising Him for His worthiness. He reaches down and delicately touches her shoulder. His holy love for her overflows her heart with joy. His blessing of perfect peace floods her soul. "It is time now, " He says tenderly. She tarries, momentarily lost in His love, then arises quickly and parts the upper part of her robe. He reaches in between her breasts and seals her heart with His nail-pierced hand. It belongs totally to Him, and no man or thing can enter in, but Him alone. She guards it, with the courage of a mature lion, with the gentleness of a new born lamb, with the nimbleness of a young hind. He places a ring on her finger, and His seal upon her forehead. He anoints her head with three drops of oil: The 1st drop - the perfect love of the Holy Father The 2nd drop - the eternal truth of the Holy Son The 3rd drop - the guiding light of the Holy Spirit that she may be ready for the day. With a kiss of life, He sends her to oversee the tender care of His sheep. With her veil in place (for no one sees her real inner beauty), she makes her way home, where she and her brethren dwell. The rising sun's first rays light upon her face. The gentle breeze brings the notes of the morning song birds, singing their praise to Him. They then orchestrate His songs, His songs of love for her. She is blessed, for her Beloved goes with her. With a song of praise in her heart, to her Love, she devotedly prepares the meal for her brothers and sisters, as they sleep in the early morning hours. She carefully selects each one's food, as her Beloved tells her. She hopes they will eat all on their plate. With a fresh prayer in her heart, she goes forth into each room and opens the shade. The morning sun shines upon her, illuminating the room. Softly she calls her brothers and sisters, "Come and dine, the Master bids you, come and dine." Some come quickly, hungry for the morning meal. The little ones run to her, kissing her good morning. Others grumble, because of her cheerfulness in the early morning hours. But she smiles and speaks gently with them, while praying and interceding for their precious souls with a heart made pure; in faith. She has made herself ready for the day. She has been at her Master's feet, in ardent prayer. She is, the Shepherd's Bride. She is holy. She is honest. She is kind. She is firm. She is pure. She is faithful. She is beautiful. She has made herself ready for the marriage feast. By the Blood of the holy Covenant. By the Word of the holy Testimony. By the Name of the holy Groom. She is the lovely virgin. The lily among thorns. She is, the Bride of Jesus. Greetings of love, Brother John * - Read Song of Songs & John Neal Ruth 1:16-17; Shalom This file is presented to you by: BETH SHAMEA RESEARCH RD 1 BOX 50 STONEBORO, PA. 16153 (c) COPYRIGHT 1982 J.NEAL 1990 BETH SHAMEA RESEARCH ALL RIGHTS RESERVED