DEV:A Refreshing Saint by J.W. Bramhall "Onesiphorus... oft refreshed me" --2 Timothy 1:16 Do you not like to meet a refreshing saint? Onesiphorus was one who has been recorded in the Scripture, even refreshing in his day the greatest of the Apostles, very frequently. What a blessed testimony! 1. THE MEANING OF ONESIPHORUS. His name means "profit bringer" and he lived up to it, for he was profitable to the saints of God. Is not this what every Christian should be, ministering spiritual profit to the Lord's beloved people always? 2. THE QUALITY OF HIS MINISTRY. "He oft refreshed me" is the testimony of Paul to the ministry of this saint. In the heat of trials and difficulties, a visit by Onesiphorus was as a "breath of fresh air" to the beloved apostle, refreshing his spirit by fellowship, consolation and kindness, and that very frequently. When Onesiphorus "blew in" he brought with him the freshness of a spiritual atmosphere that enabled one to recover from the effects of the heat! He always seemed able to cool off the temperature of the trial when visiting tested saints, even for the beloved apostle Paul. 3. THE FAITHFULNESS OF HIS MINISTRY. He "was not ashamed of my chain" writes Paul, for though forsaken by saints at large and bound as a prisoner of Rome, Onesiphorus did not desert the apostle because of this. Faithfulness was part of his character and Paul could testify of him to Timothy, saying, "In how MANY things he ministered unto me in Ephesus, thou knowest very well." 4. THE DILIGENCE OF HIS MINISTRY. "When he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently and found me" (verse 17). The worldly maxim, "when in Rome do as the Romans do" was not the motto of this saint of God! He searched the great metropolis of the Roman Empire, perhaps from one end to the other, until he found the Beloved and aged servant of God. What chords of appreciation arise from the heart of the apostle, causing him by the Spirit to record this deed upon the pages of the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever! 5. THE FUTURE REWARD OF HIS MINISTRY. "The Lord grant him that he may find mercy of the Lord in THAT day" writes Paul. The day of Christ, when Onesiphorus will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, will yet declare the "gold, silver and precious stones" earned by this faithful ministry that refreshed the saints of God, for "God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have showed toward His Name, in that ye HAVE ministered to the saints, and DO minister" (Hebrews 6:10). Would you not enjoy having Onesiphorus "blow in" for a visit, as a spiritual "breath of fresh air?" I am sure you would; better still, why not try to BE A REFRESHING SAINT YOURSELF? God has need of them everywhere amongst His people in these difficult and testing days! They bring "spiritual profit." J.W. Bramhall 2309 Commonwealth Ave. Charlotte, NC 28205