DEV:Remembering God's Beauty I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told you of them. John 16:4 Why is there such a variety of beauty in the world of flowers and birds? Why should the splash of the brilliant western tanager, the ceramic- like mushroom, the thrilling song of the wren, or the many other beautiful sights and sounds exist? Some try to give totally natural explanations. But we recognize them as evidence of the majesty and glory of God. God's greatest glory was revealed through the ugliness of the cross. There love worked out our salvation through the suffering and death of Jesus so we can one day see God's visible glory. In this life He gives us hints of that glory through the beauty He creates around us. A mountain trail is not all beauty. Only at intervals do you spot that colorful bird or delicate flower. Living in a fallen world is not always beautiful either. Sin in us and others often makes life ugly. But God gives us moments of created beauty when sin's ugliness threatens us. Even better, we remember the daily beauty of His forgiveness through Jesus. Such remembering strengthens us to remain faithful as we struggle along life's trail. Thank You, Lord, for the beauty we see in birds and flowers. Thank you especially for Your daily forgiveness. Amen.