THE SWORD OF THE LORD - February 15, 1991 issue. NEWS of Interest to Christians - Muslim Allah Not the Same as Christian God. A 1/16 Huntsville Times article said the Moslems' Allah is the "same person" as Christianity's God. The pope, WCC liberals, former President Jimmy Carter and others have said the same. But this is wrong and must not go unchallenged. Since Islam is making such inrods today and is the fastest-growing religion in America, it is vital that we be aware of its dangerous beliefs. It teaches that Christ was a great prophet, but largely superseded by Mohammed, and that its Koran superesedes our Bible. The Koran denies Christ's deity and teaches that He did not die. It teaches He was the Son of God, but not God the Son. Islam's basic creed is: "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet." Its Allah is not the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and thus is not the "same person" as the Christian's God. Muslims worship a monotheistic god (Allah) who does not exist. Christians worship the Triune God of the Bible, the only God who does exist (see Isaiah 44:8; 43:10). "Choose ye!" They are not the same!