CUL:Catholic Doctrines by Gospel Outreach Address by Pope John Paul I, at the shrine of St. John Neumann, Oct. '79. "I have come to pray at the tomb of St. John Neumann, a zealous missionary and dedicated pastor. I am reminded of St. John Neumann's love for Christ. From childhood he used to pray, 'Jesus for you I want to live; for you I want to die; I want to be all yours in life and death'." VERSES FOR ROMAN CATHOLICS THE MASS 1. Testimonies: Angels - Acts 1:11 Paul - I Cor. 11:26 John - I John 3:2 Jesus - Mat. 26:29 2. A false sacrifice for sin - Heb. 10:10-18, 7:27 3. No bloodshed means NO forgiveness - Heb. 9:22, 25-28 4. Cannot be repeated - Jn. 19:30, Rom. 6:9, I Pet. 3:18 5. It came from Ancient Idolatry - Isa. 44:15-18, Jer. 44:19,22 6. Jew & Gentile alike are forbidden to eat the literal body and blood of Christ - Jn. 6:35, 6:63, Gen. 9:4, Lev. 17:11-15, Acts 15:28-29 7. Priest killing the Sacrifice (Christ) becomes a murderer - Ex. 20:13 8. Christ is not present at the Sacrifice - Mat. 24:23-27, 26:29, Acts 19:26 (The Wafer) I Thes. 4:16-18 CELIBACY 1. A demonic practice of those who ignore truth - I Tim. 4:1-3 2. A Bishop MUST be married - I Tim. 3:2,5,12 3. Peter was married - Mat. 8:14 and he traveled with a wife I Cor.9:5 4. God's clear verdict - Gen. 2:18, Mat. 19:4-5 MARY, QUEEN OF HEAVEN 1. Testimonies: Mary - Jn. 2:5 God - Lk. 9:35 Christ - Jn. 12:32 "Listen to Jesus only" 2. Apparitions - II Cor. 11:3, 14-15, II Thes. 2:9-10 3. Ancient Idolatry - Jer. 7:18, 44:17,22 4. No MEDIATRIX but Christ - I Tim. 2:5, Jn.14:6, Heb. 9:15, I Jn 2:1, Rom. 14:11 5. A Sinner in need of a Saviour - Lk. 1:46-47, Rom. 3:10, 23 6. Not EVER-VIRGIN - Mat. 1:25, (firstborn son), Mk. 6:1-3 (Townspeople knew her children), Gal. 1:19 (Brother = from the same womb) 7. To receive no worship - Luke 11:27-28, Rosary - Mat. 6:7, God alone - Mat. 4:10, Rom. 1:25, Isa. 42:8 8. Could not be a Co-Redemptrix - Acts 4:12, I Cor. 3:11, Jn. 17:3, Jer. 17:5,7 Isa. 43:11 9. Christ is the only Saviour - I Tim 1:1, Col. 1:27, Heb. 7:25 10. Not the Mother of God - Mat. 12:46-50, Jn. 2:3-4, Gen. 1:1, Jn. 1:1-3 11. Nothing under Mary's feet (control) - Gen. 3:14-15 (He), I Cor. 15:27, Heb. 1:13 PETER 1. Not a Rock - Jn. 1:42 (a stone) Ps. 18:31 2. Paul's confession - I Cor. 10:4, Eph. 2:20, Col. 1:14-16-18 3. Peter's confession - I Pet 2:6-8, Acts 4:10-12 4. Christ's confession - Lk. 6:47-49 5. Scriptures confession - Deut. 32:15,18,31 6. Not to be shown special honor - Mk. 10:35-43 7. Not infallible - Gal. 2:11,13 8. Peter never at Rome - Rom. 1:15, 15:20-21 Roman church not started by Peter - Rm. 16:3-5 9. Peter sent out - Acts 8:14 10. An evil tree if not founded on Christ can't yield good fruit - Mt. 7:16-20 STATUES 1. Hated by God - Deut. 16:22, Lev. 26:1 2. Shows your hatred of God - Ex. 20:2-5 3. To receive no worship - Isa. 42:8 4. Medals and Images are unprofitable - Isa. 44:9, Acts 19:26 5. You are deceived if you trust in any rather than Christ alone - Ps. 115:4-8, Deut 4:16 PURGATORY 1. Sin was purged by Christ at Calvary - Heb. 1:1-3 2. Death ends any hope - Isa. 38:18 3. No MASS CARDS can buy a person from death into heaven - Ps. 49:7-9 4. Christians go directly to heaven - II Cor. 5:8 5. Unbelievers wait only for wrath - Jn. 3:36 6. No need of a place, we need the cleansing of Christ's blood - I John 1:7,9 7. Death takes a Christian to Christ - Phil. 1:23 CONFESSION 1. Go to God ONLY - Ps. 32:5, Ezra 10:10 2. He alone can forgive - Mk. 2:7, Isa. 55:7 3. Only one man can help - I Jn. 2:1-2 (Christ) 4. Paul said go to Christ - Acts 13:38-39 5. Peter said go to God not confessionals - Acts 8:21-22 6. Christ the only Judge and forgiver - I Tim. 2:5, Acts 10:42-43, Jn. 5:22-24 7. Christ knows, forgives, and helps us - Heb. 4:15-16 8. Let us obey God and stop listening to men - Acts 5:29-32 TRADITION 1. Christ called them vain worship - Mat. 15:3-9 2. Traditions cause error and disobedience to God's Word - Mk. 7:7-9, Mat. 22:29, Jn. 5:39 3. Beware of traditions - Col. 2:8, Jer. 17:5-7 4. Traditions can be confused - Jn. 21:21-24 5. His Word will never pass but traditions will - Mat. 24:35 6. You cannot add to His Word - Rev. 22:18-19, Deut. 4:2 PRAYER FOR THE DEAD 1. Now, while the person is alive - II Cor. 6:2 2. Once dead - NO HOPE - Lk. 16:26, Rev. 20:15 3. No change of heart in death - Prov. 29:1 4. No ransom in death - Ps. 49:7-9, Acts 8:20 SALVATION 1. Not by the ten commandments - Gal. 2:16, Rom. 3:27-28 2. Not by good deeds or works - Eph. 2:8-9, Tit. 3:5 3. Not in the Church - Acts 4:10-12, Jn. 14:6 4. Not by Prayers of others - I Tim. 2:5 5. Not by your intentions - Prov. 14:12, 3:5-6 6. Not by sincerity - Mat. 7:21-23, Lk. 16:15 7. Not in the law - Gal. 2:21, Rm. 4:2-3, Rm. 10:4 8. Not in Lenten sacrificing - Rom. 14:20, Gal. 4:9-10 9. By being 'Born Again' - Jn. 3:3 a. Repent - Mk. 1:14, Acts 3:19 b. Believe - Jn. 3:16, Rm. 10:9-10 c. Receive - Jn. 1:12 d. Call - Rm. 10:13 10. Condemned only for disbelief in Christ and His work - Jn. 3:18, 36, Rev. 21:8 11. You can be sure of Salvation today, it is on record - I Jn. 5:11-13 12. We must get the Word - Rm. 10:17, I Pet. 1:2 PRIESTS 1. Not to be called 'father' - Mat. 23:8-9 2. His ministry is useless - Heb. 10:11 3. Christ has no more need of the priests - Heb. 8:4 4. 'ALTAR CHRISTOS' - Another Christ is condemned by Jesus - Mat. 24:23-26 5. 'WE' go directly to God - Heb. 4:14-16, Acts 8:22 POPE 1. Christ's church and He will build it - Mat. 16:18 2. Christ the only foundation - I Cor. 3:11 3. The Pope is NOT the Head of the Church - Col.1:18, Eph. 5:23 4. Must act as a servant - Mat. 20:25-28 5. Is not infallible - Gal. 2:11-14 6. Peter disobeyed God's order - Acts 10:14, so can any Pope 7. Not to be trusted - Jer. 17:5-6, trust God's Word - Prov. 30:5-6 8. Sets himself up as God - II Thes. 2:3,4 II Thes. 2:9-12 9. Keep from Idols - I Jn. 5:21 Rev. Neumann, author of the The Development of the Christian Religion stated on pg. 359: "Temples, incense, candles, votive offerings, holy water, holidays sacerdotal vestments, priests, nuns, images etc. are all of pagan origin. They worship relics as pagans did: a portion of Jesus blood a bottle of Mary's milk, Jesus' tears. Why do the people believe this? They are taught to receive tradition and the Church's word as final authority above Bible." We invite you to be converted to the true Christ of the Bible, who alone can FORGIVE your sins, give you never ending life, become your only mediator, make you a new person, and present you faultless before the Father in glory. If you desire to do this, just return to us your name and address for more information. GOSPEL OUTREACH Box 7078 Phila., PA 19149