DEV:Suffering's Reward Romans 5:1-5 Suffering's Reward ..we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance. Romans 5:3 A young man, a Christian, went to an older believer to ask for prayer. "Will you please pray that I may be more patient?" he asked. The aged saint agreed. They knelt together and the man began to pray, "Lord, send this young man tribulation in the morning, send this young man tribulation in the afternoon, and send this young man -" At this point the young man blurted out, " No, no, I didn't ask you to pray for tribulation. I wanted you to pray for patience." "Ah, " responded the wise Christian," It's through tribulation that we learn patience." Commenting on Romans 5:3, John A. Witmer wrote in the `The Bible Knowledge Commentary' that the word perseverance can mean "steadfastness, the ability to remain under difficulties without giving in." Witmer added that "only a believer who has faced distress can develop steadfastness. That in turn develops character." When Paul told the Christians in Rome that tribulation produces perseverance, he was speaking from experience. He had suffered beating, whipping, stoning, and shipwreck. He was persecuted by Jews and Gentiles alike. Yet he remained steadfast in the faith and did not shrink from his responsibility to preach the gospel. Are you facing a difficult test? Then praise God! Under His wise control, everything that happens to you - whether enjoyable or painful - is designed to develop Christlike character. Believing that, suffering saints can glory in tribulations. Looking back, it seems to me All the grief which had to be, Left me, when the pain was o'er, Richer than I'd been before. HE WHO WAITS ON THE LORD WILL NOT BE CRUSHED BY THE WEIGHTS OF ADVERSITY...