BBB:Ruckman writes Curtis Hudson on the KJV At the risk of boring our readers, we present the close-out of the correspondence between the editor of The Sword of the Lord and a born again, saved, soul winning, Bible believing, once married, pastor in Port Orchard, Washington. The background of the controversy is simple. Curtis Hutson, in order to pass off as a scholar, like his predecessor, John R. Rice, has pulled as close as he can to Bob Jones University to take on a cultured, intellectual appearance. They have been more than happy to draw nigh to him to take advantage of his newspaper so they could pass off as Bible believing, evangelistic people, which they are not. The following was the last thing sent to the editor of The Penknife Of The Lord before he signed off the air. "Dear Brother Hutson, I have waited patiently for you to write me the answers that would restore the respect I once had for your ministry, but evidently you have no answers. It is obvious you have lied about your supposed stand on `only the King James Version' to deceive people who haven't read your books. Since you can't handle the material I've confronted you with, I am left with only one conclusion: You're as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Dr. Ruckman has described your crowd this way: `They are so crooked they could fall through a barrel of fish hooks without getting stuck!' Amen and Amen. "After saying the King James Bible was the only `Bible' you have ever used, you refuse to define what you mean by a `Bible.' Then in the September 15, 1989, Sword you `...hesitate to quote another translation....' The reason you said you hesitated was because there is a controversy over translations. Since when is the presence of controversy a reason to hesitate addressing an issue? There is a controversy over the SBC, Jack Hyles, Jerry Falwell, Tim Lee, the Charismatic movement, yet you do not hesitate to comment on these things. "And what is your alibi for using another translation like the corrupt ASV? Your alibi is the same alibi that many people use to excuse their own sin: `So-and-So does it, therefore so can I.' In your case, it goes like this: `Since my beloved predecessor, Dr. John Rice, used the ASV, then so can I.' "This will be my last letter, until you face up to your lies. I can't respect a pathological liar. I am praying for you, Al Hughes." There are many people praying for Curtis Hutson, but unfortunately the ones that are praying for him are the ones who believe the Bible that he doesn't believe. Curtis Hutson has already stated that "the Bible" is an unnamed copy of a series of Greek manuscripts known as the Textus Receptus, WHICH HE DOES NOT PREACH.