Ph.D. Baloney The Alabama Journal for Friday, October 23, 1987, had an editorial in it where a certain Ph.D. named William Stevens counselled people not to listen to theories of creation that match the Bible, on the grounds that creation is "a tough subject best dealt with at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. I know: I had to work hard for what proficiency I have with the subject...." This particular Post-Hole-Digger was deeply upset by the fact that somebody had sent an article to that paper saying that evolution was a joke because it violated the second law of thermodynamics. Steven's rebuttal to this is a classic in dementia: "On the surface, this would seem to operate against evolution. [It does, on the surface and in depth.] But the second law also permits processes to occur which seem somehow backward of this great tendency. [Note the words 'seem' and 'tendency' for a law that has been proven.] It's really a matter of how you define the system." We weren't dealing with the system; we were dealing with the second law of thermodynamics. In an attempt to overthrow this law, Stevens comes out with this remarkable illustration: "Anyone who knows how a ram-pump works knows that water will flow uphill of its own accord. Experienced canoeists know that if they stick to the river banks, they can sometimes catch eddy currents and actually drift upstream. And, to the occasional chagrin of Alabamians, chaotic clouds of gaseous water molecules often organize themselves into intricate, perfectly symmetrical snowflakes. All of these processes are forbidden by creationist thermodynamics but are perfectly consistent with the second law." And there it is. He's telling you that entropy doesn't occur in a closed system and that the amount of water drifting upstream in an eddy current is equal to or greater than the body of water going downstream. That's the kind of "intellectual honesty" you get from a Ph.D. who says, "I urge, that readers who are genuinely interested in these scientific topics seek their instruction in the classrooms of a reputable college...." Not any college that dummy went to!