BBB:Replies from viewers of BBB From Our Viewers From the Philippines: Since 1981 I've been receiving the BBB, and in the issue of this month it brought to my attention on its TV log challenging anybody who are interested in establishing a broadcast in their area. I am very much interested in establishing a broadcast program in the Philippines, if it would be possible. Most of the TV broadcasts are sponsored by different cults. I hope that God will be glorified, and to Him all things are possible. From Alabama: We do desire to hear Dr. Ruckman preach on the New Age movement and the Satanic situation that is popping up in our young children's lives. He is so simple in his method, straightforward and honest in the presentation of the Lord's words. We have heard many people say that's so narrow, but we must remember that straight and narrow is the way. From Texas: On Sunday morning I tuned my TV to the station where you were speaking on the subject of the security of the believer. I am past threescore years, and I have heard preaching all my life, and I have never heard a sermon on that subject as good as the one I listened to. It was the best. From Ohio: We enjoyed the sermon very much, but didn't hear the first part, as we turned across it by accident. The drawing was beautiful, and we would like very much to see and hear it in its entirety. From Texas: I just want to let you all know that I love your program on TV and that it has been a tremendous spiritual blessing to me. Every time I learn something different. I would like to learn someday if it be the will of God for me to preach His word just like you do. Simple and nothing but the plain truth. From Florida: I really enjoy watching Dr. Peter Ruckman when I can't attend Sunday School. The truth is, I learn more from his TV ministry than I do in Sunday School. He preaches the Bible in truth. From Florida: A few lines to let you know how much we enjoy Peter Ruckman's telecasts on Sundays. I tune in every Sunday and enjoy his chalk talks. It is easy to understand, and he is very sincere in his teachings. Please continue his telecast.