From: Ray To: Eric Greene Subject: FLOOD EVIDENCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * There is still alot of geological evidence. * 1.Polystratic trees are fossil trees which extend through several layers of strata, often 20 feet or more in length. These fossils would have to form quickly otherwise they would have decomposed. In many case these fossil trees bridge presumed evolutionary time of millions of years. * 2. Ephemeral Markings are ripple marks,worm trails and animal tracks. These structures are very perishable and easily destroyed by normal weather conditions. They are found in great abundance in the fossil record and indicate a instant hydraulic cataclysm. * 3.Petrified logs are another example of evidence pointing towards a sudden and catastrophic event. All of them have their branches stripped and bark still intact, indicating rapid burial before rotting could occur. It is apparent that the original forests were uprooted by some sort of hydraulic catacysm of enormous power. *