DEV:Being accountable to God by Bill Bennett It is the nature of all men and women to wish their own independence. Everyone at some time or another exerts their own independence in the form of rebellion, rejection of authority, or the setting aside the common sense rules of respect to flex their 'independent muscles'. Self will is plain and simple selfishness. For the unsaved individual, self will comes as a form of rebellion against the commands of the Lord. When the Lord said, "Thou shalt not murder", the self will rebels, trying to think of some way to murder. When God said, "Thou shalt not commit adultery", the natural man became obscessed with ways to commit adultery. The Lord knows what's harmful, warns us against it, puts some "teeth" into the warning (judgement for disobedience) and we STILL go right ahead and do it. When you look at murder and adultery, nothing good ever comes of either one, the adulterer might be murdered by and angry spouse! We just detest being held accountable to God, today or in the future, when you boil it right down. Our spirit of independence says we can be 'our own man', the heck with everyone else! Take a look at some of the religious leaders today. Notice in the last couple of months how those who still 'tow the line' are saying, "We're accountable!" That's some of the best news we've heard in a long time. Making ourselves accountable to someone else, a church, a pastor, or just another individual can keep us walking closer to the Lord. We sin when we think "Aha!... the coast is clear!... nobody will know..." Except God.........