WAR:Your complete guide to gaining credit by Mark J. Allen INTRODUCTION ------------ Credit is something everyone needs, but, sadly, it is a topic about which very few people know very much. Credit can be a useful tool in your life, but, if you don't know how to use it to your advantage, you are like a carpenter without tools who has in mind the most beautiful building in the world, but isn't able to build it because of not having the proper tools. This booklet was originally designed as a supplement to a tape I have produced on credit. However, this booklet can stand alone on its own merit and greatly benefit the reader.  In the pages that follow, the mysteries of credit are explored. It is a sad commentary on modern life that the majority of people are ignorant about how the credit system works, and so the system is able to do them great harm. Whatever your purpose -- whether you are simply seeking a way to get that first credit card, trying to re-establish your credit following a bankruptcy, or whether you simply want to discover the mysteries of credit, then this booklet is for you. By the time you are finished applying this information, you will have thousands of dollars at your fingertips to use as you see fit. But you must use borrowed money wisely, or it can lead to financial disaster. THE RIGHT USE OF CREDIT ----------------------- While credit can be a blessing, it can also be a curse if used wrongly. Depending upon your purpose, your use of credit will be different. For example, if you want to establish credit for future consumer purchases, you must bear in mind the price you are paying in interest. However, if you make sure to keep your monthly payments at an affordable level, you should do fine. I feel, though, that the best uses for credit are not for consumer purchases, but for business and investment uses, which is the major area of discussion in this booklet--establishing massive credit lines to make investment easier. Of course, the methods described here will word for personal purchase credit, but, if that is all you want to use your credid for, I suggest you do not attain as many credit lines as suggested here for the investor, because the temptation may be too great to spend more than you can handle and you could end up destroying the credit that took you so much time, effort, and care to build. BUILD YOUR FOUNDATION --------------------- First of all, you should have a steady source of income, which for most of us means having a good job. You CAN get credit cards even without a job, as I will discuss later, but you should have a good payiny job to get the most credit possible. If you have had your job for over two years, own your own home, etc., you can easily build your credit by first applying at several department stores for their credit cards. When you get your cards (try for at least three), then buy something at the stores that you would buy anyway, and then pay it off in full-- but pay an extra dollar. What happens when you do this is that, when someone calls to verify that credit reference, they will not only report that your account is in good standing, they will also report that you have a positive balance on your account,  which is a big plus in your favor. When they report a positive balance, it doesn't matter whether it is $1.00 positive or $1,000.00 positive because they can only state the fact of the positive balance and not the amount. Once you have had your department store credit cards for at least six months, and you have made several purchases and paid back with a positive balance (vary your repayment schedule a little bit; sometimes you should NOT pay the entire balance off but spread the payments out over a couple of months so that you get a payment record established), you will now be ready to apply for reserve checking at your local bank or savings and  loan. Rules for these accounts vary, so pick the THREE banks with the most lenient terms and screening procedures. You may not be able to tell how liberal they are on credit for sure, but, if the bank or S.& L. has been doing a lot of advertising for loans lately, that is one clue--remember, banks have specials just like stores do! Also, when I refer to banks from now on that includes S.& L.'s and credit unions. When you have your reserve checking accounts approved, write yourselg a check for $500.00 from account A to account B (these accounts must be at totally different banks, not just separate branches of the same bank). This will create a $500.00 overdraft at bank A and create a $500.00 balance at bank B.  Now, go to bank C (after waiting the proper time for check clearance) and write out a check for $1,000.00. This creates a $500.00 overdraft at bank B and a $1,000.00 balance at bank C. After the check has cleared at bank C, go back to bank A and deposit a check drawn on bank C for $1,500.00, paying off their $500.00 loan to you and leaving you with a positive balance of $1,000.00. Keep on following this procedure once or twice monthly, but vary  the rotation a bit by not always writing a check to one bank  drawn on the same different bank. This will establish a good loan repayment record for you at three separate banks, and won't cost you anything except service charges and a little interest. NEVER USE A DOLLAR ONCE ----------------------- The above example is based on using none of your own money in  your banking transactions. However, you should run your entire paycheck through one of your reserve accounts, or more, if time  permits, before it is needed to pay bills. This will increase your bank balances, the frequency of your pay backs, and will  make you look like a good, solid customer who can be trusted  with more of the bank's money. Let's take an example of how this might work. If each paycheck $500.00, and you get paid twice a month, you can increase your  transaction amount from $1500.00 to $2500.00 per month, thus giving you an average account balance higher by $1000.00. The  simple act of using your entire paycheck in your bank deposit go-round raises the impression the bank gets of you by almost double. Eventually, you will get MUCH more credit than you  otherwise would have. So remember, always deposit your FULL paycheck in your cash reserve account where you are making your other deposit for the week, and then pay your bills from there on time as they become due. Your bank will love you for it, plus, you are actually using each dollar more than once. LOANS YOU NEVER HAVE TO PAY BACK -------------------------------- What about those service charges you are stacking  up for your transactions? Well, the truth of the matter is, that, with reserve check-ing you MAY NEVER HAVE TO PAY OFF THE LOAN OR THE  SERVICE CHARGES -- EVER! Remember, the service charges are charged to your credit line, so it doesn't really come out of your pockek right now, and, since you are paying the bank the entire loan in FULL at least once a month, you don't have to  worry about minimum monthly payments. After you have had your account for six months to a year, you should receive an invitation from the bank to raise your credit limit, or, you can request a raise if they don't send you an  invitation. Remember, thε bank will do this because THEY ARE MAKING LOTS OF  MONEY OFF OF YOU, and because your account is unusually active. You are, by now, a preferred customer at THREE DIFFERENT BANKS! As your credit limits rise, continue to follow the formula  above. Eventually, you should be able to take out loans of  around $20,000.00 on your signature alone. If you want that day  to come sooner, just pay off all of your accounts (or the ones  that you can) and apply for cash reserve accounts at several more banks. Depending on the application, you don't have to  acknowledge unused portions of credid lines, and, even if you do, it is still in your favor because you have three excellent  bank credit references (not to mention your department stores),  so approval of your new lines should be almost automatic as long  as you are careful. WHAT TO USE THE MONEY FOR ------------------------- When you finally acquire all of this credit, you can use it for the downpayment of a good business investment or for investing in real estate. The rule you should use is that the money you invest should makeε you more money than you have to pay on the interest on the loan. Real estate is probably the simplest, best investment for the beginner, unless you know a particular  business especially well. HOW TO GET VISA OR MASTERCARD-GUARANTEED! ----------------------------------------- This is a credit card crazy society. It seems that, without a credit card, you are considered some kind of social outcast. Without a Visa or Mastercard, it is always a hassle to cash  checks. Also, you often have to carry large sums of case around  with you just to get by. The man with the plastic just whips out his card, hands it to  the store clerk, and pays for his purchase one to two months  later (thus enjoying the use of his money longer), or, if he  wants to pay interest, he can pay it off over several months. People on Social Security, or disability want to have the same  convenience as everyone else, So do young people new on their jobs, or those who have learned from the situation that caused them to go bankrupt, and are just begging for someone to give them the chance to prove themselves worthy of credit again. I was in the same predicament. I was on Social Security. Nobody would give me a credit card because I didn't have a job  and my income was too low. I had no credit, and so could only  buy things with cash. It was then that I read about banks that would issue credit  cards guaranteed by savings accounts. This was just the thing to let me prove myself, I thought. But, alas, every bank I called except one said that they had never heard of such a thing. The one that had done it said that they would only do it with a $1,000.00 deposit, and that, even then, my credit would still have to be good. It isn't hard to figure out that legally blind people on Social  Security don't usually have that kind of money just laying  around. And besides, if they were going to check my credit  anyway, I had none, so that would not help me, I thought. About a year after I had given up my search in despair, I came  across the Timesaves program, sponsored by Key Federal Savings and Loan in Maryland. I called the reference desk at the  library, got their phone number, and gave them a call. I eventually got my Visa--even while still on Social Security -- with the minimum credit limit of $300.00. I knew that this  would help establish credit for me once I found employment and got off of Social Security. In the meantime, I would have the convenience of a credit card. In the last year, Key Federal has changed their program somewhat. Their minimum deposit requirement is now $500.00 instead of $300.00, but theirs still seems to be one of the best deals around for those who want a credit card, but can't get one for whatever reason. It may sound unfair for a bank to make you deposit your own money to borrow against, but, for those who want to get a Visa or Mastercard without waiting a long time to  build up to one, this is the way to go. Following is a list of banks that can help you get your first card. LIST OF COLLATERALIZED VISA AND MASTERCARD BANKS! ------------------------------------------------- (Note: Banks are always changing their loan programs and lending policies. While the information below was believed accurate at  the time of publication, some banks may have discontinued their programs. If any of the banks below have discontinued their  program, please writeε to Protege and let us know so that we can delete that bank from the list. The address is: Mark J. Allen, 1653 Amberwood Dr., #23, S. Pasadena, CA. 91030. Thank you for  your help.) Home Trust Savings Bank. (800) 572-2300. Bank of Fresno, $1000 dep., 100% line of credit, 1180 E. Shaw  Ct., #125, Fresno, CA 91370. Provident Central Credit Union, $1000 dep., 100 - 150% line, 1825 Magnolia Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010. Home Trust Savings and Loan, $250 dep., 100%, 20 E. Main St.,  Vermillion, SD 57069. Key Federal Savings and Loan, $500 dep., 100%, P.O. Box 7868,  Newark, DE 19714. PROCEDURE: Contact the bank of your choice, and ask them for an  application for their SECURE VISA OR MASTERCARD. They will send you an application by return mail, along with directions of their application procedure. Yor are usually instructed to send  a check for the savings account with your application. Upon  approval (almost guaranteed at most of the above), you will be issued the credid card of your choice. In the preparation of this information page, I have selected those banks that give you 100% credit for your deposit. There are other banks that give you as low as 50%, but it is the opinion of the author that banks should give you 100%. If you have any problems with any of these banks, or know of  banks that have such programs not on the list, help us keep our  files updated by writing to us at the address indicated at the  top of this page. As your first step in the establishment of credit, having one of these major credit cards will put you six months to a year ahead of the game credit wise of where you would be using any other method. HOW TO USE YOUR CREDIT CARD TO BUILD CREDIT ------------------------------------------- The same basic principle applies to these collateralized credit cards as does with a regular one. What you are establishing is a good payment history. I would suggest that you try to pay the card off in full on at least the first two month's bills. You should, though alternate with making a good, steady, monthly payment record. You should run as close to your credid limit as possible each month (even in months you pay the balance off in full), even if you have to take a cash advance and the pay it right back. This shows that your existing credit limit could use some expansion. Once you have had your card for about six months, apply for three department store credid cards. When you get them, you should immediately start using them. *** NOTE *** ------------ Be selective with the department stores you decide to make an application with. Pre-screen them carefully. While most stores will have the decency and good sense to honor our credit, one in particular has proved itself to be a paid in the rear end. When I wad firsy buildinh my credit, they turned me down when I only had my card from Key Federal, despite their advertising to the contrary that said they would give you one of their cards just by showing your Visa or Mastercard. They had the audacity and arrogance to go against their own advertising, and this author has considered complaining to the regulatory authorities about this false advertising. There is, though, another store that advertises the same thing and lived up to its part of the bargain -- so, be careful. Going on, even after I had obtained two Mastercards and one Visa from other local banks (non-collateralized), I called them back and was still turned down. *** END OF NOTE *** After you have had your department store and collateralized credit cards for a while, you can apply for reserve checking and regular credit card -- but without the long, protracted building process that is normally required. PASSBOOK LOANS -------------- Let's say that you feel a little bit cautious about your credit. You have had no credit in the past, or you are just recovering from bankruptcy, and you don't think your collateralized credit cards will do you as much good as you would like. Or, perhaps you want to hurry things up and start with higher limits. Well, the thing to do here is to take out a passbook loan at each bank where you hope to apply for credit (unfortunately, this method is not as popular as it used to be; some banks don't do it anymore, while others no longer accept it as a way to build credit -- remember, if in doubt, ASK YOUR BANKER). For illustration purposes on how this could be used, let's say that you have $500.00 to work with. Take the first $500., and open a savings account at bank A. A few days later, come back and take out a passbook loan against the account (we are assuming that you can borrow 100% of your money for this illustration, actual banks vary as to the percentage loan they will allow). The good thing about these loans is that there usually is no set monthly payment, only a lump sum payment at the end of the loan term. This gives you full flexibility. Take the $500. you borrowed from bank A and go to bank B and repeat the process. Repeat with as many separate banks as you feel necessary. If you borrowed from three banks, the total loans outstanding would then be $1500.00. This has greatly magnified the power of your original money. After this, I would suggest that you make large payments either weekly or twice a month for at least $100.00 or more. When one loan is completely paid, that frees the account for payment of the others. Usually, though, the bank will let you withdraw the paid off portion, allowing you to pay back all loans at the same time. If you kept up with the $100. per week payments to each account, this would show that you can make payments of $300. per week! Thus, you can appear, at first glance, to be a very high income individual even if you are not. MISCELLANEOUS LOAN SOURCES -------------------------- Debt Consolidation Service: Credit Care, Inc., 800-621-2382. Small Business Administration 1405 L St., NW Washington, D.C. 20417 1-800-368-5855 Farm Credit Administration 490 L. Enfant Plaza, NW Washington, D.C. 20578 Data Business Center 1468 W. Ninth St. Cleveland, HO 44113 Columbia National Leasing P. O. Box 129 Pentfield, NY 14526 Supreme Financial Services P. O. Box 161 Dorchester Center, MA 02124 All State Marine and Investment Services,Inc. 132 Loise St. Houma, LA 70360 The loan company listed below makes loans of up to $10,000.00 by mail. Please only write them if you live in one of the following states: AK, AZ, CO, CT, DE, GA, HI, ID, IL, IO, KT, LA, MN, MS, MI, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, ND, PA, RI, TN, UT, VT, VA, WV, WY. FOR APPLICATION WRITE: Barclays American P. O. Box 5425 Alexandria, LA 71301 BUSINESS LOANS $25,000. AND UP. HOME LOANS, LEASING FOR MOST PRODUCTS, FARM LAND LOANS, 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES: Diversified Development N. 3310 Park Rd. Spokane, WA 99206 PERSONAL AND EDUCATION LOANS, VENTURE CAPITAL, BUSINESS LOANS: Arthur W. Colbert Associates P. O. Box 15547 Ft. Worth, TX 76119 SIGNATURE LOANS, AND MOST OTHER TYPES OF LOANS: Pace and Associates P. O. Box 781 New Ulm, MN 56073 SIGNATURE LOANS, HOME LOANS, BUSINESS LOANS, EQUIPMENT LEASING, ETC.: Grayco Financial Associates 405 Sunset Dr. Johnson City, TN 37601 PERSONAL LOANS, FIRST & SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS, REAL ESTATE LOANS: Casa Agency 914 Silver Spring Ave., #205 Silver Spring, MD 20910 BUSINESS LOANS, MORTGAGE LOANS, DOCTOR AND DENTIST FINANCING, LARGE APARTMENT BUILDING LOANS, SHOPPING CENTERS, ETC.: James D. Troyer Financial Brokerage Services RR #1, S.R. 15 Continental, OH 45831 EQUIPMENT LEASING, COMMERCIAL LOANS, RESIDENTIAL LOANS IN CALIFORNIA ONLY: Diversified Financial of California 661 E. Lambert Rd., #179 La Habra, CA 90631 BILL CONSOLIDATION SERVICE: Town and Country Acceptance Corp. P. O. Box 26397 Birmingham, AL 35226 PART II: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BANKS AND YOURSELF -------------------------------------------------------- Should you pick a large bank? Should you pick a small bank?  These are the questions that you will ask yourself after you have studied the above material. Of course, the answer to these questions depends on you and your needs. Small banks can give you personal service, They can be flexible with your requests. You will have access to top management. If these things are important to you, then perhaps a small bank is right for you. On the other hand, a large bank can provide a wider range of services. It will have available to you more of the kinds of financing you will need as your investment career grows. If you are persistent, you will eventually find someone in the larger bank with whom you can deal. But the road TO that person may be a long, frustrating one. But, above all of this, you need to establish a PERSONAL relationship with your bankers. At each bank that you use, you should have a contact person to whom you can go with your problems, and know that they will be given prompt attention. In fact, your personal bankers should be your financial consultant from the beginning. They should not, of course, tell you how to run your business, but you should discuss your financial life with them and take their suggestions when they are well placed. I spent a lot of time in the previous part discussing strategies for building your credit from zero on up to whatever you wanted. But, in all of this, how will your banker evaluate you? Traditionally, bankers will view one year of continuous employment at the same job as satisfactory. Some few banks will accept you at six months. But, it is necessary to know that you should have already done some of the groundwork described above if you have no previous credid history before you apply for your first loan or bank credid card or reserve checking account. Number one on the banker's agenda will be the question of WHETHER YOU CAN PAY YOUR LOAN BACK. After he has established this fact from the financial data you have supplied, he will then make a determination as to whether you WANT TO PAY THE LOAN BACK. This is a much harder think for him to decide, as it  deals with your character. This is where he relies on credit history. So, if you don't have a credit history, GET ONE as described in part one. Other factors will be your debt to income ratio, or, the amount of money you owe compared with how much you earn. If your  expenses are already strapping you to the wall financially, the bank most likely will not loan you any more money. Next, your stability will be analyzed. How long have you lived in the same place? How long have you been on the same job? Do  you own your house? Are you married or single? All of these factors will either help you or hurt you. But, none of these will secure you a loan without the steady income or the credit history to back it up in most cases. That is why it is so tough for those just starting out, and that is why there are such collateralized credit card programs as described earlier. It is also fortunate that some department stores and oil companies are not as particular as some banks about previous credit history. Your financial statement is very important in applying for loans. Generally, the more money you want, the more information they will request. You should get one from your local bank, credit union, or your accountant. If you don't understand how a certain item is used, it would be a good idea to sit down and have someone explain it to you. And, even IF YOU DO have an accountant, it would STILL be a good idea for you to understand this very important form yourself. It would also be a good idea to obtain the current standard Fannie Mae real estate application from your bank, so that, when you need to actually fill it out, you will understand and be able to prepare for the lengthy form you must fill out. ********* One can often tell from looking at the application how lenient the bank's policies are. Usually, the shorter the form the better off you are if you have a good credit report, becausε that is almost the sole thing their decision is based on. A long form usually means the bank is more picky, and they are just  looking for any excuse to turn you down. What should you do when you are turned down? It depends on the turndown, but, usually, you should never let it rest there. At least call the bank or department store to find out how you can qualify in the future. Sometimes, though, even if you can be accepted easily by other institutions, it might be to your advantage to put up collateral with a stricter institution if they promise to release the account later. Lenders get reputations just like people, so, if you have credit with an institution that has a reputation for being stricter, it will look better on your report than having all of your credit from those banks that are known as a "soft touch" (though this may be the only kind of bank that will give you credit for the first year or so). Many institutions in Southern California are a pain when it comes to credit -- especially most of the major ones. Many banks in the East seem to be easier to establish credit with.  Even in this tough environment, though, there are still a few banks that are lenient. It is just a simple matter of screening many banks during the application phase of your plan. Even with a more conservative bank, though, some well placed negotiation can win you the prize of credit that you desire. Once you have your foot in the door at enough banks, it will be a while again before you have to approach a new bank. That is  why the initial phase of establishing relationships is so important, and you should intelligently decide with whom you are going to deal. If you feel that a bank's turn down is totally unreasonable, don't hesitate to write to the president of the bank to get it settled. I had one such incident, and the letter was referred down to a vice president who very nicely told me how and when I could qualify. I took him up on his offer of credid at the time he had instructed me to (all they had wanted to see was six months of steady employment). I sent a letter, when the proper time had passed, directly back to him asking for re- consideration as per his previous letter. True to his word, within two weeks I received word of the acceptance, and the award of the second biggest credit line I had received up until that time. Persistence and courage pay. If I had simply taken the initial turn down at face value without question, I would still be without this valuable credit  line today. If you, then, feel a decision is unjust, or you simply want a better explanation than is provided by a form letter with little check marks, simply write to the man at the top. It usually brings satisfaction. In this booklet, I have discussed how you can obtain a superior credit rating in a relatively short time starting from zero or less. I have also expressed the opinion that the best use for credit is to invest in your financial future. You now have the tools to make a success out of your life. What you do with those tools is up to you. Good luck in your future plans! APPENDIX: A RESOURCE TREASURY ----------------------------- There will be those times, as you go through your program, that you should not simply accept a credit decision sent out via a form letter. While sometimes this letter gives a justifiable, valid, explanation, many times the decision is not justified becauss the people in the credit card department are junior loal officers with very little authority to make decisions, and an extremely rigid set of criteria to follow. If you do not exactly meet their criteria, you will be turned down. This is exactly what happened to me. I had good credit, yet, despite my credit worthiness (I already had about seven credit cards) and my pre-screening before making the application, I was still turned down due to insufficient income. This happened despite the fact that I had been told previously by a bank employee that my income level was no problem. Understandably, I was upset, so, instead of just accepting my fate, I called my local public library and got the name and address of the bank president and sent him a letter. My letter did not get answered by him directly, because he referred it down the line to someone who DID have the authority to help me. Due to my good credit and persistence, I got the bank to make an exception to their income requirement. But this only happened for three reasons: 1) I wrote a letter of complaint: 2) A bank employee had given me incorrect information; and 3) I had already established an excellent credit rating. So, if all three of these conditions are present, you might want to send a letter like this to the bank (these are the actual words I used): Dear_____________: I am a new customer of your savings and loan with established credit that is very good at other banks. I was recently looking for a bank that could better service my needs, and I came across yours and it seemed as though you could best meet my needs. I called your _________ branch, inquiring about your credit requirements, as I was interested in a reserve checking account. I asked if there was any minimum income or length of employment requirement, and was told there was not. Since the terms of your reserve checking meet my needs better than my present bank, I decided to submit a credit application and open a checking account, hoping to change over fully to your bank upon approval. While I was opening the account, I inquired again about your requirements, and was assured that things were fine. In fact, I was encouraged to apply for more than I had originally intended on. Thus, I was very surprised to receive in today's mail a denial of my application based on insufficient income. I would not have opened the account, nor would I have even wasted both mine and the bank's time filling out an application if I had not been assured that my income level was fine. I took half a day off from work to do this. I have a secure job with the Federal Govern- ment, and my income will only go up in the near future. I will probably get a raise as soon as October or November. Based on these facts, plus my excellent credit rating, I would like to ask for a reconsideration of my application -- but only for reserve checking. I feel that this would be the only fair thing for you to do, considering the fact that I would never have applied in the first place, taking time off from work and having a useless inquiry appear on my credit report. My checking account number is _________. Thank-you for your time and attention. Sincerely, Mark J. Allen There will also come a time when you will want a release of the collateralized savings account you might have started your program with, or at least a raise in the credit limit (I still have my original card because they raised my limit in response to my letter below. If they don't either release it, or give me a higher limit in another year, I will probably drop it because I will then have had my other cards long enough. Send a letter like the one below to you bank after you have had your card for at least a year, and now have other credit established: Dear ________: I have been a Visa customer of yours for a little over a year and a half. Your program has helped me achieve the credit results I desired, as I now have several other credit cards and a good credit rating. Doing business with you has allowed me to meet my objectives. However, now, since my credit rating has become so good, I would like to ask you to consider doing one of the following, or both. I would like you to consider dropping the savings account requirement, and refunding the money in my collateral account, and or raising my credit limit without any further deposit require- ment. Thank-you for your time and consideration in this matter, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. My Visa account number is: ___________. Sincerely, Mark J. Allen I trust that the information provided in this booklet will help you towards your credit goals. By keeping in mind the reason you are doing all of this -- namely, to gain financial independence through purchasing real estate or a business with this borrowed money as a downpayment, you can free yourself of the position you are currently in of not having the money re- quired to break free of the rat race. My best wishes for your success go with you. ************* IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE: I have compiled information on a wide range of topics, and explored the answers to trade secrets of many professions. If you have a specific question on some topic, please feel free to write me at the address listed on the title page of this booklet. I will be glad to tell you if I can be of help. In addition, I plan to upload to this database soon a completely new article on the field of direct response marketing. In approximately one year of study, I uncovered some amazing facts about how you can advertise products even on television at virtually no cost to you. Finally, there is an audio tape available for purchase on the subject of credit; and an entire tape course, The Passport to Success, which gives information on leveraged buyouts of businesses, government forced sales, marketing and promotion, creative financing of real estate, and success motivation. This four cassette treasure trove can be yours at a discount price simply by mentioning that you saw it in this article (please give me the name of the database where you saw this article posted). For further information on prices, please contact me via EasyPlex. My User I.D.# is at the beginning of this booklet. WHY I POSTED THIS ARTICLE (AND OTHERS, UPCOMING, AS SOON AS I HAVE TIME TO EDIT THEM) FOR FREE AND AM ASKING SO LITTLE FOR THE ABOVE MATERIAL: The reason I am doing this is that I feel it is about time that people receive good information at a reasonable cost. Also, I have felt now for several years that the sharing of these secrets with the public is the best way to get rid of the television rip off con artists who give unsound or illegal advice while charging you upwards of $300.00 for the privilege.  Computer bulletin boards can provide the richest resource for useful information at the lowest cost possible, and that is the way things should be. Copyright c 1986, by Mark J. Allen, all rights reserved. This publication may be downloaded for personal use only, and may not be reproduced or sold in any way without the expressed written permission of the author. Further information may be obtained by writing: Mark J. Allen, 1653 Amberwood Dr., #23, S. Pasadena, CA 91030, or by leaving Compuserve E-mail to #76327,23.