INS:The Ageless Army by Founder Justin Long "The New Age is upon us, but it has forgotten the Ageless One." Are you aware of the New Age Movement? What do you know about Hinduism? How about Moslems? Do you know the goals of the Unification Church? Are psychics really powerful? On another note, what about Russia -- will she really invade Israel? What role will China play in the last days? Will America survive the 1990's? Do you know the people next door? Have you witnessed to your corner grocery clerk? Have you gone to Budapest on a missionary trip? Would you like to? Are you a reporter, or a writer, or a researcher, with access to information that would benefit those asking these questions? Are you a businessman with investment money to spare, and you would like to contribute to various charities or needs of other Christians? Are you the leader or a member of a local Bible study or activity group? Are you seeking ideas for lessons? Are you looking for things your members could do? If you're affected by any of the above in any way, you belong in the Ageless Army. WHAT IS THE ARMY?-- The Ageless Army is headquartered in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and is responsible for networking Christian individuals and groups together. Prayer groups will receive things to pray for. Study groups will receive ideas for study. Gaming groups will receive ideas for games. Businesses will receive ideas for people they can interact with, transferring goods and services (bringing them more money), contributing to other Christian businesses (bringing more money into the church economy), and generally increasing their market. Individuals will receive information on various trends of interest to them (from abortion to drugs, war to peace, missions to underground networks of believers in persecuted lands). All members will benefit, while aiding someone else in the church. HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED?-- Write to: Justin Long Operations Director, Ageless Army 4100 Ace Court, #202 Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Express both your own needs, and the areas in which you could contribute to the Army (prayer, research, writing, etc). Note that all activities for the Army are done on a volunteer basis, although requests for funding assistance can be relayed to other members. "For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness..." (Ephesians 6:12, RSV) Thank you for your assistance.