ARE WE BEING SALT? by John D. Morris, Ph.D. At the beginning of a new decade, wise Christian men and women should look back and evaluate their activities during the past years, to see if their lives and ministries had been all they could have been, to the glory of God and the furtherance of His Kingdom. The activities of ICR have been well documented on these pages, but the numbers of lectures and attendance figures tell only a minor portion of the story. The real impact is in the changed lives of people. Hardly a day goes by without a testimony of salvation or Christian growth coming our way. But the news we cherish most comes from young people who have heard one of us talk or read one of the books and now are better prepared for the onslaught of humanism sure to come their way. Let me share with you one such letter, received after a recent Back to Genesis seminar: Dear ICR, I am 12 years old. I had a very good time at the seminar. It was interesting to know about the Tyrannasaurus' teeth. I'd probably tear my teeth out too, if I went around biting other dinosaurs. When you asked "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" I wasn't thinking very well when I said "the egg." God made the birds, and they later had eggs. God could have hatched some eggs in heaven, though, but probably not. I have started reading your books. They are very interesting. I think it is good that you are fighting against evolution. I want to be a creationist when I grow up. I wonder what Adam called the dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden. Maybe He called them Fred and Bert and Floyd and Mary. I don't know. We finally got the hang of saying "Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth." Now, every time I even hint of starting to say it, my brother says, "If you say that one more time I'm going to clobber you." I guess I'd better go now. Good bye. P.S. We are praying for you. P.P.S. God bless you!