CUL:Cult of the Empty Mind Transcendental Meditation comes in many guises. Indeed, it can come heavily disguised. (For a Hindu this is quite logical because he will gladly lie to gain a convert.) My reason for mentioning Hinduism is given below, but Christian readers must always be on their guard when it comes to what seems to be a Christian 'therapy' or meditative process. In particular, watch out for 'harmless' treatments available on the NHS or other therapy provision. It is very easy for a professional Christian worker to be fooled by what appears to be a slick and proven therapy. One example is Gestalt Therapy, which relies heavily on Eastern mysticism and its philosophies. HISTORY OF TM There are many faces to Transcendental Meditation (more commonly called TM), but do not be sidetracked - it is just one of the many facets of Hinduism. It first hit the headlines in the swiftly changing, heady atmosphere of the 1960's, when the cult leader, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, toured the U.S.A. He presented TM as a scientific answer to today's problems of race hatred, violence, drug abuse and anxiety. Literally thousands flocked to enrol in TM courses. Everyone, from university educationists to the armed forces, prisons, schools and even theological colleges, swarmed to be a part of the new wave of thinking. They all felt the need for change, for a new spirituality. TM seemed to offer this, even though it was primarily billed as scientific. Many scientific claims were made for the truth and helpfulness of TM. But, one by one, concerned scientists found the claims to be false or exaggerated. Personally, for instance, I have noted that certain mechanical machines used to lower blood pressure can do the same work as TM does. More pertinently, Christian holiness and prayer is far superior to any 'method'. Today TM is often used in psychiatric settings. Alas, it is also to be found within our churches. As in the past, TM may often be disguised as something else. Many martial arts, for example, are based on TM techniques. Others, in an effort to hide the true origins of TM, try to present certain meditative processes as scientific or psychological treatments. TRUE NATURE OF TM Those who attend TM sessions usually believe they are to be treated for anxiety. TM also claims to make better work relations, reduce fears, etc. But, as one Hindu priest told me, "people must, if needs be, be tricked into becoming Hindus"!!! The Maharishi himself tells instructors that people are "too ignorant" to understand Hinduism, therefore they must be helped, by deceit!! Thus, newcomers to TM are asked to bring flowers with them to their first session. They are also urged to bring fruit and a handkerchief (these are themselves a warning signal!) They are put facing the Maharashi's own dead guru and the instructor sings a song in Sanskrit and invites the newcomer to bow. Many Christians have done this. What is not known is that the song is in praise of Hindu gods and it invokes the spirits. The newcomer is given a 'mantra', a meaningless word which is used as a repetitive prayer. When the initiate repeats his mantra he is actually invoking the gods for himself. All this time, he does not know he is doing anything religious but believes it is a meditative technique. RESULTS OF TM Gradually, the initiate comes under the control of both his instructor and his own mantra. There comes a time when the constant repetition of his mantra produces a numbness of mind, when he does not even hear himself praying to the gods. His mind empties of all thought, leading towards the 'merging of self' with the so called 'absolute deity', Brahma. Eventually, adherents to TM lose their personality and lose touch with reality. They no longer love anyone else and many end up with mental disorders. Many, also, suffer demon attack and even possession. The Maharishi sees no place in the world for a non-Hindu. He claims that man is divine and so he cannot sin. His only 'sin' he says, "is that he does not recognize his own divinity"!!! It is not unusual that TM adherents take up the occult in its many forms, including levitation, witchcraft etc. THE PLACE OF YOGA Yoga exercises are not as harmless as they seem. Again, many Christians take up Yoga as a 'harmless pastime' to help relieve tension and aches. Experts say, however, that yoga is no more effective than any other form of physical training. More to the point, though, is the fact that every single minute movement to be found in any yoga exercise is really a prayer to the gods! Each passive, gentle movement is a symbol which 'speaks' to the spirits. Christians who take up yoga seriously or TM, eventually lose all love they ever had for their Saviour and God. They begin to accept all kinds of 'other gospels' and will usually start to say that God can be reached by other faiths. Some may also experience the other horrific problems already mentioned. CONCLUSION TM is not to be fooled with or toyed with. It is a cult, a lie of the devil. It cannot, in any form, be 'mixed' with Christianity. In my own town, the local Anglican church regularly holds yoga sessions and TM sessions in the aisle! It is all put under the title of 'Christian'! TM is Hindu. It is meant to draw you into a false religion which is devoted to false gods and evil spirits. The devil will use any means to destroy men and turn men from the true God. TM in its many disguises does just that. edited by TRINITY 1 BBS originally supplied by REACHOUT Trust, PO Box 43, Twickenham, Middx TW2 7EG)