WAR:What do the Moonies and Jerry Falwell have in common? Mr. Sun Myung Moon, founder and leader of the Unification Church, was release from prison on August 20, 1985, with a five month early out for good behavior. He was convicted of tax evasion in May 1982 because he failed to report some $162,000 in personal income. His appeals failed and he was sentence to 18 months in prison beginning July 20, 1984. Immediately after his release, he was taken to a dinner given in his honor at the Washington, D.C. Shoreham Hotel and was presented with a four- foot trophy, all sponsored by the Coalition for Religious Freedom. There were some 1,600 people in attendance, mostly Moonies, but also present were some "Christian" ministers and Idaho Senator Deitor Bayer. Rev. Joseph Lowery, a Methodist minister and head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, charged that there was racial discrimination involved and that the churches were accountable to God only. We of the Colossian Fellowship agree that churches and their leaders are accountable to God, but the personal incomes from corporations and private enterprises are accountable to the government ( Rom.13:1-2;Matt.22:17-21). Rev. Jerry Falwell has been in the news over his supportive statements concerning South Africa (which supports apartheid--racial discrimination, but this is not all that he has been up to. Falwell is a leading member of the Coalition for Religious Freedom. Right after Mr. Moon's release, Rev. Falwell said, "I think the president should pardon Rev. (Moon is not a trained or ordained minister of God) Moon...I personally do not think he was guilty of tax evasion..." Why does the Rev. Jerry Falwell support Mr. Sun Myung Moon, whose followers hail him as the return of christ? Had enough? What do Jerry Falwell and the Mormon Church have in common? They should have nothing in common, but this is not the truth. Falwell actively supports the Freemen Institute, which is the political arm of the Mormon Church. Rev. Falwell believes that, because the Mormons believe the same as he does on major issues (abortion, homosexuality, prayer in school), he can use them and their voting power. So he pushes the Institute and their teachers upon the unsuspecting Christian populace. Soon it will be more confusing because The Freemen Institute will be changing their name to the National Center for Constitutional Studies. Mr. Sun Myung Moon? The Mormon church? Who will Rev. Jerry Falwell embrace next? Would Jesus Christ have joined with the "great deceiver" to achieve anything? The C.F. PREVUE The Colossian Fellowship P.O. Box 12933 Seattle, Wa 98111