DEV:Are you a Latitudinarian? by J.W. Bramhall A spiritual disease of LATITUDIANARISM prevails among the saints today, even among those who in the past have maintained the truth of God. This name emerged in the 17th century and 18th within the Church of England, when certain religious leaders tended to minimize Christian doctrines. Its continuance to the 19th century produced a liberal theology. Following it, the Spirit of God manifested the greatest revival of divine truth ever known since the early history of the church. Webster's dictionary defines Latitudianarism as--"deviations from a standard of belief and opinion, especially in matters of religion; tolerant to deviation in opinion and doctrine." A person who is a "latitudinarian, " the same source describes such as "one who is broad and liberal in his standard of belief and conduct." Wm. Kelly in his exposition of Revelation describes this as "LAODICEAN" in character-- quote-- "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot." This is LATITUDIANARISM! It is not ignorance that works the deadly mischief, but the heart remaining indifferent to the truth, after it has fully been brought before it"-- Unquote. See Rev. 3:15. The apostle Paul admonished Timothy, saying--"HOLD FAST the form of sound words" etc 2 Tim. 1:13. The spirit of indifference to Pauline truth is in strong evidence today. One has said--"Evangelicalism with out being followed by teaching will lead to the abandonment of Pauline truth." (JN Darby) Let us analyze the words of 2 Tim. 1:13: 1--WHAT TO DO-- "Hold fast"-- The truth of God is to be firmly held. "Buy the truth and sell it not" is written in Prov. 23:23. There is always one bidding for it-- THE DEVIL! 2--WHAT TO HOLD-- "The form of sound words." We quote from the footnote of JND's Trans. Quote-- "Timothy had heard words or doctrines. Hence he was to have a summary or outline, so as to state clearly and definitely what he did hold"--Unquote. 3--WHAT ARE SOUND WORDS?-- The word "sound" is linked with doctrine four times, in 1 Tim. 1:10; 2 Tim. 4:3; Tit. 1:9; 2:1. It is also linked with "words" two times-- 1 Tim. 6:3 ("wholesome words"); 2 Tim. 1:13. It is also linked with "in the faith" in Tit. 1:13; 2:2. The word "sound" is a semi-medical one, referring to the spiritual health of the believer. Health giving teaching is to produce healthy saints! The remedy for the absence of spiritual growth is to be the medicine of healthy teaching. 4--WHAT IS THE SOURCE OF SOUND WORDS?-- "Which thou hast heard of ME" writes Paul. If Paul could speak today regarding church conditions he would quote his words of Acts 27:21! Eliminate Pauline epistles and spiritual tragedy follows in the testimony. Under God, we are indebted to His servant Paul for church guidance in truth and practice. Through him God completed the divine revelation of truth-- see Col. 1:25-28-- the mystery of the Church! 5--WHAT IS THE EVIDENCE OF SOUND WORDS?-- It is possible to hold sound doctrine and still remain in an unhealthy state of soul. The genuine proof is when it is assimilated into personal experience! In 2 Tim. 1:12 the effective experience of practiced truth in Paul's life is recorded; and also in 2 Tim. 3:10 to 12. You find in the pastoral letters two great principles emphasized-- SOUND DOCTRINE AND SOUND LIVING! Paul could never be accused of "mentally trafficking in unfelt truth" as some of our preachers of the past often said. His life supported the admonition to Timothy to "HOLD FAST" in the midst of departure from the truth that had already set in, many having defected (2 Tim. 1:15). If Timothy faced this danger in his day, WHAT SHALL WE SAY OF IT NOW? 6--THE CONCLUSION-- The danger of being like so much dead driftwood and carried about by winds of doctrine and waves of circumstances is strong today! (Eph. 4:14, 15). Hence the importance of faithfulness to God's Word and constant spiritual growth. In relation to the truth of God, in the epistle of 2nd Timothy we are admonished to "HOLD IT"-- 2 Tim. 1:13; to TEACH IT-- 2. Tim. 2:2; to ABIDE IN IT-- 2 Tim. 3:14; to PREACH IT-- 2 Tim. 4:2. Let us search our hearts and ask-- "Am I heeding Paul's admonition to HOLD FAST"? or am I a "LATITUDINARIAN"? Published by J.W. Bramhall Radio Fund Inc. 2309 Commonwealth Ave. Charlotte, NC 28205