BBB:Outstanding verses in Scripture #6 For several months now we have been printing a series of articles called The Salient Verses in the Bible. We have covered about a hundred of them without getting out of the Pentateuch. We call these verses "salient" because of the important place they fill either as correctors of modern, apostate Fundamentalism, or because of the light they shed on Greek and Hebrew scholars and scholarship, or because of their remarkable ability to interpret other verses of scripture. We continue: Numbers 1:3--The verse shows not only "draft age" but shows what the Bible considers to be an "adult" who is no longer under parental authority. It is "twenty," not eighteen. Numbers 4:3,32--The verses are instructive because this is the age that the greatest type of Christ in the Bible begins his "ministry" (Gen. 41:46), and this is the age that the Lord Jesus Christ begins His ministry. A "wise man from the east" (Matt. 2) could have figured the birth of Christ within a year if he had studied Daniel's "Seventieth Week," which was revealed in the East (Babylon). This explains why the wise men "saw his star in the east." They were looking for it after reading Balaam's prophecy in Numbers 24:17. Numbers 5:27--The verse records a case (and the first case in the history of medicine) of psychosomatic relationship between the body and the "soul" (or emotional life). Feeling or thoughts can affect a person physically, and physical problems can affect a person's emotional or thought life. Numbers 6:24-26--The reference is to the Trinity. God the Father does the blessing and keeping, God the Son is the revelation of God's face (2 Cor. 4:46), and it is the Holy Spirit that brings you peace. Numbers 15:26-30--The same thing we mentioned before in Leviticus regarding sins of ignorance. "Ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law." Numbers 20:11--A verse to show you how seriously God takes His own Book even where it is not dealing with "essentials" or "fundamentals." God not only levies capital punishment on a man and woman for STEALING fruit, he kills a faithful servant (Heb. 3:5) for destroying a "type," if you can believe it. There is nothing wrong at all with hitting a rock with a stick, but if it was intended by God to be a type of His Son (1 Cor. 10:1-4) YOU CAN GET KILLED FOR IT (Deut. 34). Numbers 22:12-13--The verses overthrow the scholarship of both Scofield Reference boards of editors, stretching through a period of half a century. They are absolutely crucial, for they deal with the most important subject in the Bible--the Bible itself. (The longest chapter in the Bible is Ps. 119, and it deals with the "word of God.") Here in Numbers 22, God reveals HOW BIBLE BELIEVING FUNDAMENTALISTS GO INTO APOSTASY AND WHY THEY DO IT. The motive is money (see 2 Peter 2:15), and the way the thing is done is by refusing to give the entire (the "whole") counsel if any of that counsel would not profit them or their ministries personally. This was Balaam's problem. He knew God and the Holy Spirit (Num. 22:38), and he had direct revelations from the plenary, verbally inspired "originals" (no overstatement: read Num. 24:4-16). His problem was "the love of money," and that is why that reading (1 Tim. 6:10) was removed from every English translation on the market from 1881 to 1990. There were ninety "UPDATED TRANSLATIONS" PUBLISHED between 1881 and 1981, and EVERY ONE of them got rid of the reading, just like the Scofield board of editors covered up Balaam's sins by talking about the "direct" and the "revealed" and the "permissive" wills of God, which had no more to do with the passage than Philemon 1-2. Numbers 33:52--The verse, as it stands in the Holy Bible (AV) is the only one that God has left in His Book to warn the twentieth century reader about the primary cause of adultery, fornication, pornography, and perversion. No man can think about sin without images in his mind to think with (Ezek. 8:12), and these images MOVE on television and in the movies, making them more real and deadly than any type of pictures from 4000 B.C. to 1900 B.C. All English "Bibles" (more than ninety corruptions since 1880) alter the verse to get rid of the word "pictures." In 1989 an apostate in California (Bobbie Hymers), who "went to bats" for BBC in an effort to raise their sagging enrollment, ridiculed the AV reading since it gave "advanced revelation" on the truth that no Hebrew or Greek scholar could produce from any set of Greek or Hebrew manuscripts by any publisher in any Hebrew or Greek edition of the Old Testament. Deuteronomy 1:39--It corrects seventeen hundred years of false teaching by the entire Roman Catholic hierarchy and the teaching of John Calvin on "elect" children. All children are "elect" until they lose what Adam lost (innocency) the same way he lost it: by getting "a knowledge of good and evil." The age for this is not given, but Romans 4:15 and 5:13 show what it going on. Observe that all Calvinistic Hebrew and Greek scholars--this would include Robert Dick Wilson, J. Gresham Machen, and B.B. Warfield--missed the truth exactly as the College of Cardinals, Augustine, Jerome, and the Popes missed it. Typical. Deuteronomy 2:21--Crucial; it shows that any and all attempts to say that the "giants" in Genesis 6 were the "offspring of the daughters of Seth with the sons of Cain" by converting them to "men of renown" only--for example, "giants of the faith--is rubbish. Literal giants are literal giants, and they will show up again on this earth. Deuteronomy 14:26--The verse is a long-standing excuse for winoes and "sneaky Petes" to get drunk on. Every HyperDispensationalist in America who is "hyper grace" uses the verse to justify a little "nipping" from time to time. Note two conditions that no "nipper" meets, and thereby disqualifies himself from using the verse as an alibi to sin. 1 . He is not a Jew selling his tithing material (w. 22-23) in order to get liquor money. 2. He does not go to "the place" (v. 24) that God designated for the celebration. (If that weren't enough, the "HOUSEHOLD" is involved, v. 26. If you are getting drunk in front of your own children at Jerusalem with tithe money, you might be able to "qualify," but anyone knows that is ridiculous in the light of Prov. 23:31 and 20:1.) Deuteronomy 17:16-17--Observe Solomon breaking THREE commandments that were given for a king to keep. No wonder he got into the trouble he got into! David only messed up on one of them. Deuteronomy 18:19--Again the emphasis on the WORDS of God, not the "principles" or "fundamentals" or the "teachings." It is WORDS that are required, and Jesus emphasizes this in John 14:23. (The apostates check out again; that old Monarch of the Books is just more than they can deal with. It tears them apart like a ravenous lion every time they open it to look at it.)