CUL:Moonism - The Unification Church (UC) by Jim McCormick "Messiah Moon" You have been warned! Jesus Christ who was proved to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead, warned that there would come men claiming to the 'Christis' and 'Prophets' (Matt. 24). Indeed He warned, "Many shall come ... and shall deceive many ..." Sun Myung Moon is only one of the many end-time 'Messiah's'. The official name of his 'Unification Church' (UC) is 'The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, ' and it has a membership of 2 millions. Causes: Why the Cults? The great conflict is between God and the Devil. False prophets are 'raised' by the Evil One (Matt. 24). If men deliberately turn from the truth of the Gospel, they will fall easy prey to the deception of the Arch Deceiver. "Strong delusions" (2 Thess. 2) are justly permitted to overtake those who refuse to love the Truth. The heckler blamed Christianity for not doing anything, having been in the world so long, to which the preacher replied, 'Soap and water have been around a long time, yet look at that state of your face and neck!' The Gospel has not failed; we have failed to apply it, because we disliked its moral searchlight. Another cause is that the Gospel is caricatured in many of our Churches, yet men are seeking reality. Cultish counterfeits are sometimes very like the real thing, and men fall for them. 'To the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet' (Prov.). The real ting must be precious, or it would not be worth counterfeiting. Nothing else really satisfies. The Cults are Devilish 'props' to help man do without Jesus Christ until they find themselves damned in hell. Why Bother? Are we not our brother's keeper? Bobby Fischer, speaking of the Worldwide Church of God, said he spoke out so that other people wouldn't get their minds ripped up. Rabbi M. Davis states, "I hold this movement to be evil and dangerous. I hole Reverend Sun Myung Moon to be a charlatan and a manipulator of people ... the kids ... innocent victims ... of their own needs. But most of all the innocent victims of the Reverend Moon." (Quoted in the Mystical Maze p185) The Unification Church has been accused of causing Family break-ups, personality changes in young people and others, mind manipulation, and so on. Facts - Facts - Facts... Sun Myung Moon born in N. Korea 1920 of Presbyterian parents. Claimed vision of Jesus 1936, later visions of Moses Buddha and Jesus. Imprisoned under Communists in '40's (now very anti-communistic). Claims that his "shed blood" sufferings under Communists provides for man's forgiveness. Has a 15 million dollars holding in S. Korea when he came 'WEST' 1972. HQ of movement worth 8 million dollars plus (N.Y.). Sale os sweets, flowers, candles, tea etc. on streets by the disciples of Moon nets 15 million dollars per year. New York State Supreme Court ordered Moon to appear in September 1979 to give needed information on UC's appeal for tax exemption on excess of 10 mission dollars worth of land at Greenburgh and Tarrytown. "Greenburgh attorney reiterated the claim that Moon i the 'linchpin' of a network of profit-making organizations ..." (News and Views p8) Moon now plans to retire from the financial helm and be spiritual leader from a Westchester mansion, Tarrytown. The multimillion dollar international business of the UC is reported by the Daily Mail (7th May 1908) to be headed by a 40 year old Cambridge graduate Mose Drust. These changes have probably been forced by the bad publicity Moon had had from TV investigation, articles in Women's Magazines and the Dailies. The Moonies are aiming at penetrating the educational field and have enrolled 38 tuition-paid disciples in divinity schools at Harvard, Yale etc., probably with a view to teacher positions and proselytizing in 5the Universities (Moody Monthly). Doctrines Summarized The 'Divine Principle' is the Moonies 'Bible'. Moon teaches TOW FALLS. First when Eve had intercourse with Satan: second when Eve had intercourse with Adam before they were perfected (Creation not perfect). Because of the dual Fall, man has "serpent's blood" in his veins (UC Training Manual pp. 41, 42_. Jesus should have found the perfect wife and created the perfect race. He failed. His death saved man spiritually, not physically. Moon to the 'rescue' - he is 'Lord of the Second Advent' or the "Third Adam" and "He (Moon) singly challenged Satan in cosmic battle for over twenty years ... He pioneered the path to perfection .." (Y. Oon Kim, Divine Principle etc. UC Pub. 1968). Time Magazine says that ritual sex was practiced in the early days of the UC for "blood cleansing": now "the blessing" of Moon confers sinlessness so that members can produce a sinless generation and renew the world! (Cp Rom. 8). The true deity of Jesus is denied, "Jesus attained deity .. but can by no means be considered God Himself." The Virgin Birth is called 'an illicit affair' by Young Oon Kim, in 'Unification Theology and Christian thought' - Compare Matt. 1:20-23. The Holy Spirit is female and the "spirit bride" of Jesus in the "Spirit world" - compare John 14-16. The Cross and Resurrection a 'mistake'? - see Acts 2:23; Luke 22:42; John 17:5. The Technique Moon's "fresh faced" followers weekly pledge themselves, on bended knee before a picture of the Korean "Messiah" of ":Father", as Moon in known to his disciples ... "I will fulfill our Father's will .. to attend our Father forever in the ideal world of creation returning joy and glory to Him. This I pledge." (M.M. p. 183) They contact youngsters on holiday or at a loose end and invite them for a meal. Anyone with a rucksack is sure to be approached. An invitation to a 'workshop' in the country, or a country 'retreat' follows. It is isolated. Transport is difficult. Recruits are separated and subjected to "Love-bombing" - friendly, affectionate converts anxious to proselytize. Just for the day ... but there is no return transport available. Your travel-ticket expires ... what then? Low sleep, reduced diet, lecture, isolation form friends, surrounded by Moonies, never alone. Buckets of affection, idea take root. Why go back to the cold world ... your own family ...? The Moon family is so warm! "I AM YOUR THINKER - YOUR BRAIN." (Moon). The stresses and worries of today's world slip away ... in just a few days another youth is lost to his family. Someone is doing the thinking for him! Action Cults are a loud call to the Church of AWAKE. Awake sleeper! Christ shall give you light and power. There is no substitute for the Gospel: "preach the Word (Gospel), be urgent in season out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and teaching", said Paul. We need the same message. As Social Gospel will not do. The Gospel has social implications but it is first and foremost the message of salvation. What about compromise? Can a fellowship compromising with idolatry have the power of the Holy Spirit? Can we do any good without the Holy Spirit? Do we net need to confess our sins and repent? What about hypocrisy? We cay one thing and do another - can we blame the kids for thinking there is nothing in the Gospel? for looking for another 'Messiah'? We must see behind and beyond the psychological and social sides of Moonism, to the demonic forces use men, of course - men 'transformed' as apparent servants of what is right. The real aim of Satan is to attack Jesus Christ, the real historic Jesus Christ who worsted him through the Cross and Resurrection. To discredit and obscure Him from man's view by offering a substitute... Moon robs Jesus of His deity, therefore His power to save. By this he robs us. Satan and Moon are thieves. Moon twists the Scriptures; eg. his second marriage in 1960 is claimed to have been "the Marriage Supper of the Lamb." (Rev. 21) In point of fact that is the union between Christ and His Church - the bride is not a literal woman! Moon's claim is blasphemy. Let us study the Scriptures in their true contexts, and learn their true saving message and meaning. Moon promotes and advocates lying. When fund-raising Moonies are encouraged to practice lying, calling it 'Heavenly deception', Moon himself has even said, "Even God tell lies very often ..." ('The Mater Speaks, ' pll. 1972) See how God views lying by studying John 8:44; Psalm 119:163; 1 John 2:21; Prov. 21:6/ Satan is the father of lies! All unforgiven liars will be in Hell (Rev. 21; 1 Cor. 6:9-11). "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all" (1 John 1). Moon promises a perfect physical and spiritual world NOW. His claim to messiahship lies in his promise of providing physical perfection now, through religion and science. It is true that we Christians do not have immediate possession of perfect redeemed bodies (Rom. 8), but we do have that in hope (assurance). Moon says he has come to provide the physical salvation which Christ failed to achieve for man. He claims to bring the future into the present! This is a false promise - and it proves his 'Messiahship' false. Time will prove that Moon cannot deliver the goods. Moon and his disciples may be sick - they will die. Before Moon is proved false by events, we can know the truth by trusting Jesus who said, "If they shall say, 'Here is Christ...' Believe it not" (Matt. 24). Moon is not Christ (Messiah). All pain and physical ills will be banished for the redeemed when Christ comes again: but that will be a highly visible event, open and evident to all. (read Matt. 24). Moon is claimed to be sinless (K. Sudo, UC 120 Day Training Manual p. 40). Through "The Blessing" Moonies are taught that they can produce a sinless generation (ib. p. 42). The Scriptures teach that "if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." (1 John 1:8) Some of the Reverend Moon's Sayings "God and man are one. Man is incarnate God." "He (God) lost His love, His happiness... because of the human fall." ('New Hope' p. 73) "And you can even pray this: 'Father I'll be responsible to restore the world, and I can do it, believe me..." ('New Hope' p.69) "Jesus ... cannot assume any value greater than that of a man..." ('D.P. p. 255). We are the only people who truly understand the heart of Jesus..." (The Way of the World p.20). "He (God) is a Being to be pitied... I'd tell Him not to worry about anything, I am in His place to work for Him until the last one of all humanity has been turned back to Him" (New Hope p.57). "WE will erect the heavenly kingdom on earth with out own hands." (New Hope p.41) "He (God) is living in me and I am the incarnation of Him" (New Hope p.35). "I am your thinker - I am your brain."