Current Contents of Selected Creationist Literature ************************ Origins Research, Vol. 13, Nos. 1-2, 1990 Double Issue, ISSN 0748-9919, pp. 1-20, Dennis Wagner, editor, twice a year. What's In the Fridge?: The Testimony of Dr. Jerome Lejeune in the Tennessee "Frozen Embryo" Case / court transcript, pp. 1-2, 8-9, 12-18, 20. Editor's Column: California's New Science Framework: How Firm a Foundation? / by Mark Hartwig, p. 2. Letters: Daniel V. Davis, p. 3, Ed Babinski, p. 3, Robert Kofahl, p. 19, Joe Dundovic, p. 19, D.H. Koobs, p. 20, Kurt Wise, p. 19. News & Views: / author(s) unknown A Face Only A Paleoanthropologist Could Love (review article), p. 4. More Problems With the Molecular Clock (review article), p. 4. Essay Review: Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History by Stephen Jay Gould / reviewed by Kurt P. Wise, p. 5. Commentary: Defending Darwinism: How Far is Too Far? / by Mark Hartwig, pp. 6-7. ************************ Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 4, March 1991, ISSN 0092-9166, pp. 116-160, Donald B. DeYoung, editor, quarterly. Cover: Photo of mortar & pestle found in auriferous gravel, Spanish Plat, El Dorado County, California. Univ. of Calif., Berkeley designation 1-4204A. Dedication to Paul A. Zimmerman / by Wilbert Rusch, Sr. L.L.D. p. 122 Geological Evidence of Early Man / by Robert E. Gentet. pp. 122-127. A Neurochemical Creationist Concept Based on 'In Vitro' Studies of Brain mRNAs of Three Lumber Vole Species: Clethrionomys glareolus, Clethrionomys frater, and Clethrionomys gapperi / by Dimitrij A. Kuznetsov. pp. 128-135. Panorama of Science: Evolution: The Bitter Fruit of Dogmatism / by Bill Crofut & Raymond M. Seaman. p. 136. Reprinted CRSQ Volume 3 (abstracts) / by Emmett L. Williams. pp. 136- 138. An Early Christian View of Genesis One / by David C.C. Watson. pp. 138-139. Keyword Index to Volume 26 / by Glen W. Wolfrom. pp. 140-141. The Eye: By Chance or Intelligence / by H.S. Hamilton. pp. 141-144. Symposium On Variation: I. Possible Variability In Living Organisms--A Review of CRSQ Writings / by Emmett L. Williams. pp. 144-149. II. What Is A Species? / by Bolton Davidheiser. pp. 149-151. III. Is More Than Gene Action Required To Account for Variation / by Lester J. McCann. pp. 151-153. Book Reviews: Creation or Evolution: Correspondence on the Current Controversy by Edward O. Dodson and George F. Howe / reviewed by Wilbert H. Rusch. p. 154. Charles Darwin's Religious Views: From Creationist to Evolutionist by David Herbert / reviewed by Jerry Bergman. pp. 154-156. Biblical Myths and Mysteries by Gilbert Thurlow / reviewed by Clifford L. Lillo. p. 157. Letters to the Editor: Robert H. Brown. pp. 157-158, Andrew Snelling. p. 158. ********************* Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 13, No. 1, Dec. 1990-Feb. 1991, ISSN 0819-1530, pp. 1-52, Robert Doolan, editor, quarterly. Cover: Photo of Saber-toothed tiger reconstruction. Editorial: Gays Were Not Created That Way / by Robert Doolan. p. 4. Focus: News of Interest About Creation and Evolution, pp. 5-8. Letters to the Editor: David Sakel, p. 9, Linda Holliday, p. 9, Muriel Grills, p. 9, Gary Keen, p. 9, John Shaw, p. 9. Tracking Down the Dinosaur Man...An Interview with Buddy Davis -- Dinosaur Sculptor and Taxidermist / interviewed by Arthur Johns. p. 10-14. How Do You Date A New Zealand Volcano? / by Robert Doolan, p. 15. Hands and Feet -- Uniquely Human Right From the Start! / by Joachim Vetter, pp. 16-17, translated from the German by Carl Wieland. Evolution: Still an Opinion? / by Harold H.P. Dressler, pp. 18-21. Book Review: Science, Scripture and the Young Earth by Henry M. Morris and John D. Morris / reviewed by Carl Wieland, p. 21. Creation Questions: Who Was 'Nutcracker man'? / author unknown, p. 22. How Did the Platypus get 'Down Under'? / authur unknown, p. 24. Shades of Babel / by Carl Wieland, p. 23. Our World, No. 17. / 4-page insert of British creationist newsletter, pp. 25-28. Science Spot: Whale of a Tale About a Snail / review of Scientific American article, p 29. Could Monkeys Type the 23rd Psalm? / by Russell Grigg, pp. 30-34. Who Is the god of Evolution -- and Can He Be Trusted? / Pamela McCall, pp. 36-38. The Man Who Got Me Hunting Down Evolution! / by David C.C. Watson, p. 39. Great Creation Scientists: Samuel Morse (1791-1872): the Artist Who Invented Morse Code / by Ann Lamont, pp. 42-44. Methods of the Creator / by John C. Whitcomb, pp. 46-47. Fuzzy Feathers and Walking Whales (More Reasons to be Skeptical of the Skeptics) / by Carl Wieland, pp. 48-50. ************************ Creation Social Science and Humanities Quarterly, Vol. 13, No. 2, Winter 1990, ISSN 0740-3399, pp. 1-32, Dr. Paul D. Ackerman, editor, quarterly. Editorial: The New Science / by Walter Lang (reprint). p. 1. Letters: P.P. Thomas, pp. 3-4, Don W. Campbell and Family, p. 4. Creation In the History of Orthodox Theology / by John Meyendorff. pp. 5- 10. Reprint. Christianity In Literary Creation : Chateaubriand and Dostoevsky / by Andrea Link. pp. 11-15. General Semantics and Evolution / by Jerry Bergman. pp. 16-26. Language-Origins and Evolution / by D. Tassot. pp. 27-32.