WAR:ACLU - One of the Most Harmful Organizations in America by Tim LaHaye (author, minister, lecturer) Ever since it was reported that Governor Michael Dukakis admitted that he "was a card-carrying member of the ACLU," (1) I have been besiged by the question, "What is the ACLU and what does it stand for?" For over 35 years I have carefully observed the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and have watched it attack almost every traditional value in this country. Years ago I came to believe it was one of the most harmful organizations in the history of America. I am even more convinced of that today. The ACLU has caused the removal of almost every traditional Judeo-Christian value from our nation's schools and from public life and has contributed to the abortion holocaust, pornography plague, and increase in child molestation. Some of their legal cases have handcuffed our police unitl crime is so rampant that our public streets are no longer safe after dark. They have attacked pornography laws unitl the U.S. has become the porn capital of the world. Among the 250,000 members of the ACLU, there are nearly 5,000 activist lawyers. It is comprised of 300 local chapters, one in every state of the Union. (Many liberal law firms supply volunteer defense attorneys, who handle approximately 6,000 ACLU cased each year.) No organization has done more to turn the original meaning of the First Amendment upside down! The Union is well organized and well finance. It has received considerable funding from the Playboy Foundation, along with the Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford Foundations. The Playboy Foundation has generously supported the ACLU and provides leadership. Both Burton Joseph, President of the Playboy Foundation, and Christy Hefner, daughter of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner, have served on the Illinois Civil Liberties Union board of directors.(2) This, of course, is consistent with its long history of fighting laws that oppose pornography. It is safe to say that, had there been no ACLU these pase 68 years, America today would be a better and safer place to live. From their own official statements and actions that following facts and policies will tell you what you and your friends need to know about this influential organization. THE BACKGROUND OF THE A C L U The ACLU was founded in 1920 by Roger Baldwin, "a Communist sympathizer, a self-avowed soldier in the march of socialism."(3) Although Baldwin himself was never identified as a card-carrying Communist, members of his first board of directors were: Max Eastman was editor of a Communist newspaper, The Masses: William Z. Foster later became president of the U.S. Communist Party; and Helen Gurley Flynn was long associated with the Daily Worker. Baldwin himself, in his 30th Renion Harvard Classbook, wrote: "I am for socialism, disarmament, and ultimately for abolishing the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communisum is the goal."(4) The California Senate Fact Finding Committee on un-American Activities stated that "the ACLU may be definitely classified as a Communist front or transmission belt organization."(5) A Special House Investigative Committee has said, "....fully 90% of its effors are on behald of Communists who have come into conflict with the law."(6) During the 40's the ACLU tried to rid itself of the Pro-Communist label and, amoung other things, ousted Communist board member Helen Gurley Flynn. (However, in 1976 she was "rehabilitated.") It has opposed almost every effort of our government to halt the spread of Communisum into other countries - - even in our own hemisphere. It has all but eliminated "covert action" as an effective tool against organized crime, making it difficult for agencies of our government to defend against the spread of Communism inside our own country. In some cases they have bound the CIA, FBI, and other agencies with so many legal restrictions they have become almost ineffective in protecting the security of this nation. One of their own members said: The ACLU opposes, and has fought in either Congress or the courts, virtually all "covert action," most "clandestine intelligence" gathering (i.e. spying), and in one case aid to an important U.S. ally with a poor human rights record. The net effect of these efforts has been to hinder U.S. opposition of Communist expansion. The ACLU may, at some point, have undertaken some major initiative that advanced U.S. interest and hindered Communist expansion, but our reserch never turned one up and no ACLU leader ever mentioned one to us.(7) Further indication of the ACLU's attitude toward protecting the security and future of America is seen in the following quotes: "Federal campaigan laws that requie political parties to disclose the namess of their contributors violate constitutional guarantees of privacy and freedom of association, the American Civil Liberties Union charged today." Specifically, the ACLU was siding with the Socialist Workers Party, a Communist organization dedicated to Leon Trotsky. (New York Times, 9/12/74) The ACLU opposes as contrary to domocratic liberties any ban or regulation which would prohibit the employment as a teacher of any person solely because of his views or associations, such as Communists or Fascists. (Academic Freedon and Academic Responsibility, published by the ACLU, revised 1956)(8) HOSTILE OF CHRISTIANITY For years the ACLU has used its legal skills to attack religion in general and Christianity in particular. Bill Murray, Madalyn Murray's son who has become a Christian, is quoted as saying it was ACLU lawyers who advised his mother in 1961 to file the suit that ultimatedly started the snowball of secularization of our public schools - - totally opposing 150 years of previous policy. This culminated in the infamous Supreme Court decision of June 17, 1963, that has expelled the recognition of God in school prayer, Bible reading, and ultimately any moral values from the curriculum - - because they are based on religion. At a time when children need to hear "just say no!" from their public school teachers the ACLU has so intimidated many of these teachers, they remain silent - - and one million teenage unwed girls get pregnant each year. Even the teaching of history had to be falsified in our public schools to accommodate, in part, ACLU intimidation. Dr. Paul Vitz' exhaustive studies found that nearly 60% of our nations' schools textbooks omitted even mentioning the religious roots of America in the study of American history. Even the Great Awakening of 1738, without which many historians believe there would have been no Declaration of Independence or Revolutionary War, has been omitted. That is either academic deception or ACLU intimidation. INFLUENCED BY INTIMIDATION All across the country, achool principals are intimidated by ACLU lawyers, or the threat of their appearance, into excluding any mention of Christmas or the religious nature of the holiday during the Christmas celebrations. A measure of their hostitity is seen in a newspaper report: The display in public schools of Christmas cribs, nativity scenes or other religious holiday symbols violates the constitutional separation of church and state, the American Civil Liberties Union says. (Chicago Sun-Times, 12/8/71)(9) The Illinois division of the ACLU admitted: We believe that the attention given to Christmas in the public schools has often gone beyond what is legal and proper under our Constitution and system of government ... The celebration of Christmas as a religious holiday obviously has no place in the Illinois public school. (Policy Statement on Christmas in the Public Schools, issued by Illinois Division, ACLU.)(10) CHRISTMAS LOSING TO A C L U Richard and Susan Vigilante, both members of the ACLU, who think it has gone way too far wrote: If the ACLU is not hostile to religion, the objective effect of its efforts has been to reduce the place of religious speech in a way the ACLU would never allow other forms of speech to be restricted. And on occasion the ACLU's scrupulous pursuit of the separation of church and state has led it to the point of the absurd. A perfect example is the ACLU's view of Christmas celebrations. Most cities and towns in the United States give Christmas some kind of public nod - - wreaths on office buildings, dir trees strewn with colored lights, city sidewalks dressed in holiday style, silver bells, and so on. But the in holiday style, silver bells, and so on. But the ACLU is constantly vigilant lest these holiday celebrations violate the establishment clause. In 1981 the Rhode Island affiliate of the ACLU sued the City of Pawtucket to stop the display of the creche of the Chiristmas nativity scene. The ACLU lost the cause this spring, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that portraying a historical event does not constitute an establishment of religion. In 1979 the ACLU sued the public schools of Sioux Falls, Iowa, to stop the singing of "Silent Night" at the annual Christmas assemblies. The ACLU is relentless even outside the Christmas season. In Minnesota the organization sued a high school to force it to cancel plans to have a prayer recited at its graduation ceremonies. (The school backed down, as do many potential defendants faced with ACLU lawyers.) In April 1982 the superintendent of a school district in Spanaway, Washington, was lectured, if not threatened, by the local ACLU chapter for permitting a high school to put on Jesus Christ, Superstar as its spring play. The ACLU president informed him that Bethel High School was "engaging in religious instruction," and that "further violations of this kind may result in more direct and more drastic action by the ACLU.(11) THEY DO NOT HATE ONLY PROTESTANTS Patrick Buchanan, a highly respected conservative columnist wrote, "In recent decades the Supreme Court, responding to ACLU lawsuits, has turned our First Amendent upside down."(12) While the ACLU protests that it only seeks to keep church and state separate, its track record is that of an organization steeped in anti-religious bigotry and motivated by an implacable hostility to Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular. As William Donohue of the Heritage Foundation writes in the January issue of Crisis, the "Anti-Catholic Liberties Union" has lately sought to: A. Deny tax-exempt status to all chruches and synagogues; B. Terminate all military and prison chaplains; C. Deny parochial school children access to publicly funded counselors; D. Eliminate Nativity scenes from public property; E. Repeal all blue law statutes; F. Halt government funding of religious fostercare programs; G. Prohibit Bible reading in public schools even after school hours; H. Prevent the singing of "Silent Night", and posting of the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms; I. End the practice of allowing public school children to leave class to attend religious services; J. Halt public funding of buses for Catholic school children; K. Terminate all voucher programs and tuition tax credits; L. Prohibit census questions about religious affiliation; M. Purge the Words "In God We Trust" from our coins and "under God" from our Plege of Allegiance. That is not a record of tolerance. While the ACLU contends its lawsuits are simply upholding the First Amendment prohibition regarding an "establishment of religion," their effect has been to confine and constrict the "free exercise" of religion, as guaranteed by that amendment. Clearly, the ACLU's purpose is nothing less that the de- Christianization of the United States.(13) Unless an army of Christian activist attorneys is mobilized to oppose these ACLU secularizers every time they try to use our courts to remove all vestiges of God, moral values and religions freedom, this nation's public policy will be as secular as the Soviet Union by the year 2000. THREE MAJOR CHRITICISMS OF THE A C L U 1. That many members of the organization are anti- religious, with some carrying their hostility toward conservative religious denominations to the point of bigotry; and that the organization itself has sought to intimidate or penalize the exercise of religious belief; 2. That in the sphere of social conduct the ACLU has gone beyond advocating tolerance and now works to actively undermine traditional moral standards; 3. That in its foreign-policy cases the ACLU has consistently worked to hamper U.S, efforts on contain Communism.(14) THE A C L U ASSAULT ON MORALITY The ACLU's lawsuits which hve weakened our laws against immoral acts are legendary. consider some of the folowing... ABORTION: For more than a decade, the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation has been the leading legal advocate of the right to obtain safe and legal abortions and the only organization litigating nationwide to fight restrictive abortion statutes and defending against other threts to reproductive rights. (Abortion: A fundamental Right Under Attack, publiches by the ACLU Foundation, 1981) The American Civil Liberties Union began distributing an abortion law guidebook to nearly 17,000 obstetricians and gynecologists Friday. (Chicago Sun-Times, 4/16/75) Something new has hit the auction block in America. On a recent Sunday afternoon in New Orleans, it went to the highest bidder. For $30 and the slam of the auctioneer's gavel, they sold an abortion. The abortion was sold by the American Civil Liberties Union at their "Adventure Auction," an annual event to raise money for the ACLU's Louisiana chapter. (Chicago Tribune, 6/22//77)(15) SODOMY: Twenty-four states still have sodomy laws, which criminalize certain sexual acts, even by consenting adults in private. Except in two states, these laws also apply to heterosexuals, but enforcement is virtually limited to gay males. The ACLU, which helped get the laws thrown out elsewhere, is continuing to challange the sodomy statutes in the remaining states. (Civil Liberties in Regan's America, published by ACLU, 1982)(16) PROSTITUTION: A Nevada house of prostitution will be investigated for allegedly refusing to accept black customers, the executive director of the Nevada Equal Rights commission siad Tuesday. The action was initiated because a black resident of Tucson, Arizona, filed a complaint with the ACLU. (Miami Herald, 2/16/72)(17) The greatest plague in the United States today is not AIDS, it is pornography. It has destroyed more lives, marriages, and families, brought more grief to children and caused a catastrophic increase in child molestation more than any other single entity. Government reports indicate that one out of every four girls has be molested by the time she reaches 18 years of age. In most cases, print or video porn are the culprits and the current permissive laws on pornography can be laid at the door of the ACLU. Ann Hibbard wrote in the March isue of Focus on the Family Citizen: It is not normally reported that the ACLU stands alone in its defense of child pornography. The ACLU's 1987 Policy guide states that "...all limitations of obscenity, pornography, or indecency are unconstitutional." It concedes that "much expression may indeed have a harmful impact on sone." Nonetheless, it concludes that "this is no reason to sacrifice the First Amendment." This is the official policy of the national chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, a position which ACLU lawyers argued at length before the Attorney General's Commission of Pornography. The standard ACLU defense for child poronography is that although the acts which are portrayed may be illegal or harmful, the taking of pictures is protected under the Constitution. And once these pictures are taken, freedon of speech demands that they be distributed without restriction. The authorities should go after (and already have the legal means to go after) those who commit the crimes against the children, not those who film, distribute or sell the pornography, they say. (18) A C L U POLICY GUIDE: 1987 Dir. William A. Donohue, author of the Thoe Politics of the ACLU, is a scholar at the Heritage foundation. He has studied the official ACLU Policy Guide and their own writings show them militantly opposed to the following laws, limiting pornography, film classifications for movies (G, PG, X, etc.), curtailing the use of drugs including "crack", curfews for juvenilies, or restrictions of prostitutes. On the other hand, they oppose laws that permit school officials to search high school students' lockers for drugs, or police to give sobriety teste to drunken drivers, or allowing tax deductions for churches and synagogues, or tuition tax credits or vouchers so parents ch choose the school for thier children, and they want the words "under God" taken out of our national plegue of allegiance. These are only some of the society-changing values the ACLU wants to initiate in their attempt to change America into a secularistic state. And now they have become so strong and influential (together with a media that shares many of their goals and values, which is why they get so much good press), they know that opposition is so weak and disorganized that they have published all 270 of their proposed issues for the future in their official policy guide. You would probably oppose every one of them! IT IS TIME TO PRAY! It is clear that in the next decade, the ACLU and other secularizers of our society will launch the greatest attack on religious freedom, Christianity, traditional moral values, and parental rights in American history. If we sit idly back, they will use our courts against us, as well as our families and our churches, and strip from us the freedoms our founding fathers tried to guarantee us in the U.S. Constitution. We need to pray that God will raise up an army of 25,000 or more Christian activist lawyers who will aggresively use their professional skills in our courts and legal system to defend all individuals and cause against these unwarranted attacks by the ACLU and other secularizers, who seem bent on destroying the religiously based values of our nation. For 68 years ony one side has been fighting - - the ACLU. During the past decade a handful of christian attorneys have begun to oppose them and have enjoyed some significant victories. We now need that handful to increase a thousandfold in defense of historic Judeo-Christian values. WHAT YOU CAN DO 1) Pray for a revial in America. Pray for those in authority and that the right people will elected to public office, particularly to the Presidency, from which Supreme Court Judges and approximately 200 other Federal Court Judges are appointed. 2) Give this ACLU expose' to all the christian attorneys you know and urge them, if they are interested in learning more about aggressive Christian anry of lawyers to defend religious freedom under the Constitution, to write to... Dr. Tim LaHaye 122 C Street, N.W. Suite 850 Washington, D.C 1. Donohue, William A. "Where does the ACLU Stand on the Issues?" Human Events Magazine, Vol. XLVIII, No. 29, July 16,1988, p.1 2. Hibbard, Ann "The Unbelievable Beliefs of the ACLU," Focus on the Family Citizen Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 1988, p.3. 3. Vigilate, Richard & Susan. "Taking Liberties: The ACLU Strays from its Mission," Policy Review, No. 30, Fall 1984, p.34 4. Vigilante, p. 34 5. Vigilante, p. 34 6. Vigilante, p. 34 7. Vigilante, p. 35 8. Rowe, Ed. "The ACLU and America's Freedoms," Southern Baptist Advocate, March 1985, p. 14 9. Doner, Colonel V. "The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) or the Anti-Christ Lawsuit Union (ACLU)," (A special report from the American Christian Voice Foundation), 1987 10. Doner. 11. Vigilante, p. 28-29 12. "Only Secular Birds and Bees Need Apply," Buchanan, Patrick. AFA Journal, May 1988, p. 11 13. Buchanan, Patrick. May 1988, p. 11 14. Vigilante;, p. 28 15. Rowe, pp. 13-14 16. Rowe, p. 14 17. Rowe, p. 14 18. Hibbard, p. 1 PERMISSION GRANTED TO REPRODUCE AND DISTRIBUTE FREELY.