BBB:Typical Associated Press Nonsense (religion reportings) by Peter Ruckman We have documented for nearly eight years the kind of diet an American gets who takes a daily newspaper or who spends any amount of time listening to the five o'clock "news." It is 95% Catholic-Communist propaganda designed to create a grey mass of passive automatons under a welfare church state. "Reporting" is not found in the Associated Press or the Gannett newspapers: their job is brainwashing with propaganda. Sample: AP (Alabama Journal, Aug. 30, 1989): "RELIGIOUS EXTREMISTS and members of right-wing organizations are gaining in their battle to censor library books and to restrict sex education in schools, an anti-censorship group says in a survey released today." Why, the Federal government just banned prayer at high school and middle school sports activities and threatened to jail any principal or coach who prayed. Where were your "anti-censorship" groups when that took place? Why, we just published an article where a young man was forbidden to bring a Bible into a classroom and was told such a book was NOT EVEN ALLOWED on the school grounds (Sept. 1989, p. 1). You talk about "censorship"? Where was the Associated Press reporter when the "anti-censorship group" got hold of THAT ONE? Double standards; dual authorities. Just like Bob Jones, Pensacola Christian Schools, Santa Rosa, BBC, and Tennessee Temple. One for your friends; one for your enemies. Don't censor sex education, but censor the Bible. Don't censor Darwin's monkey man theory, but censor the Creation account of beginnings. One for your friends; one for your enemies. An ASV and NASV for the apostate Alexandrians who backed up the Roman Catholic, Jesuit text of 1582, and a KJV or NKJV for those who backed up the Textus Receptus of the Protestant Reformation. Two-faced, double-tongued, Alexandrian HYPOCRITES. They are as plentiful these days as pine needles. Want another one? Okay. Birmingham News (Aug. 30, AP): "World clamor set off by Cardinal Jozef Glemp's recent remarks on Catholic Jewish relations grew louder Tuesday with one group saying the head of Poland's Roman Catholic church used Nazi-like arguments AGAINST the Jews. Glemp's Saturday comments were meant to calm international criticism about his church's attitude toward Jews. Instead his speech set off a new round of controversy about ALLEGED ANTI-SEMITISM in the Catholic church." "Alleged"? Are you trying to be funny? The two largest concentration camps in the Holocaust were in Poland (Treblinka and Auschwitz). They were both commanded by Roman Catholics (Rudolph Hoess and Franz Stangl), and both of the commandants were under Heinrich Himmler, the Roman Catholic head of the Gestapo, who took orders from the supreme Roman Catholic head and chief (Der Fuhrer), the Roman Catholic Adolph Hitler, who was born and raised Roman Catholic, sprinkled and confirmed Roman Catholic, and who signed a concordat with the Roman Catholic Pope before setting up the concentration camps in Poland. "ALLEGED ANTI-SEMITISM"? Are you mad? Yes, you are. The Associated Press is just as nutty as a fruitcake, as poisonous as an "Elephant Ear," and as deadly as a black mamba. "Alleged" anti-semitism? Why, John Paul II doesn't recognize Israel as a state to this day. "Alleged"? That's the good, old Associated Press that (along with INS and UP) delivers the "news" to your front step every morning. It is solidly Roman Catholic from top to bottom.