CUL:Unity - Queen of the Mail-order Cults Men who know cults best call the "Unity School of Christianity" the largest mail order religious concern in the world. It claims over a million members, published many attractively edited magazines, a Sunday School quarterly entitled "wee Wisdom" and even a top-notch vegetarian restaurant. Instead of the attractive meeting-places such as the ones in which the adherents of its first-cousin (Christians Science) gather, why followers of Unity usually stay in their own home churches, armed with a beautiful assortment of tracts and books which do a superb job of selling this alleged "Christianity on a higher plane" where they seduce hungry hearts to that which reads beautifully, but in actuality is a sugar-coated denial of every basic tenet of Bible doctrine. Reincarnation instead of Resurrection Did you know that (according to Unity) your spirit will some day enter into some other body and live again here on earth? And that this is "resurrection"? Did you know that "Eternal live" is just a perpetuation of that process? Read if to yourself, right in the official Unity statement of Faith, article 22: "We believe in the dissolution of spirit, soul and body, caused by death, is annulled by rebirth of the same spirit and soul in another body here on earth. We believe the repeated incarnation of man to be a merciful provision of our loving Father to the end that all may have opportunity to attain immortality through regeneration, as Jesus did." Their Own Definitions Like Christians Science, Unity spiritualizes any Scripture that conflicts with their doctrine, or ignores it altogether, and builds their own definitions of theological terms. Thus they can use much of the language which orthodox Christianity uses till the uninitiated would thing they were reading real, sound Christian literature. But in their own private definitions, these statements often men something entirely different than the novice thinks he is reading. For example take the above statement from their official doctrines on reincarnation, you see the term "loving Father" and yet to the insider, God is only a PRINCIPLE, not a persons. They use Mary Baker Eddy's old trick of semantics, impersonalizing God by reversing the statement "God is Love": "Love is God", you see -- he's a principle, not a person. IN the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, published by Unity School of Christianity, you will find on pare 629 that "God does not love anybody -- God is the love IN everybody and everything...God is love..." Then on the same page you will find their substitute for the Trinity: "The father is Principle, the Son is that Principle revealed in the creative plan, the Holy Spirit is the executive power of both the Father and the Son carrying out the plan." Then from another of their official publication entitled "Lessons in Truth" by H.E. Cady, on page 6, you read "God is not a ... person, having life, intelligence, love, power." According to the official Unity Statement of Faith, page 1, Christ is not THE WAY, as He said He was, but the "way shower". "Belief in a person God has retarded the spiritual progress of the race" is another of their tenets found on page three of "The True Character of God" from the same publisher. As to the authority of the Bible, they class it as "the greatest of the sacred books of the world's living religion, " but they list with it what they call "other Scriptures such as the Aend-Avesta and the Upanishads, as well as the teachings of Buddha, the Koran, and the Tao of Lao-tse and the writings of Confucius." (Yes, THEY capitalize the word "Scripture" in that sentence). Beautiful Sayings Repeatedly we hear folk tell us, (when any heresy is exposed) "but there is so much GOOD in it". Dear Christian friends, remember please, that the enemy of our souls has had thousands of years experience deceiving our Mother Eve in the garden, and he will knows that he MUST put beautiful and attractive sayings and teachings in every false religion or it would not be widely accepted. The Bible commands us to "prove all things" and this means prove them by the Scriptures, of course. Satan's trick all through the ages with heretical teachings has been to have much in it that is orthodox, bu to omit in it that is orthodox, but to omit or discount the ESSENTIALS to salvation, such as the teaching that will bring us conviction of sin, and of the provision of the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ to atone for those sins, and the fact that (in order to be eligible to atone for sin) He had to be the spotless Sod of God, not just a human martyr. Also he must question the resurrection. Paul told us that if Jesus had not risen from the dead that we could not count on OUR resurrection either, and "that of all men we would be most "miserable." He told us plainly that "If Christ be not raised, your faith is in vain, ye are yet in our sins." 1 Cor. 15:17. So our enemy, Satan, is always raising up some smooth-sounding religious teaching that either denies the resurrection entirely or "spiritualizes it into meaning something else. No Sin? Unity Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 5, page 403, tells us "God is all,". It goes on to say, "There is not opposition to God the Spirit. There is no matter, there is no absence of life (death). There is no sin, sickness or death. There is no burden on my Spirit. There is no failure possible to me. I do not accuse the world or myself of being a deception. There is no deception. All is Truth." On page 387 of the same issue: "God's Divine Idea (man) cannot fall." On pages 111 and 112 of Unity, Vol. 48, No. 2, we are told "All is Mind". "Mind, being Principle -- the only Creator. This immortal, perfect, and only good, cannot create what is unlike itself; hence there can be no evil mind or material form in reality -- these being but the testimony of the material sense." "There is but one mind, and that mind the Divine Mind, whose reflection or expression (man) must be perfect, as itself is perfect! We need to consciously know that evil is but a belief." So there is no sin! And since there is no matter, we just do not have a body at all, so how could the body we haven't got get sick? Simple, isn't it? And a million ardent students are enthusiastically spreading this fantastic warmed over Christian Science belief with re-incarnation added! "No sin", the Filmores say, and yet my Bible has over 650 references to sin (by that name alone besides the synonyms) and it tells me over and over again in various ways that man was hopelessly lost in sin and that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of it whatever! When all that was human in Jesus cried out against the awful ordeal he was to face at Calvary, His loving Father could not help Him, without thwarting the very mission for which He came to earth -- to die for your sin and mine. "But what about the healings? People will say, "Oh but what about the wonderful healings they have through 'Unity'?" Again, Satan has to be attractive "bait" to lure people into such Bible-denying theology to damn their precious souls. Leading doctors say that 80% of human ailments are psychosomatic anyway, so remove the thought of the illness and you remove the illness. Satan can remove the oppression he has put on folk in the 2way of illness if he has a worth-wile (to him) purpose for doing so, and this can account for any healings they have which are NOT caused by the mind. No need to barter your soul for a healing of your body though, for our Lord Jesus can and does heal many cases right in our day and age which baffle medical science. He loves to do this and many other wonderful answers to prayer are yours when you meet His simple and proper condition. When the Bible tells us that ALL have sinned, that ALL are under condemnation, that is what it means. Do not embrace some theology that will tell you that you have no sin to forgive in order to get a little temporary peace of mind -- a little surcease from your God-given conscience. But come to Him and thank God that He has said 1st John 1:9) that "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness." This brings happiness and permanent peace or mind and a glorious and sure future with Him who said "I go to prepare a place for you." and "If I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know not the way ye know... I am the WAY and the TRUTH and the LIFE, no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:3-6). No, He is no the WAY SHOWER, but THE WAY. He asks the privilege of being invited into your heart to live (Rev. 3:20) and promises to never leave nor forsake you, but to cleanse you sins all away, empower you to really live a real Christian life, and to know you have the happy privilege of living with Him in a glorious place which He has prepared for you, to live there with Him forever. Not to be re-incarnated in some other human or animal body time after time (what a future!) but a glorious life which He Himself has planned in a place so wonderful that "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things He has prepared for them that love Him. 1 Cor. 2:9. Let us quote from some more of the Unity writings: From Unity Magazine, Vol. 47, No. 5, page 403: "My Good is my God. My God is my Life, my Truth, my Substance, my Intelligence, my Understanding." "I am my own Understanding and by it I live and move and have my being." "I am Spirit, Mind, Principle" (God). "I direct all things by absolute Principle, and cannot sin, suffer for sin, nor fear sin, sickness, death. I understand God, therefore 'The Father and I are One'." "God's Divine Idea (man) cannot fall." Satan fell, through his ambition to be like God, and he began his thousands of years of temptation mankind with the suggestion that man too, can, BY HIMSELF, attain this ambition: "Fog God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods.", he said to Eve in Genesis 3:5. IN the cults which Satan has inspired, he repeats this temptation to mankind's vanity over and over again. You will find it in Christian Science, in Mormonism, in Jehovah's Witness' teachings and others. No Saviour Needed Unity eliminates the need of a Saviour by deny the reality of sin or depravity of man. My. Fillmore teaches on page 251 of Vol. 48, #2, that since he is born of God (which is just "Principle", you remember -- the Principle: "Good") "I am therefore, Pure Being, without a tinge of lust, or passion." On page 207 he states "Thousands are held in bondage to a belief that they must be helped, when the blessing would be to make them see that their salvation lies in helping themselves." Yet Fillmore repeatedly teaches that "There is but ONE MIND" and that this is and MUST be GOOD because EVERYTHING came from the "Divine Principle" which is "GOOD". He never gets around to explaining how this good mind is subject to false beliefs! On page 131, same issue, he states "Through the mind of man the earth will be redeemed from all imperfections, and harmony and order in creation restored." Paul warned us that as the serpent beguiled Eve "So your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ ... for such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:3, 13-14. There is much more that is unscriptural in this fast-growing cult's teachings. We have books and tracts exposing the errors in other leading false doctrines. We publish over 300 titles of Gospel tracts and send you new releases monthly. Book Fellowship Box 164 North Syracuse, NY 13212