BBB:Noteworthy quotes The Papacy is not other than the Ghost of the deceased Roman Empire, sitting crowned upon the grave thereof. --Thomas Hobbes Preach not because you have to say something, but because you have something to say. --Richard Whately By a landslide majority vote of 340-12, the Church of England Synod at York decided to pledge itself to Inter-Church proposals for a new ecumenical council to replace the British Council of Churches in September, 1990. --Church Times, WPU Teach me, my God and King In all things Thee to see, And what I do in any thing To do it as for Thee. --George Herbert "Lightning seems to strike crucifixes and medallions around people's necks and often leaves a burn in the shape of the medal," said Dr. Elsom (of the Tornado and Storm Research Organization). "St. Christopher may not always be a help." --Daily Mail, WPU John Hinckley regards Jews as "the cause of most of the world's problems." In a series of letters to a woman imprisoned in Oakdale, Iowa, Hinckley called Hitler a "prophet" and said, "I am his successor." He also said he had a theory that the Jews "are all antichrists." Hinckley is serving time in prison for his attack on former President Ronald Reagan. --The Chattanooga Times (IBJM) Revelation 17:18 describes the great Harlot as "that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth." In the same chapter, we are told this city sits on seven mountains (Rome). Soon, the Polish government will discover that when the pope plays, it's time to dance. --Battle Cry (Chick Pubs.)