DEV:Cushiony Christianity Be on guard against soft, mushy, comfortable, cushiony Christianity! Ask the Holy Spirit to place a holy fear in you concerning, Matthew 24:12, "Because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold." Oh, they will be religious. They will call themselves "Christian". But it is really the spirit of wickedness or lawlessness. Even today if you preach that we should obey the scriptures people will say "legalism". It is just the spirit of sinful man wanting a lawless Christianity. Just look at the commands that are not obeyed in the house of God today. [1] What church really has a Pentecostal love that comes from the Spirit? Where everything is "common" and everyone thinks a like? Acts 2:42-47 Acts 4:32-35 Where there is no lower attendance during the week. Where everyone "walks in the Light" with each other. Do you even know what it means to walk in the light? -1 John 1:5-8 [2] People do not judge anymore. 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 Romans 16:17 2 Timothy 3:5 Titus 3:10 Titus 1:10-13 When was the last time you judged the "greedy" in your church? When was the last time you stayed away from someone who not living up to the Truth? I mean, come on , when was the last time someone was struck dead in your church? {See Acts 5} When was the last time you prayed that someone would be struck dead by the power of the Holy Spirit? [3] Churches boast of numbers. They brag about goals. Seek to have a "praying army". Boast of their education and works. Churches boast of their activities. Just read through the Yellow Pages sometime. -2 Corinthians 11:23 [4] Everyone wants good self-esteem, Instead of "hating" themselves. Luke 14:25-35 [5] Woman preach and teach men. And they do not wear coverings. 1 Timothy 2:11-14 1 Corinthians 11:10 [6] No one wants a Christianity with a curse. 1 Corinthians 16:22 [7] Sin is dealt with flimsily. There is no real cutting edge to dealing with the sins of the people. Ezekiel 13:10 [8] No one really knows what "pure joy" is in the Lord. James 1:2 [9] People talk about humility, being led of the Spirit, speaking in tongues or of answered prayer and death to self, but is it a lie. Matthew 6:23 [10] There is a love of money, sports, pleasures in the church today. All of it, of course, done in the name of Jesus. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 {How many churches changed their schedules because of Super Bowl Sunday?} {How many of you did not go to church because of Super Bowl Sunday?} Few know, or what to know, the offense of the cross of Jesus any more. Are you loving a cushiony Christianity. Wake up, before it is too late and experience a Christianity with some power and might!!! 2 Corinthians 13:3 Ignore the cushiony gospel calls and listen to the full message that comes either in love or with a whip. 1 Corinthians 4:21, Acts 5:20 Get up off your pillow and pick up a cross to follow Jesus. Get up out of the pillow that cushions your pride, self-righteousness and die on the cross. What up, before you love turns cold as Jesus said MOSTS will! SOUND DOCTRINE BBS & CHURCH