BBB:A strange thing happened on the way... It is the standard comedian's line to talk about something that happened "on the way" somewhere, and these instances, of course, always refer to something that happened incidentally on life's path that was of a startling nature, a thing that normally one would not encounter on a routine trip. We have one here. "As an update, we received a letter from a man named Walled Abdullah about three weeks ago asking how to be saved. He saw the Pensacola telecast as he traveled through to Orlando, his home. We wrote him, of course, giving him the plan of salvation but hoped a personal visit could be made. Mrs. Douglas gave me the name of a pastor in Orlando (Dr. Bobby Ware), and I got in touch with his church. To make this more brief, two men from his church made a visit and WALLAD ABDULLAH accepted Christ. HE WAS A MOSLEM." That come through a videotape put out by the Bookstore.