CUL:Prophecies of the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES CLAIM TO BE PROPHETS The Watchtower of April 1st, 1972, page 197, had this statement, "So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them dangers and to declare things to come?...These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is the prophet?...This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as International Bible students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian witnesses...Of course it is easy to say that this group acts as a "prophet" of God. It is another thing to prove it. The only way that this can be done is to review the record. What does it show? Since the J.W.'s claim to be God's prophet, we are free to put them to the Bible test for a prophet, found in Deuteronomy 18:18-20. Verse 22 of this same chapter says, "When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD (YHWH), if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken." Verse 20 plainly says, "that prophet shall die". False prophecy cannot be "explained away" and treated lightly. The Watchtower has invited us to examine their record, and we will! All quotes are from publications of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and available at headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. Some of these publications may also be found in local Kingdom Hall libraries. Judge this self-proclaimed "prophet" for yourselves! 6,000 YEARS OF HUMAN HISTORY OF PROPHECIES 6,000 years of human history ended in 1873. (The Time is at Hand, p.33). 6,000 years of human history ended in 1972. (The Truth Shall Make You Free, p. 152, 1943 edition). 6,000 years of human history ended in 1975. (Awake!, October 8th, 1968.) ARMAGEDDON PROPHECIES Armageddon would end in 1914. (The Time is At Hand, Page 101, 1889 Edition). Armageddon would end in 1915. (The Time is At Hand, Page 101, 1915 Edition). Today, J.W.'s expect Armageddon any minute! THE RETURN OF CHRIST PROPHECIES Since Christ failed to show up for any of the Watchtower dates, J.W.'s altered their teaching to make his coming conveniently "invisible". Christ returned in 1874. (The Finished Mystery, pages 386, 295, 1917 Edition). The Watchtower publications taught this 1874 date right up to 1929. The "Prophecy" book, published in 1929, states on page 65, "The Scriptural proof is that the second presence of the Lord Jesus Christ began in 1874 A.D." Christ returned in 1914. (The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life, p. 87). THE MILLENNIUM PROPHECIES The Millennium began in 1873. (Thy Kingdom Come, page 305). The Millennium began in 1874. (Finished Mystery, page 386). PROPHECIES ON THE RESURRECTION The resurrection would occur in 1878. (Thy Kingdom Come, page 234). Abraham, Issac, Jacob and the faithful prophets of old would return in 1925. (Millions Now Living Will Never Die, page 89). The Watchtower Society even published a book telling their followers to add a room onto their houses, and get an undertaker to decorate it. Undertakers, of course, would be looking for employment, since there would be no more deaths in 1926. When the room was completed, Watchtower devotees were to call up Jerusalem, where Abraham would have an office, and request that their parents be "awakened" from death. They would soon appear in the new room! (The Way to Paradise, pages 228, 229). PROPHECIES ON SPACE TRAVEL "Man cannot by airplane or rockets or other means get above the air envelope which is about our earthly globe..."(The Truth Shall Make you Free, p. 285, 1943 edition). THE BOOK OF RUTH The Book of Ruth is "not prophetical". (Watchtower Reprints IV, p. 3110, Nov. 15, 1902). The Book of Ruth "is prophetic". (Watchtower Book, "Preservation", pages 169, 175, 176). PROPHECIES ON SODOM AND GOMORRAH Sodom and Gomorrah will receive a second opportunity. (Man of Ages, page 110). Sodom and Gomorrah will receive no second opportunity. (Watchtower, March 1965, p. 139). THE "HIGHER POWERS" OF ROMANS 13:1 "Higher Powers" refers to earthly governments. (The Time is at Hand (1889) p. 81). "Higher Powers" refers to Jehovah God and Jesus. (The Truth Shall Make You Free, p. 312). "Higher Powers" refers to earthly governments. (Man's Hand p. 326). Notice how the "brighter light" dimmed back again! THE REVELATION NAME "ABADDON-APOLLYON" Refers to Satan. (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol.7). Refers to Jesus Christ. (Then is Finished the Mystery of God, Page 232). Quite a change! THE "ALPHA AND OMEGA" OF REVELATION Refers to Jehovah God. (Awake! August 22, 1978, page 28). Refers to Jesus Christ. (Watchtower, October 1, 1978, p.15). Notice the rapid change of "truth" and "interpretation of scripture" in just two months! THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE Refers to their founder, Charles Taze Russell. (Watchtowers from Dec. 1, 1916 to March 1, 1923, p. 68). Refers to the "Remnant of Spiritual Israelites" (the supposed remnant of the 144,000 "heavenly class"). (From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained, page 193). IN CONCLUSION Although the official publication of the Jehovah's Witnesses claims, "...Jehovah's Witnesses today make their declaration of the good news of the kingdom under angelic direction and support" according to the Watchtower of April 1, 1972, page 200, they have proved to be an embarrassment to the angels! Undaunted, the Watchtower of July 1st, 1973, page 402, goes on to claim, "Consider too, the fact that Jehovah's organization alone in all the earth is directed by God's holy spirit or active force." Obviously the Holy Spirit did not prompt these false prophecies! Not only does the Bible give us a simple test for prophets, which we considered at the beginning of this tract, namely that their prophecies will fail, but the word of God has more to say about prophecies and prophesying. The Bible reveals three sources for prophecy. One, it is from God, and inspired by Him. Two, it is from the Devil and inspired by him. Thirdly, prophecies can come out of "the flesh", or out of our "own spirit". Since the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's witnesses has so many failed prophecies, we know they are not prophesying by God's direction, and through His Holy Spirit, or by the angels. This leaves us with two alternatives for the false prophecies of the Watchtower Society. They are from Satan, or they are from "the flesh". The Watchtower has chosen the latter, claiming that "we all make mistakes" etc. "We have new light". Is this an "out" for them? No, for Jehovah's Witnesses should carefully read Ezekiel, chapter 13. This chapter is a judgment of God on prophets who hope for a fulfillment of their words, after prophesying falsely. Verse 8, says, "Because you have spoken falsehood and seen a lie, therefore, behold, I am against you", declared the Lord God." The Watchtower Society of Jehovah's Witnesses is a proven false prophet, and the Lord, by His own decree, is against them. Why would you want to remain in this doomed organization and share in its judgment? MacGreger Ministries Box 591, Pt. Roberts, Wa. 98281-0591 U.S.A. Box 538, Prospect East, S.A. 5082, Australia