CUL:A letter written to Dr. Jose Arguelles on 4/29/87 by "Actara" The following is a letter written to Dr. Jose Arguelles on 4/29/87 by an individual calling himself "Actara". There is an address at the end of the letter to which I assume you may send any questions and recieve an answer. I sure don't have any (answers that is). Gary .. There are many packets of information available at this time. Of course, the information could be assembled in any number of combinations. However, only the right combinations will lead Humankind to the first step, or stage, of light and life. These packets ofinformation are like dots in a "connect the dot" situation. Humankind needs to find the dots and begin connecting the lines. There are some who know what the overall picture should look like, and as such they may functions as guides in this process. In this sense, I am a guide, and so are you. As the dots are connected, energies begin manifesting. The connecting of the dots allows energies to combine in grids effecting the changes necessary for attaining the first stage of light and life. These grids are necessary for the transmutation process. Because of the doctrine of Free-Will, neither you or I can connect the dots for Humankind. We can show them the dots, and give them the means to access the awareness and understanding of what to do, but Humankind, the Mass Consciousness, must do the acting. So the first step is to wake Humankind up concerning who they are, and what all the realities are in relation to a Supreme Creator. The awaking process must result in Humankind becoming what I term "vertically connected." This vertical connection will be different for each individual in the beginning until the Mass Consciousness is united into a planet with one language, no territorial boundaries, and either one race or such a feeling of unity and brotherly love that all Humankind functions as one race. If Humankind does not first become "vertically connected, " then it will not have sufficient awareness and understanding to connect the dots, much less to even know what the dots are. Because the "vertical connection" is literally a "power" connection empowering every individual into awareness, understanding and then ultimately action, I am writing a book, entitled "POWER" to help all Humankind with the process of becoming "vertically connected." In this regard, I am a Connector. Before the vertical connection can be established, the receivers of each individual must be healed, and each individual informed that he or she has a receiver for accessing energy upon which travels information about everything and anything they ever wanted to know, but particularly about the One Supreme Creator and the involvement of all the Cosmos in a path of progression leading to Unity. It is in this sense that we are engaged upon a great "Healing Adventure." For the moment, Humankind feels its connection is horizontal. The horizontal connection is materiality and all the "systems" of Humankind that are based on negative energy resulting in the games played on behalf of these "systems" where individuals believe that they are not individually responsible for anything. This attitude is seen reflected in the Mass Consciousness where people demand more and more of governments as if the government were a living entity with a soul responsible to some higher authority. Governments, economic institutions, religious institutions, the military, and all the other systems, including the "technological" corporations will not be able to respond to the crises coming up. These crises include the exponential growth of the human population taxing the ability of Humankind to feed and water itself. Water will become a major problem before the shortage of oil will. The crises is an entropic one... where Humankind literally runs out of energy or power to survive without accessing some other source of energy. That other source of energy has to come from outside the planet, thus the necessity for the vertical connection and one reason I have chosen to entitle my book "POWER". All this you know. However, all that we know must be related to the mass consciousness in a particular way, a particular combination that will result in a clear choice being presented to every human on planet Earth so that each may exercise free-will for unity and the Creator, or for negative energy. This choice is more important on Earth than on other planets because of the Lucifer Rebellion. Each individual must realize that they cannot rely on the government, technology, religion or any other system to save them. Positive energy can only be accessed by a living Human Being, and systems are not living things with souls capable of accessing energy from the Creator. As individuals awaken and access new energy, they will chose to not allow any of their energies to empower "negative energy systems." As old systems fail, new systems will arise. The "POWER" book may become something of a manifesto for action in this regard. The word "power" will take on a new definition, as will many other words, as the old Truths are accessed and understood. Adultery in our present system is primarily defined in terms of territory and possession of a person or goods. Adultery in Universal Law is defined as being untrue to yourself; you commit adultery anytime you do not act in your truth. Truth becomes a major focal point. Truth, peace, innocence, purity, etc., are all energies, as is Love (a combination of energies.) The Creator's positive energies result in a different power than the power of Earth, a negative energy, which is based upon fear, force, control, and enforcement resulting in interference with all humankind's right to exercise their Free-will however they choose. So, in the "POWER" book, Humankind is told about Free-will and individual responsibility and that each individual will be given choices to make. No government, religion, or other "system of Earth" is going to "save" them. The new power of Earth will be based on one human being interacting with on other human being and in this way power grids will be formed. In the "POWER" book I will be rather specific about this connecting and the resulting energies. Humankind must first be told about the vertical connection and how to achieve it. It is nothing more than meditation, and not even anybody's specific formula. It's more of a desire leading to an attitude. The Silva Mind Control, Yoga, etc. are methods of becoming "connected." There is no one way, or particularly right formula. The new energies now being released will manifest results through meditation that have not been a common result of such meditating in the past because many of the energies and information therein were shut-off at the fall of Atlantis. Actually, they were shut-off at the time of the Luciferian Rebellion which was before Atlantis, but Atlantis had access to them. Atlantis is an important dot. Most humans on Earth have evolved to this point in time through a rather complex process of evolvement. The Atlanteans were ETs brought to Earth about 125, 000 years ago to engage in a noble experiment that got short circuited by Earth's negative energy, a great deal of which was from the Luciferian Rebellion. Because I started Atlantis, in connection with 11 others, eight of whom are now present on earth, I will tell the story of Atlantis as it has never been told. An amazing story it is. Atlantis was a planet that was going to be hit by a star, and as the civilization was very advanced, they agreed to abandon the planet and volunteer for service on other planets. I was not on the planet Atlantis, but essentially agreed as to a plan of service and relocation for them. As a number of planets were involved in the Lucifer Rebellion it was decided that these planets would be a good place for relocation. The Atlanteans were of a much higher vibration than Earth's vibrations for life so it was necessary for the Atlanteans to "come in" at partial power and to solve many problems related to the differing vibrations. The Atlanteans maintained their own "environments." Because evolution was taking place, or would foreseeably do so on major areas of Earth, the Atlanteans agreed to an area not needed in the evolvement scheme. As the Atlanteans were already evolved it did not matter if there were geographic cataclysms from time to time as they knew they were immortal and would merely reincarnate and keep going. So when Atlantis sank for the last time they just rebuilt under the ocean in a City. On the surface the Atlanteans only occupied a few cities and areas. The Atlantean planet was very similar to Earth and they knew that in time the vibrations of Earth would be similar to their planet and that Humankind would eventually progress to where they could help by interbreeding with the Earth peoples and thereby raise their vibrations and offset some of the progress and time lost by the Luciferian Rebellion. The interbreeding would not normally be necessary but the Rebellion caused great interference in the plans for evolvement of the higher vibrations. While the Atlanteans were waiting for the vibrations to raise they continually monitored the surface of the planet to see what was occurring in the evolvement process and associated vibrations and energies. The Atlanteans would often help to increase vibrations at every available opportunity, and to this end they were involved in building pyramids to create energy vortexes aligning the Earth with energies from the Galaxy where energies were balance both on the surface and within the Earth. During this period of time of waiting, the Atlanteans accessed some negative energies that became involved not only in some experiments, but led (in the third Atlantis, the City under the sea) to great sin. Sin being defined as a deliberate interference with another's free-will. Atlanteans began trying to "control" one another. The situation of the mass consciousness is VERY similar to this present time, only the technology was greatly advanced and they had access to enormous energies. The negative energies destroyed the City. As a result, the Atlanteans stopped existing as a separate community and reincarnated on the surface of the planet with the evolving humans. Instead of helping to raise the vibrations of the humans they "fell" into greater density and the negative vibrations then existing on the planet. Now is the first time the evolvement has attained a point where those individuals who are reincarnating Atlanteans can be consciously awakened as to who they are. So, as the energies of the race of Atlantis remain in the Earth until transmuted, (if negative), or used, if positive (in which case, balancing is still necessary) each Atlantean is also an energy that is rising similar to the Atlantean energies of long ago. Because these people had already accessed "light and life" they know what it is all about. They can be there again by remembering, and clearing the Atlantean mass consciousness that caused them to fall. The Atlanteans are the 144, 000, they are the spark plugs and leaders that can really accelerate the process if they wake-up. Your book, "The Mayan Factor", can be a great step in helping to awaken the Atlanteans as well as ALL of Humankind. "The Mayan Factor" begins the serious move in the TRANSMUTATION process by redefining. re-evaluating human values (Truths) leading to a readjustment in attitude. Recognizing the existence of extraterrestrial life is of major importance. Science needs to admit it, leading the shift in consciousness. "The Mayan Factor" will lead to the Atlantean Connection, (via Egypt, no doubt). Higher vibrations lead to higher Truths. IF Humankind will only acknowledge the ET status and higher evolvement of the Mayans, then the mass consciousness is cleared for accepting higher Truths. In the last Atlantis (under the sea) the mass consciousness "laughed" at the Universal Truths that so long kept the civilization "connected" to the Creator and its positive energies. I wrote these Truths and preserved them. Accessing and understanding these Truths is a major step in the Transmuting process where lower energies are released for higher ones. These Truths are inter-dimensional because the higher vibrations are inter-dimensional. Crystals involve a higher pattern of vibrations and with the increased interest in this area we see plain evidence of the awakening process. Crystal may be misused so the Truths are necessary at this time also so past errors may be consciously avoided. In the evolution process on the rest of Earth, the change in an evolution step came SUDDENLY. When NEW energies "hit" the DNA, the catalyst was present for a new code and new life form or adaptation. New energies are here, but rather than the DNA being effected, the evolution is in the MIND leading to the Spirit, thus requiring a CONSCIOUS effort of every individual to respond to the positive energies for transformation to occur. For the Atlanteans this is a relatively easy step as they ALREADY have a light body fully constructed. As you have noticed, there are repeating patterns of energy manifestation and information. Certain things, like crystals, have a certain energy pattern which informs you as to what patterns of energy they are subject to and can consequently select and manifest, etc. On the chart of elements, every seventh element will repeat one or more aspects or expressions of an energy seven elements earlier. Science has approached energy only from the point of view of how it can be forced into doing work, or manifesting a power or force to destroy. For example, the way cancer is treated with irradiation is simply by bombardment. In other words, scientists noticed that cancer cells are abnormal only in the sense that they are multiplying faster thana the cells around them so they produce large growths called tumors that eventually interrupt the operation of the other slower growing cells that are really part of the necessary functions of the human body. So the thinking goes, that if we shoot an electron at the atom of one of these faster growing cells and hit an electron or other particle in that cell, then we can disrupt its growth and it will die. So the war on cancer is really like Humankind thinks on Earth: machine gun enough electrons at a cancer cell and it will be destroyed. Science has not really tried to look at the multidimensional aspect of biological systems based on DNA and repeating energy patterns to understand how the Creator designed them to function. As you know, because the body is surrounded by an electromagnetic field, a change must first occur in this field before it can manifest in the physical body. You can eliminate cancer cells by changing their vibration. When you restore the normal vibration of the area of cancer, the normal cells respond and flourish and the cancer cells must leave. It is much like dark and light cannot occupy the same space, and thus positive and negative energies cannot occupy the same space. The Atlanteans knew how to restore vibrations both mentally and in mechanical ways. Until scientists learn how to study energy, particularly with the Creator and Unity in mind, Humankind can restore balance to its electromagnetic field, and thus gain health through meditation as the soul knows what to do on an unconscious level if the desire, the right attitude is there. When Humankind begins to understand these Truths of the Universe, they cannot continue to live in the untruths of the present which empower and manifest negative energies that only result in crime, cancer and destruction. As I follow the work of physicists, I notice that when a new sub-atomic particle is discovered the main train of thinking is how can we use this in a forceful way? Rather, the scientists should try to understand for what purpose the Creator created this particle and what is its normal function. But this kind of thinking can only occur when a transmutation has taken place in the mental thinking, leading to the Soul being consciously in control that the Truths of higher energy manifestations may be understood and used for the highest good of all. Triangulations of energies of light, sound and magnetic are what scientists should be experimenting with. They should also realize that such intangibles as purity, innocence, and love are in fact energies of the Cosmos. These energies are manifested mentally in the mind and must be present as a catalyst to allow access to the other side of energy manifestations. It's as if there are yet unseen and undiscovered particles that only respond to such thoughts as love and peace, which then act as a catalyst with other energies. The mental transmutation then must lead to a Spiritual transmutation. Highly evolved entities can in fact de-materialize and re-materialize, and can heal by regeneration, as well as cause things to materialize that they have thought up and visualized. There is no magic involved, it is all explainable and comprehensible as basic physics when you have the vertical power connection with the Creator well established. Atlanteans volunteered to put higher vibrations on Earth, so it is now time to awaken them to the completion of their task. As Universal Truths are recognized, Humankind will refuse to live in negative energies, and the present systems that negative energies empower. Because Humans are energy connections, the horizontal connection must be broken before the vertical one can become effective. Humankind must first be healed. No science, hospital, government or institution can give a magic pill to effect this type of cure. It is a mental and physical cure which each human is responsible for by recognizing his or her Free-will and responsibility that goes with it to access the vertical connection to the Creator or not. If one human can be healed, then and only then can that human help lead another to healing, and in this way power grids will be constructed. As new vibrations flow within these energy vortexes healing will come to the Earth, there will be agreement on one language, no territorial boundaries, etc. One thing I say rather strongly to Humankind and scientists in the book, "POWER" is that the power has been shut off to Earth. Scientists realize this through the law of ENTROPY, and as all stored energies on Earth are used up, Humankind will understand that all energy comes from the Creator and any new energy must come from outside the /earth. Solar energy alone won't do it, as there are other energies that must be accessed from outside the Earth as well that do not come from the Sun. In other words, mere solar technology can not save you. Each person must be saved by exercising his or her Free-will as not one else can do it for them, and the energies can only be manifested in conjunction with Humankind being the point of connection for the new energies from without the planet. The Creator is not going to send energy to a government, corporation or any other institution, not will the Creator allow positive energies to be used in any way to empower negative energy systems. In the approximate 115, 000 year history of Atlantis I incarnated 3 times, once in each of the major periods of Atlantic civilization. I have been present on Earth in each of your major civilizations through time at the time of major periods of transition, primarily keeping the Truths alive. The Truths are changed by Humans, especially as they are formalized into the basis for religions that become dogmatic and institutionalized to empower physical manifestations on Earth such as the priesthood, politics, economic systems, and individuals reaching for power and control over others. However, you will notice that some Truth has been preserved in each major civilization and that these Truths are all the same or very similar. In the sense that my home is from outside the Earth, I am an extraterrestrial. However, in my home I do not have a physical body. I have a light body that is round, and if you could see me you would see coursing currents of energy within this body. On Earth I an but an infinitesimal part of my larger self which remains on the 12th Dimension; simultaneous existences. Your sun is bright, and there are others much brighter, and where I come from it is so bright that you cannot see it, and yet it is cool. It is my nature to be involved in the Creation of Universes, systems and life. On the first Atlantis I was known simply as Actara. And so it is as "Actara" that I wish my teachings to be known. You may pass on anything I have said. It is not necessary that you give me credit if you do not want to. I have no interest in copyright laws, etc. I am only interested in the energies being passed along. Let us begin the great healing adventure. Trust in the perfect evolvement of ALL according to the plan of the Creator. IN the Peace, and the energies of Love, and with respect for all Life, I am, /s/Actara RT 10 Box 88M Santa Fe, NM 87504