IN NEED OF A MEDIATOR? . What is a mediator? A mediator in the original Greek language (which the New Testament portion of the Bible was written) is a go- between. A mediator is one who goes between two parties with a view of peace and reconciliation (bringing the parties together).(1) You have probably been a mediator at one time in your life by trying to get people who have broken relationships back together. WHY IS A MEDIATOR IMPORTANT? . Because man has a broken relationship with God, so you and I need a mediator to bring us back into a proper relationship with Him. You may be wondering why we have this broken relationship with God. Because of sin. First sin entered into the world through Adam,(2) and as the descendants of Adam we have his sin upon us. But also, we ourselves are sinners in that we do things that are in opposition to God(3) such as little white lies, gossiping, hating others, stealing even if it is just a single piece of candy in the supermarket while shopping. Also if we have committed such things as rape, murder, etc., we to have sinned. You see, we all have sinned and fall short of what God expects from us.(4) So because of sin, we have a broken relationship with God and are in need of a mediator. Now that you understand the biblical meaning of a mediator and why we need a mediator, you may be wondering: HOW DOES A MEDIATOR BRING US INTO A PROPER RELATIONSHIP TO GOD? . Well, since sin is the issue that keeps man from God, sin is what needs to be dealt with. Unless sin is dealt with, man must pay the wages that are due for his sins, and these wages are death (eternity in hell).(5) So the mediator here has to be able to pay the wages not only for your sins, but the sins of every person that ever lived. Now the question is: WHO IS ABLE TO PAY FOR ALL OF MAN'S SINS? . Jesus Christ, and only Jesus Christ. The book of Romans tells us that, "the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."(60 So even though we deserve death (eternity in hell), God has given us a way out, which is in Jesus Christ. You see, Jesus is our mediator. The book of I Timothy says, "And the truth is this: God is one. One also is the mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus."(7) So no one else can go to God for us except for the God-man, Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can pay the wages of our sin since He Himself is sinless and is God. Another sinner cannot pay the penalty for us. HOW CAN JESUS BE MY MEDIATOR? . By understanding that you are a sinner who is in need of a savior, a savior that can go to God with the payment for your sins because He is the Son of God. Why? Because of His death on a cross, and because of the fact that He rose again and is alive today. If you see this need in your life, go to God in prayer with a sincere heart and tell Him that you accept Jesus' payment for your sins on the cross, and you shall be saved. 1. Vine, W.E. Vine's Expository Dictionary. 2. Rom. 5:12-15 3. Rom. 3:23 4. Rom. 3:23 5. Rom. 6:23 6. Rom. 6:23 7. I Tim. 2:5 References are taken from New American Catholic Bible. Written by Randall Hillebrand