DID YOU KNOW.... That earthworms are highly specialized creatures? They seem obviously designed for their important task of burrowing through soil. They burrow into the ground in all parts of the world, and make an important contribution to the fertilization, aeration, and drainage of the soil. Earthworms swallow huge amounts of earth, digest the nutritive matter it contains, then cast up the remains onto the surface of the ground or in their burrows. In this way, they work at a constant and effective system of plowing. An average acre of soil may house three million earthworms, which can move about 18 tons of soil in a year. Their work is so thorough that in the areas in which they live almost all the soil to a depth of many centimeters has passed through the alimentary tract of an earthworm at some time. Could the earthworm's activities of loosening, stirring up, and aerating the soil to make it more fertile be the result of evolution? Could its valuable work come about through mutations or natural selection via its struggle for existence (the supposed methods of evolution)? Did the earthworm choose to dig everlastingly, to pass countless tons of earth through its body over the centuries to help cultivate the soil for plant life? Or is a better explanation found in the proposal that the Creator designed and planned the earthworm in the beginning, to be a willing, if humble, servant of the plant world?