CUL:The Catholic Church state at work From the Birmingham News (Friday, Sept. 8,1989) we have another fine example of Pope John Paul's Commie guerillas at work. "Bishop Pedro Casaldaliga, leader of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops {in America this Catholic Bishops Conference advocates national disarmament, nuclear bans, and--the free ingress of aliens to a welfare state financed by the American taxpayer} says, `It is necessary now to stimulate the connection between faith and politics and work for greater social justice.'" New Testament authority? Scriptural backing? Biblical proof? Why would you expect any? This came from a Roman Catholic bishop. Imagine the greatest Christian who ever lived--who told you to follow him--getting involved in politics to achieve "greater social justice"! Imagine Jesus Christ demonstrating in front of Herod and Pilate with signs saying, "All power to the People" and "We need agrarian reform" and "Corruption in Roman courts"! This poor, lost, pagan Mariolator says, "I can't accept the separation of life and politics. To renounce MY POLITICAL COMMITMENTS would be equivalent to RENOUNCING MY FAITH." He is speaking of the Roman Catholic faith. A man (Kennedy, for example) who doesn't line up his politics with the Roman Catholic faith is denying the Roman Catholic faith. Ditto Tip O'Neill, Haight, and every Catholic, Democratic Senator in Congress. Politics and religion are ONE in the Catholic church, for it is a church state whose head claims POLITICAL SOVEREIGNTY over the Kingdom of Heaven and SPIRITUAL SOVEREIGNTY over the Kingdom of God. Presently the Brazilian priests, bishops, and nuns--not just one bishop--are backing Sandinista's government and the leftist armies in El Salvador and Guatemala. These Catholic Communists set up a five day meeting in Rio de Janeiro to teach "POLITICAL MILITANCY and the Deepening of Faith." Translation: "Arming revolutionaries with weapons to kill the political opposition so the Catholic church can obtain her objectives."