BBB:True to Plumb by Mark S. Camp Amos 7:7-9 "Look, I am setting a plumb line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer." (NIV) In the seventh chapter of Amos, the prophet Amos is given a vision of three judgments which are about to come upon the people of Israel. The people are at a low ebb spiritually and had repeatedly abused the abundance of grace which had been given to them by the Lord. This abuse, coupled with an empty religiosity, was going to be the cause of God dealing severely with his people. Amos sees that Lord standing beside a wall with a plumb line in his hand. The Lord is measuring the wall to see if it is standing true and straight as when it was originally constructed. The wall represents the people of God and the plumb line represents the divine standard by which they are judged. The law had been given as the plumb by which men and women, boys and girls, could measure their stature before a holy God. Today, the completed Scripture, the Bible is the divine plumb line by which we are to test and prove ourselves to see whether or not we are standing true to God's design. The religion of Israel, much like religion today, had become superficial and lacked devotion to God. In fact, the people had departed so far from God's standards that they had incorporated wordly ways into their worship. The places that were supposed to be places of worship and adoration of Almighty God had become centers of arrogance, pride, and false teaching. Unfortunately, the same is still true today. Many so-called churches are not even close to being true to plumb when compared with the Word of God. The preaching of modern Christianity in large measure is a false gospel of prosperity, health, wealth, and success. In fact, much preaching today is little more than an adaptation of "the power of positive thinking." We are told that we only have to "name it and claim it" in Jesus' name. On the other hand, there are those churches who preach and teach something close to the gospel, but the gospel is so man-centered that Jesus has been dethroned as a Sovereign King, and has been relegated to the position of a pathetic beggar who pleads with people to be saved but is powerless to accomplish anything unless the free-will of man allows him. The worship service, instead of being a time of falling prostrate before God and honoring him with the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving, has become a hyped-up, Madison avenue feel-good session where the principle idea is to have one's needs met! It is time, my friend, for Christians everywhere to examine their character, conduct, and creed with God's plumb line, the Bible. It is time for Christians to demand that their preachers and teachers make every effort to proclaim the whole counsel of God. It is time for Christians to turn to a deeper personal study of the Scriptures. It is time that we quit getting our beliefs about the latter days out of the newspaper and started getting them out of the Bible. It is time that we quit focusing upon man in our churches, and started focusing upon the Sovereign, Holy Judge with whom we have to do. In closing, we can learn four lessons about God's judgment. First, it is fair. We have been warned long enough and God has been more than patient with his people. When judgment comes, no one will be able to say that God acted wrongly. Second, God's judgment is certain. O, it may not come today, it may not come tomorrow or next year - BUT! it will come. Of that you can be sure. Third, God's judgment is terrible. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Fourth, God's judgment is detailed. No stone will be left unturned when he comes with the winnowing fork. From the high places to the low places, judgment will come. There is but one way to avoid the perils of divine justice - REPENT! Let us repent of our "church playing" and return to God-honoring, Christ-glorifying worship; let us repent of our lack of evangelistic zeal and lack of diligence in Bible study; let us repent of our self-sufficient pride and cast ourselves upon the sovereign mercy of God. Let us turn unto God with renewed hearts, seeking an increased measure of his grace upon us, "so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming" (1 Jn. 2:28).