CUL:Come back home (to Catholicism?) by Doug Kuepper (Often one hears this in a Catholic parish, and it is directed to former Catholics and Protestant Christians. The thinking behind this movement was aptly put in print by a priest identified only as "Fr. Tito." A copy of this was sent to Doug and Tammy Kuepper by a Catholic friend to whom they sent a Gospel message.) "Whoever you are, wherever you are, come back to the church of your roots. Why do you keep fighting the invitation that God gives you? How can you forget your roots? "Why do you spurn the faith you received when as a child you were presented for Baptism? You cannot remember how proud your parents were on that day. They took you to church and tried to keep you from crying. And when they were asked, `Do you want this child to be baptized in the faith we have professed with you?' Proudly they answered, `We do.' And at that moment God gave you three beautiful presents, Faith, Hope and Love. So why are you now wasting your heart on a foreign religion or no religion at all? "As a Catholic you spent your happy childhood, learning about the great church that Jesus gave us. As a happy youngster you approached the altar of our Lord to partake of His banquet, His body and His blood. As a young bride or a gentle groom, you went to that altar and filled with joy became one with your savior. "And Catholicism grew up with you, its beauty interwoven with your life's adventures. In that faith you expressed ytour happiness, your sorrews and your grief. In that faith you humbled yourself, begging God to forgive all the wrong things you did. Filled with joy you left the confessional knowing how much God loved you. And if you still think you are a loost sheep, remember that the shepherd is still looking for you, he is still searching to bring you back to the fold. He wants to welcome you home. "Now you are grown up. You have heartaches and headaches. You married and have a family of your own. Would you deprive your children of the joy you knew as a happy child? Do you think for one moment that no matter what your condition of life is, the church will ever disown you? Would a mother ever disown an infant she bore in her womb? Was it not that mother church opened for you the treasure of her groom, Jesus? "Love whatever you want but never disown the roots of your ancestors. How can the church, your mother, ever offend you? Did she ask too muich of you? Did you find the grass greener on the other side. Were you stabbed in the back by your own mother church because life was not as you imagined it to be? Do you condsider yourself such a big sinner that not even your mother can forgive you? Do you really believe there is no hope or place for you in your mother's arms? "Look at the whole world, look at everything around you. If they can be of service to you, accept the challenge but never drive out that which is of the home. Come back home, the doors are always open.