BBB:Jesse Jackson's true colors Birds of a feather flock together. When Jesse Jackson made an address in Cuba on June 27, 1984, the United Press gave us the following quotation: "Love live Cuba, long live the United States, long live President Castro, long live Martin Luther King, long live Che Gueverra, long live Patrice Lamumba, long live our cry of freedom, OUR TIME HAS COME." Notice the personal pronoun: "OUR." Every man listed in the "OUR" group was a dedicated Marxist. In the Los Angeles Times, November 28, 1987, Jesse says, "I am opposed to the death penalty." In regards to Jesse's Christianity, he says (June 1, 1984, Los Angeles Times): "Oh certainly, absolutely. God has got many names but one residence. You know some people call him God, Allah, Zin, Buddha, but IT is a mighty force. IT is a mighty creator." Sound like anything you ever read in the New Testament? Jesse's New Testament Christianity is probably best expressed by an article from the Biblical Scoreboard in December of 1987. There we read, "He praised Playboy for having a universal appeal of sex on the one hand and its CHALLENGING INTELLECTUAL APPEAL on the other." "Intellectual appeal"? For what kind of intellect? A thirteen-year-old in the ghetto? Oh, Jesse is a character! He and Fidel Castro and Dukakis and Ted Kennedy and Che Gueverra make up what Jesse calls "our time." THANK GOD IT HASN'T COME YET!