BBB:Origen and Bob Jones University by Peter Ruckman For many, many years Bob Jones University has been recommending the New American Standard Version as the most accurate of the modern Alexandrian texts, coming from the text of Nestle's 1890 (which now contains more than seven hundred reversals of texts). This New ASV (supposedly a very right-wing type of publication) is basically a Jehovah's Witnesses Bible which teaches that Jesus Christ was a created God (John 1:18). Notwithstanding this obvious heretical reading, Bob Jones published a pamphlet by the head of their Bible department, named Stewart Custer, called naively "The Truth about the KJV Controversy." In it not only was the NASV text justified by Iying about manuscript evidence and family classifications, but Origen was put into an Orthodox position where you could hardly question him as an heretic. Since the head of the Bible department at Bob Jones doesn't know whether he's standing right side up or upside down ever since a butterfly kicked him in the head, we thought the 1936 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica might give a little light on the "Bible" at Bob Jones they can't get from "the original Greek." In the Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. XVI, pp. 900-902), we read that Origen taught the Lord Jesus Christ was "a created being who did not have eternal existence as God." This explains why Origen approved of the reading of Sinaiticus and Vaticanus in the NASV in John 1:18 that says Jesus Christ was a "begotten God." That is, he was not the eternal God, but a God begotten separately. If you read John 1:18 in the NASV you'll find there are two Gods in the verse; exactly as you'll find them in the New World Translation, the official Bible of the Jehovah's Witnesses. This is Origen's "orthodoxy." At no place could you find this better represented than in an NASV, unless it would be an old ASV. For in the old ASV in the margin of John 9:38 we find that Jesus Christ is presented not as the "begotten God" at all or even "God manifest in the flesh," but as a "creature." Look at the marginal note on John 9:38 in any edition of an ASV. This is the Arian heresy of Origen, Sinaiticus, and Vaticanus as promoted in the translations recommended by the Bible department at Bob Jones University. Don't be upset. Don't be shocked. Don't worry about Ruckman's "name calling." And for goodness sake, don't worry about anybody being "slandered" or somebody "misrepresenting their position." Those alibis are used by Karl Keating and the Knights of Columbus. A Fundamentalist has no business whining like that just because he has been caught by the truth.