A History of The Papacy Written By a Former Catholic This paper will list some of the notable characters, decrees, and actions in the history of the Roman Catholic church. It will show things, that the doctrines of the Catholic church are and always have been pliable, subject to the whims of the dictator currently in power, in contrast with the definite Doctrines of God as revealed in the Bible. It will also show that the basic `dogmas` of Catholicism were NOT started at the beginning of the church. Although the roots of the Roman church were originally Christian, begun by Constantine, they were perverted by evil men throughout the history of the Roman church. Time has not changed things for the better, despite `Vatican II`. Information for this paper comes from "Halley`s Bible Handbook," (c) 1965. The word `pope` means `papa` or `father`. At first it applied to all Western bishops. About 500 AD it began to be used when speaking strictly of the bishop of Rome. The Catholic list of popes includes the bishops of Rome from the first century onward, but for about 500 years the bishops of Rome WERE NOT `popes`. The idea that the bishop of Rome should have power over the whole Catholic church was a slow process, bitterly fought against at every step. It was a POWER struggle - other bishops did not want to give up their power to one man. A List of Roman Emperors Domitian (95 AD) started a short but violent persecution of Christians. Many thousands were killed in Italy. THE APOSTLE JOHN WAS BANISHED TO THE ISLE OF PATMOS. If Rome was truly a Christian state at this time, why was John, an Apostle, sent into exile? Why didn`t the first `pope`, Peter, (according to Catholic doctrine) prevent it? Because there WAS no pope. Trajan (AD 96-117) persecuted Christians. He regarded Christianity as an illegal religion, because Christians would not participate in `Emperor worship.` Among those killed in Trajan`s reign were the bishop of Jerusalem, and Simeon, the half-brother of Jesus. Hadrian (AD 117-138) moderately persecuted Christians. Antonious Pius (AD 138-161) persecuted Christians. Marcus Aurelius (AD 161-180) vigorously persecuted Christians. Thousands were beheaded or thrown to wild beasts. The tortures of the victims were almost beyond belief. Septiminius Severus (AD 193-211) very severely persecuted Christians. Many martyrs were daily burned, crucified, or beheaded. Maximim (AD 235-238) vigorously persecuted Christians. Decius (AD 249-251) tried to eradicate Christianity. His persecution extended from Rome to North Africa to Asia Minor to Egypt. Valerian (AD 253-260) tried to eradicate Christianity. Thousands died during his rule. Diocletian (AD 284-305) directed the last Imperial persecution. For ten years Christians were hunted in caves and forests; they were burned, thrown to wild animals, and put death by every torture that could be devised. Christians graves in the Roman catacombs are estimated to number between 2,000,000 and 7,000,000. There really WAS NO `Roman Catholic church` in existence until at least 305 AD. Theodosis (AD 178-398) made Christianity the official Religion of the Roman Empire. Thus, every member of the Roman Empire was officially a `Christian`, no matter what their beliefs. This situation, ironically, exists today. Catholics think they are `Christians`, simply because they belong to the Catholic church. The pope has declared that Catholics are `Christians`, although most Catholics couldn`t tell you when or how they became a `Christian`. The Emperor Theodosius also undertook the forcible suppression of all other religions, and the destruction of idol worship. Under his decree, heathen temples were torn down by `Christians`, and there was much bloodshed. Already, the foundation was being laid for a counterfeit religion. True Christianity was forgotten in the lust for power. Slowly, the `Imperial Church` of the 4th and 5th centuries became an entirely different institution. The insane greed for POWER slowly but surely replaced the Gospel. THIS was the TRUE beginning of the Roman Catholic church. Worship, at first very simple, became elaborate, stately, and imposing ceremonies having all the outward splendor that had belonged to the heathen temples. That is still the case today. Impressive, dramatic ceremonies that mean nothing. Ministers became `priests`. The application of the word `priest` was NOT applied to Christian ministers before 200 AD. It was taken from the Jewish system, and from the example of the heathen priesthood. This is just one example of how dogmas of the Roman church were NOT present from the `beginning`. There are many more. ---Bishops of Rome--- Bishops of Rome WERE NOT `popes` from the beginning of the church. Examples: Anicetus (AD 154-168) tried to force Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, to change the date of Easter observance. Polycarp refused. Victor I (AD 190-202) threatened to excommunicate the Eastern churches for celebrating Easter on the 14th of Nisan. Polycrates, `bishop` of Ephesus, replied that he was unafraid of Victor`s threats, and boasted of his independent authority. Thus Victor was NOT a true `pope`. He had no more power than other `bishops`. Zephyrinus (AD 202-218) was the first Roman bishop to claim the power of the papacy over the whole church. Tertullian called him a usurper. The claim has NO Biblical foundation, although Catholics claim Matthew 16:18 provides proof. That is a typical example of the Catholic church misinterpreting Scripture to suit its purposes. Stephen (AD 253-257) objected to the baptismal practices in the North African church. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, answered that each bishop was supreme in his own diocese, and refused the to obey the order. Still, the desire for papal power was clear, even though there was STILL NO `POPE` at that time. Siricius (AD 385-398), in his lust for worldly power, claimed universal jurisdiction over the church. Unfortunately for him, the empire divided in 395 into two separate empires, east and west. This made it even more difficult for the Roman bishop to force the eastern empire to recognize his `authority`. Innocent I (AD 402-417) claimed himself to be "Ruler of The Church of God." He claimed the authority to settle important matters of controversy in the whole church. Leo I (AD 440-461) proclaimed that he was, BY DIVINE APPOINTMENT, "Primate of All Bishops." He also considered himself "Lord of The Whole Church." He advocated exclusive universal papal authority. He decreed that resistance to his authority was a sure path to Hell. HE URGED THE DEATH PENALTY FOR HERESY. Unfortunately for Leo, the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon (451) gave the patriarch of Constantinople equal prerogatives with the `bishop` of Rome. Thus we see that the power of the papacy was still not established, even 420 years after the death and resurrection of The Lord Jesus Christ. Leo I also prohibited `priests` from marrying, and this celibacy became a `law` of the Catholic church, despite its total lack of Biblical foundation. Didn`t Leo know that the so-called `first pope`, Peter, was married? Clearly, he ignored that knowledge. The rules of MEN had emerged in direct conflict of the Scriptures. More were to follow. Gregory I (AD 590-604) has been often regarded as the first `real` pope, although he claimed no authority over the eastern church. In his personal life, he truly exemplified the virtues advocated by Christ. It is a pity that the popes to follow didn`t emulate his lifestyle. Leo II (AD 682-683) pronounced `pope` Honorius (AD 625-638) a heretic. Thus, an `infallible` pope pronounces a former `infallible` pope a heretic. Bizarre. Unbelievable anywhere, except in the Catholic church. Stephen II (AD 752-757) requested and received an army from Pepin (father of Charlemagne) to conquer the Lombards. When successful, the Lombards` land, a large portion of Italy, was `given` to the pope. Later, this land was the beginning of the `Papal States.` Thus the pope began to influence the actions of kings in the quest for land, people, and power. Nicolas (AD 858-867) was the first pope to wear a crown. To promote his claim of papal authority, Nicolas produced forged documents of ancient writings. The trick was not discovered until several centuries later. The papacy, the growth of several hundred years, appeared as if it had existed from the very beginning. The goal was to `antedate` the pope`s temporal power by five hundred years, and it worked. This satanic lie served to become the basis of the `canon law` of the Catholic church, even to this day. Nicolas also `excommunicated` Photius, patriarch of Constantinople. In turn, Photius `excommunicated` him! Adrian II (AD 867-872), John VIII (AD 872-882), Marinus (AD 882- 884). The rule of these three popes was decadent and filthy. Bribery, immorality, and bloodshed were the trademarks of these `Christian` popes. Sergius (AD 904-911) had a lover, Marozia. She, her mother Theodora, and her sister "filled the papal chair with their paramours and bastard sons, and turned the papal palace into a den of thieves." This period is called "The Rule of The Harlots." See Revelation 17:5. John X (AD 914-918) "was brought to Rome and made pope by Theodora...for more convenient gratification of her passion." He was smothered to death by Marozia, who then, in succession, raised to the papacy Leo VI (AD 928-929), Leo VII (AD 929-931) and John XI (AD 931- 936), the last being her own illegitimate son. Another of Marozia`s sons appointed the following four popes: Leo VII (AD 936-939), Stephen VIII (AD 939-942), Martin III (AD 942-946), and Agapetus (AD 946-953). John XII (AD 946-963), a grandson of Marozia, was "..guilty of almost every crime; violated virgins and widows, high and low; lived with his father`s mistress; made the papal palace into a brothel; killed while in the act of adultery by a woman`s enraged husband." Boniface VII (AD 984-985) murdered the preceding pope, John XIV (AD 983-984), and "maintained himself on the blood-stained papal throne by a lavish distribution of stolen money." The bishop of Orleans, referring to some of these popes, called them "monsters of guilt, reeking in blood and filth; Antichrist in the temple of God." Benedict VIII (AD 1012-1024) bought the office of pope with open bribery (called SIMONY). John XIX (AD 1024-1033) bought the office of pope. He passed the necessary clerical degrees in one day. Benedict IX (AD 1033-1045) became pope while a 12-year-old boy, through a money bargain with the powerful families that ruled Rome. This `Vicar of Christ` "surpassed John XII in wickedness; committed murder in broad daylight; robbed pilgrims on the graves of martyrs; a hideous criminal, the people of Rome finally drove him out of Rome." Gregory VI (AD 1045-1046) bought the papacy. "Rome swarmed with hired assassins; the virtue of pilgrims was violated." Clement II (AD 1046-1047) was appointed pope by Emperor Henry III of Germany "because no Roman clergyman could be found who was free of the pollution of simony and fornication." Gregory VII (AD 1073-1085) called himself "Overlord of Kings and Princes." This created a bitter war for power between the pope and the Emperor of Germany. Innocent II (AD 1130-1143) maintained the office by warring against Anacletus, who was chosen to be pope by powerful families in Italy. Adrian IV (AD 1154-1159) `gave` Ireland to the King of Britain. Alexander III (AD 1159-1181) renewed the war for power with Germany. Many campaigns and battles between papal armies and German Armies resulted. Finally, Alexander III was driven from Rome by the people, and died in exile. Innocent III (AD 1198-1216) claimed to be "The Vicar of Christ," "The Vicar of God," and "Supreme Sovereign over the Church and The World." Innocent III said "all things on earth and in heaven and in hell are subject to the Vicar of Christ." Innocent brought the church into supreme control of the state. The Kings of France, England, and practically all the Monarchs of Europe obeyed the commands of this pope. Other `accomplishments` by Innocent III: 1. Declared auricular confession 2. Declared papal infallibility 3. Condemned the Magna Carta 4. Forbade the reading of the Bible by laymen 5. Ordered the execution of `heretics` 6. Instituted the Inquisition 7. Ordered the extermination of the Albigenses Is this the true church? Is this what Jesus Christ advocated? NO!! It is a religion that has become evil, immoral, and perverted. It is a complete abomination of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet, these popes had no choice, if they were to fulfill their goal of being `king of the whole world.` The `Crusades` were NOT efforts to introduce Christianity to the world, as I remember being taught when I was a Catholic child, in a Catholic school; they were wars to KILL anyone who would not submit to the will of the pope. The Inquisition, called the "holy office," was started by Innocent III. It is estimated that, between the years 1540 and 1570, no fewer than 900,000 Protestants were slaughtered by the "Vicar of Christ," in his effort to exterminate the Waldenses. Imagine the efforts of members of the Catholic church, dressed in `holy` garments, directing the torture and execution of innocent Christians, simply because they would not accept the authority of the pope. The Inquisition was devised by popes and used for 500 years to maintain papal POWER and authority. NO SUBSEQUENT `HOLY` AND `INFALLIBLE` POPE HAS EVER APOLOGIZED. Innocent IV (AD 1241-1254) authorized the use of torture to extract `confessions` from suspected `heretics`. Boniface VIII (AD 1294-1303), declared, "WE DECLARE, AFFIRM, DEFINE, AND PRONOUNCE THAT IT IS ALTOGETHER NECESSARY FOR SALVATION THAT EVERY CREATURE BE SUBJECT TO THE ROMAN PONTIFF." This `infallible` pope, however, was so corrupt that Dante, who visited Rome during Boniface`s rule, called the Vatican "a sewer of corruption," and assigned Boniface and two other popes to the lowest parts of Hell. Yet, today, Catholics regard this non-Biblical garbage as divine truth, whether they say so or not. A Catholic would not hesitate for an instant to kneel in the presence of the pope, if they were ordered to. HE is their god. They do HIS will, not the Will of God as delineated in the Bible. From 1305 until 1377, the papal palace was at Avignon. The popes of this period, Clement V, John XXII, Benedict XII, Clement VI, Innocent VI, Urban V, and Gregory XI, practiced avarice that had virtually no limits. Burdensome taxes were imposed; every church office was sold for money; many new offices were created for the purpose of being sold, all to support the luxurious and immoral court. Petrarch accused the papacy of rape, adultery, and all manner of fornication. In many parishes the priests were forced to keep concubines as a protection for the families in the parish. From 1377 until 1417, there were two sets of `popes`, one in Rome and one in Avignon. Both claimed to be "The Vicar of Christ," hurling anathemas and curses at each other. John XXIII (AD 1410-1415) was possibly the most depraved pope ever; guilty of many crimes. As a cardinal in Bologna, he allegedly had sexual relations with 200 maidens, nuns, and married women. As pope, John XXIII violated nuns and virgins; was guilty of sodomy; lived in adultery with his brother`s wife; bought the papal office; sold `Cardinalates` to children of wealthy families; and openly denied life after death. Nicolas V (AD 1447-1455) authorized the King of Portugal to make war on the African people, to take their property, and to enslave their people. Pius II (AD 1458-1464), said to have fathered many illegitimate children; openly spoke of the methods he used to seduce maidens; and offered to instruct men in those methods of seduction. Paul II (AD 1464-1471) "filled his house with concubines." Sixtus V (AD 1471-1484) sanctioned the Spanish Inquisition; DECREED THAT MONEY WOULD DELIVER SOULS FROM PURGATORY; used the papacy to enrich the wealth of his family; made eight of his nephews into cardinals, while some of them were mere children. Innocent VIII (AD 1484-1492) had 16 illegitimate children by various married women; multiplied church offices and sold them for huge sums of money; decreed the extermination of the Waldenses, and sent an army against them; ordered all rulers to deliver `heretics` up to him; permitted bullfights on Saint Peter`s Square. Alexander VI (AD 1492-1503) bought the papacy; made many new cardinals for money; had many illegitimate children, whom he openly acknowledged and appointed to high church offices while still children and who, with Alexander VI`s help, murdered church officials who stood in his way; had for a mistress a sister of the cardinal who became the next pope. Julius II (AD 1503-1513) was the richest of the cardinals, and bought the papacy. Julius continued the practice of selling indulgences for money; also made a joke of the `canon law` of celibacy. Leo X (AD 1513-1521) made an archbishop at the age of 8; appointed to 27 church offices, which made for a gigantic income, before the age of 13; taught that ecclesiastic offices were nothing more than a source of income; bought the papal throne; all ecclesiastical offices were for sale, with many more created; appointed cardinals as young as 7; was in countless negotiations with princes and kings, always jockeying for a position of greater income and power; reaffirmed that the Catholic church was the only true church; sold indulgences for stipulated fees; declared the killing of `heretics` a "Divine Appointment." Adrian VI (AD 1522-1523) had many illegitimate children; was a determined enemy of the Protestants; and offered Charles V an army to exterminate them. Gregory XIII (AD 1572-1585) celebrated, with a "Solemn Mass," the news of the St. Bartholomew`s massacre, in which, on August 24, 1572, 20,000 Huguenots (Protestants) were slain. Urban VIII (AD 1623-1644) used the Jesuits to exterminate the total population of Protestants in Bohemia. Clement XI (AD 1700-1721) declared that `kings rule only with his sanction`; and issued a `Bull` against Bible reading by the laymen. Pius VII (AD 1800-1802) issued a `Bull` condemning Bible Societies; and restored the Jesuits. Thus an `infallible` pope overruled a previous `infallible` pope about the fate of the murderous Jesuits. Leo XII (AD 1821-1829) condemned all religious freedom; condemned Catholic tolerance of other religions; condemned Bible Societies; condemned Bible translations other than those proclaimed by the Catholic church; and declared that "EVERYONE SEPARATED FROM THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, HOWEVER UNBLAMEABLE IN OTHER RESPECTS, HAS NO PART IN ETERNAL LIFE." Pius VIII (AD 1829-1830) denounced liberty of conscience, Bible Societies, and Freemasonry. Gregory XVI (AD 1831-1846) was an absolute advocate of papal infallibility; and condemned Bible societies. (Why did these men hate Bible Societies? Simple. The Word of Truth in the Bible revealed the Catholic church in its true light - a perverted, evil twisting of God`s true message. That condition still exists today.) Pius IX (AD 1846-1878) decreed papal infallibility; proclaimed the right to violently suppress teachings (heresies) contrary to the laws of the Catholic church; condemned the separation of church and state; commanded Catholics to obey the whims of the pope, rather than civil rulers; denounced liberty of conscience; denounced liberty of worship; denounced freedom of speech and freedom of the press; condemned Bible Societies; declared that Protestantism is `no form of Christian religion`; and declared "EVERY DOGMA OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH HAS BEEN DICTATED BY CHRIST THROUGH HIS VICEREGENTS ON EARTH." Pius IX also proclaimed the `immaculate conception` and the `deity` of Mary, WITHOUT BIBLICAL FOUNDATION. This LIE persists to this day. "Of his own sovereign authority, and WITHOUT THE COOPERATION OF A COUNCIL," this liar declared the immaculate conception as a sort of `feeler`, to see whether the Roman Catholic subjects would accept it. They bought it then, and they buy it today. This non-Scriptural fantasy is the first real example of the mind control, the brainwashing, used by the Roman church on its members. This pope`s success at decreeing the lie above emboldened him to call the Vatican Council of 1870, in which he declared himself infallible. This lie was accepted, also. Again, Pius must have been amazed at the power of his spoken word. To think that literally millions of people would believe virtually anything he said must have given him a feeling of power that few men have ever experienced. That power existed when I was a Catholic, and it exists today. Leo XIII (AD 1878-1903) claimed that he was appointed to be head of all rulers; claimed that he HELD ON THE EARTH THE PLACE OF ALMIGHTY GOD; restated papal infallibility, pronounced Protestants `enemies of the Christian name`; proclaimed that the only way to salvation was TOTAL AND COMPLETE SUBMISSION TO THE ROMAN PONTIFF; condemned Americanism; and condemned the Masonic Order. Pius X (AD 1903-1914) denounced leaders of the Reformation as `enemies of the cross of Christ.` Pius XI (AD 1922-1958) re-emphasized the proclamation that the Roman Catholic church is the only true church of Christ; and declared that the reunion of Christendom possible ONLY through submission to papal authority. Catholic theologians like to make it sound as if the `bad` popes all lived in the ancient past. That is not true. Leo XIII, who declared that he "HELD ON EARTH THE PLACE OF ALMIGHTY GOD," was pope only 88 years ago. That is not a long time ago. The evil is not in the distant past. It is alive and well in Rome and in your home town. -------- This evidence has been, I hope, revealing. As a former Catholic, I was shocked to see these things. These facts reveal the TRUE nature of Catholicism. The Roman church is nothing but a political, money- making, EVIL organization. It has visions of having the entire world as its subjects. And it is making progress at that goal. We have seen only a few examples of how the `dogmas` of the Catholic church WERE NOT present from the time of Christ. They were rules made by corrupt men, having nothing to do with Biblical Doctrines. There are dozens more. VIRTUALLY EVERY PRESENT-DAY TEACHING OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IS THE DECLARATION OF CORRUPT PAST POPES. Catholicism is THE MOST UN- BIBLICAL "CHRISTIAN" RELIGION IN THE WORLD. But since its members are brainwashed, they do not have the courage to forsake their beloved false religion. It is only through a miracle that I escaped its grasp. Since Catholicism will, I believe, be the dominant `religion` after the Rapture, I believe that God has reserved judgment on this evil institution until a later time. I believe that is the only reason that God has allowed her to exist this long. I thank God that I was able to escape her brainwashing. I hope that this paper has shown how the Catholic church has raped and perverted the Gospel of Jesus Christ until it bears almost no resemblance of the True Gospel. It is tragic, and it is sad. But I know, without any doubt, that these decadent, evil men will burn in the fires of Hell forever. And that is comforting. But, at the same time, the tragedy is that millions of well- meaning Catholics will be there, too. THIS FILE IS FREEWARE!! IT MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY MANNER AS LONG AS IT IS NOT USED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES