BBB:Outstanding verses in Scripture #5 For several months now we have been giving to the Bible believing student what we call the "salient" or outstanding verses in the Bible. We have found more than eighty in the first two books of the Bible. Of course, we may have skipped some verses which many Christians find very precious to them. These verses have been picked more for the light they give on Bible doctrines than for spiritual or devotional edification, but many of them supply this need also. We continue: Exodus 18:23--This is the worst advice anyone in the entire Bible ever gave to a man. It has been hailed in all of the International Sunday School lessons for thirty-five years (literally) as the way to conduct the Lord's business. Exodus 19:11--The date of the Second Advent is given here. It will be "on the third day" (2000 A.D.). If our calendar is right, the date of the Second Advent will be September 23, 2000 A.D. If four years are allotted for 4 B.C., this would make the date September 23, 1996. Exodus 21:12-17; 22:18-19, etc.--All of these offences merit capital punishment, and the queer is executed (Lev. 20:13). The thinking is simple: If you do not kill him, eventually he will kill you or your children or your whole family. Take your pick. Exodus 25:22--Crucial, for it means "God" is in the blank space over the mercy seat, and therefore is a Spirit, so they that "worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth." All of the heathen "palaquins" have their "god" visibly in plain view. The best example of this is the palaquin carried through the streets of Rome with the Unholy Father seated on it; it is carried on the shoulders of his pagan flunkies. Exodus 31:15--Capital punishment for violating the Sabbath. All Seventh-day Adventists violate it every week, for they are still working nine hours after the Sabbath has started. Exodus 32:18--A warning that African music (see the "mixed multitude" in Exod. 12:38) can resemble hand-to-hand combat with swords, knives, and spears. A modern rock "concert" is not much different from the collision of two battalions armed with bayonets and trench knives. Exodus 32:32--Salient: God had a book written long before the children of Israel got into the Promised Land. Moses knows of this book. Exodus 33, 34--Salient: Jesus Christ is typified in at least twelve verses in the two chapters. Exodus 34:7--The greatest verse in the Bible outside of Hebrews 10:4 to show that heretics like Curtis Hutson and John R. Rice are lying like a dog when they tell you that salvation under the Law was the same as salvation under grace. Notice that not even Abraham, Noah, and Isaac UNDER GRACE could be "cleared" of their sins (v. 7), for the blood of bulls and goats could not "TAKE AWAY SINS" (Heb. 10:4). To say therefore that Old Testament salvation and New Testament salvation are the same is to talk like a perfect idiot. Because Hutson and Rice were both saved, we will not say they were idiots, we simply say THEY TALKED LIKE IDIOTS. The Old Testament saints who died even BEFORE the Law did not gain direct access to heaven. Enoch is the only exception given, and the rest are noted as being in "paradise" or "Abraham's bosom." Exodus 35:31--The verse corrects the errors of both Scofield Reference Bibles, all of the faculties and staffs of all the major Fundamental schools (who died in 1909 with Scofield), and all major Bible commentators and expositors. The Holy Spirit was IN men in the Old Testament (Isa. 63:11; 1 Peter 1:11), and opinions contrary to the words of the Holy Spirit are to be taken as seriously as opinions by the ACLU on "prevailing prayer." The Holy Spirit came INTO men in the Old Testament and left them (Ps. 51:11; 1 Sam. 16:14), and if "good, godly men" don't agree with that doctrine, they can go blow their brains out: they would have "nothing to lose." Leviticus 1:8--Note the beheading, for it shows up after 1990 (see Rev. 20:1-3) as the main means of capital punishment. The Jewish saints (Rev. 6) are sacrificed at an altar (Ps. 16:4) and are then EATEN (Isa. 6:13). The Greek and Hebrew scholars' opinions are not worth consulting. Leviticvs 2:4-7--The verse defines the word "meat" in the Bible, without the help of any "newer translations" with "clearer meanings." Note that the word also means fruit off a tree (Gen. 1,2). Leviticus 4:27-28; 5:14--The verses show that "ignorance is no excuse for breaking the Law." Where a Mason or a Knights of Columbus has bound his soul with an oath and then realizes that according to Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 he has made a mess of things, he is not hopeless. He is to do what Jephthah did NOT do, but could have done: he could have offered a sacrifice for breaking his vow, and this is clear from Leviticus 5:17-18. The stupid scholars at BJU, Tennessee Temple, and BBC who think that Jephthah did NOT kill his girl couldn't find the verse that would have relieved him of the obligation, so they pretended that he did not do it. Typical Funnymental scholarship. Leviticus 10:1--The"strange fire" is a reference to the fact that no matter where they got their kindling from, it was "strange" because there was only one official, authorized place they could get their kindling from--it was from the altar. The reason for this was, the altar was a picture of the sacrifice of "THE LAMB," and real prayer has to be in His name. Prayers to Deity without the name of Jesus Christ are null and void, even if the prayer is coming from a Christian (typified by Aaron's sons). Leviticus 12:8--One of the most remarkable revelations in the Bible. It means that when Mary and Joseph came to the Temple, they were such "po' folks" they could not afford to bring "the lamb" (Lev. 12:8!), but she had the Lamb in her arms, therefore she did not really need the two turtledoves or the two pigeons. Leviticus 13:13,19,37--Crucial for giving advanced revelation from the Authorized English text that is carefully concealed from ALL the Hebrew and Greek scholars, and ALL Hebrew and Greek commentators, and ALL Hebrew and Greek students. It explains the "garment spotted by the flesh" in Jude 23 and shows that it is the African disease of leprosy that will be the "grievous sore" that will fall on man and beast in the Tribulation (Rev. 16). Naaman's physical healing was a type of the thing that will take place at the time of Daniel's Seventieth Week, and it will put away "the filth of the flesh" contrary to water baptism in this dispensation. Of this great Old Testament doctrinal truth, Curtis Hutson (the editor of The Sword of the Lord) said: "RABID RAMBLINGS." A Bible blockhead and scriptural dumbbell like Curtis Hutson could no more find these truths in the scripture than he could find a whisper in a hurricane. (One must always keep in mind the fact that men like Hutson do not have the scriptures, for "ALL SCRIPTURE IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD," and Hutson would be the first to avow, along with Bobbie Hymers and Bobbie Sumner, THAT NO SUCH THING EXISTS ON THIS EARTH.) If you don't believe it, write them and ask them. Infidelity and ignorance are the outstanding marks of men like Hutson, Hudson, Waite, Hymers. Combs, and Willmington. Leviticus 15:16,18,20--Give light from the "original English" on Hebrews 13:4 and I Corinthians 7:14 that the Holy Spirit has graciously denied to the faculties and staffs of the major "bastions of orthodoxy" and "trainers of champions." These unfaithful children couldn't be trusted with sound doctrine long enough to tie your shoelaces. Leviticus 18:22-28--Show that bestiality is a part of "nature worship," and homosexuality will accompany these "rites of spring." They are the coming religion; they are connected in the context with the Canaanites who came from Ham. Leviticus 19:27--The verse is crucial for correcting all the errors of all the faculties and staffs of all the major Christian colleges, universities, and seminaries, who got their "short hair" kick where they had to convert portraits of the Lord Jesus into a bearded Pontius Pilate in order to maintain their "standards" of separation. If Christ had cut His hair as a Gentile, He would have been convicted as a sinner who broke the Law. All Jews had to do two things contrary to nature in order to be a "reproach" as the people of God (see Rom. 15:3). Leviticus 20:10,13--Note that David could not have anyone executed because if he got what he had earned, he would have been executed. The verse explains a New Testament passage (John 8:6,8), which many of the scholars have a terrible time with. In John 8 the other part of the "shack up" is absent. If the woman was "taken in the very act," WHERE WAS THE MAN? The verses have ominous overtones, for the "man" in question had to be in "cahoots" with the religious leaders who were demanding the woman's death. Double standard: one for the man, and another for the woman. ALEXANDRIAN CULT, JUST AS CLEAR AS YOU EVER SAW THEM OPERATE. The Bible PLUS the Apocrypha, the Bible PLUS tradition, etc. One to use one time, and then the other to use the other time when the first one doesn't work. Ah, Alexandria! What a multitude of sinners you encompass! Leviticus 23:42--The verse points out one of the most outstanding and shocking revelations ever given to civilized man. No Greek or Hebrew scholar (or teacher or commentator) ever found it. It shows that no English-speaking professor in any college in the world can read his own language. It also means that there is not one newspaper, magazine, or television station in the world that can handle English. It also shows that no computer has been given the "truth" on chronology, no matter who feeds the computer what, for as sure as God made little green apples, the time you put up BOOTHS is at the county and state fairs in the fall, and this "fall" is the Jewish SEVENTH month (Sept.- Oct.). To this day there is not one middle school or grade school teacher in the world who knows what the SEVENTH month is in English, for the word "September" means SEVEN, not NINE. All English speaking countries call "September" the ninth month, October the tenth month, November the eleventh month. and December the twelfth month. But this is nonsense. "SEPT" is seven, "OCT" is eight, "NOV" is nine, and "DEC" is ten, as sure as you live and breathe. But who is there living and breathing that knows that, if they believe in "verbally inspired original bomb outs"? The Jewish seventh month is the Gentile seventh month, so the Gentiles in the Western Hemisphere observe it by erecting "booths." Ah, the unsearchable riches of the Authorized King James 1611 Version! How inscrutable are its judgments on manuscriptolators, and its ways past finding out! Leviticus 22:6,11--The verses are very important, for they give light on Curtis Hutson's ignorance of the spiritual circumcision (and the men who taught the men who taught him). Hutson, as his contemporary apostates, could not see how the soul could be cut loose from the body inside at the new birth (Col. 2:11). Note that in the Old Testament the soul can touch a physical object, thereby incurring defilement from that object. In the New Testament the new birth severs this soul from the flesh, INSIDE, so that a "divorce" is completed between the FLESH and the SOUL (Rom. 7:1-3). To show how closely the soul is stuck to the flesh in the Old Testament, one will find animals spoken of as "souls" (Lev. 22:11; Num. 31:28), and this is what gave the "no hellers" their grounds for thinking that the soul went to the grave when it "died," for it was simply "animal life." Observe how the King James English corrects all Greek and Hebrew scholars, all Greek and Hebrew texts, all commentators, and all Fundamentalists who were stupid enough to give up their Bibles (AV 1611) when they went to school. Leviticus 23:27-36--As we have said before, these passages deal with the dates of the First and Second Advents (cf., Matt. 17:1-4; Mal. 4:1-3; Ps. 19:3-6; etc.).