BBB:Marks of a Jackass The Bible word, of course, is "ass" (see Job 11:12), but we forebear due to the feelings of many thin-skinned readers in the Laodicean church who gave up using Bible terminology a long time ago. At any rate, donkeys can be IDENTIFIED. A number of identification tags bear the name "mark," as in "watermark" for papers and stamps, "bench mark" for border lines, etc. Certain groups, books, ideas, philosophies, etc., bear "marks" by which they can be recognized immediately. Paul says, "I BEAR IN MY BODY THE MARKS OF THE LORD JESUS" (Gal. 6:17). The Antichrist's Catholic followers will eventually have to bear a "mark" (Rev. 13:16-18). Now, in the last forty years the Body of Christ has been infiltrated with a peculiar type of EDUCATIONAL HUMANISM that eventually permeates every major work. No one would have spotted this type of humanism unless they themselves had been exposed to a college education; as a consequence, the deadly virus has succeeded remarkably in infecting almost every part of the Body in the last forty years. What we are speaking of is not the standard material found in The Humanist or the religious "Liberalism" of the "Modernist" or "Neo-Evangelical." What we are speaking of her is far more subtle than "religious humanism." What we are speaking of here is the appearance in Christian periodicals (magazines, advertising brochures, newspapers, etc.) OF A VOCABULARY THAT IS PLAINLY THE VOCABULARY OF AN UNSAVED SOCIALIST. If you want to watch this thing at work, read the ads for Bob Jones University published in The Sword of the Lord, or the ads for Pensacola Christian College published in various magazines, or the ads for Tennessee Temple. (We will show you the "earmarks" in a minute.) In the Bible this peculiar secularized, humanistic vocabulary is called "GOOD WORDS AND FAIR SPEECHES" (Rom. 16:18), and the "WORDS OF MAN'S WISDOM" (1 Cor. 2:4), and "GREAT SWELLING WORDS" (Jude 16). It escapes the notice of ALL THOSE WHO USE IT. They assume (without evidence) that they are being "Christian" and effective in their use of this vocabulary. The vocabulary is standard in every classroom controlled by the NEA and it is the vocabulary of AN UNSAVED ATHEIST WHO IS AMORAL. Now, we have chosen only one publication to illustrate these "earmarks," although we could have chosen a dozen. However, ONE will do just fine, and the one we have chosen is the official, standard organ of publicity of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. It comes to our house monthly and has for four years. It is called "MINISTRY"--International Journal for Clergy. In the edition that I quote we find the special denomination "PREACH EDITION" (Nov. 1988), and the reader had not better make any mistake about it. He should underline the words and memorize them and look for their reappearing in THE FUNDAMENTAL LITERATURE PRINTED AND PROMOTED BY THE SWORD OF THE LORD, FAITH MAGAZINE, PULPIT HELPS, AND THE SCHOOL CATALOGUES AND "YEARBOOKS" OF THE "MILITANT" CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS. It is one barn. All the donkeys bray alike--saved or lost, Communist or Catholic, humanist or cultic, fundamentalist or liberal. Here are the "earmarks": 1. "TASK FORCE recommends hike." There are no "task forces" anywhere in or out of scripture. The term is borrowed from military jargon during World War II. It is an AP, INS, UPI word. 2. "A DRINKING PROBLEM." No one has a "drinking problem." That is university rot. You are a drunk, or a lush, or a boozer, or a bimbo, or at BEST a "chronic alcoholic." You don't have a "problem." You have a sin. "Problem drinkers" are classroom subjects of unsaved students majoring in sociology. 3. "THIS WILL TOUCH OUR LIVES." No way. "Reaching out to TOUCH and COMMUNICATE" is part of the SIECUS sex education curriculum stuck into the Anaheim schools back in 1968 after all the white people left the area because they didn't want blacks undressing their six-year-old white children in the first grade. NEVER "TOUCH" ANYONE'S LIFE. Preach the hell out of them, or witness to them, or teach them the Bible, or sympathize with them, or pray with them (and for them), but don't ever "TOUCH THEIR LIVES" with ANYTHING, including a red hot poker. Don't talk like a jackass. 4. "WILL BE FEATURED" in her "NEW ROLE." No Christian was ever "FEATURED" in any "ROLE." The second word is holistic and Gestalt psychology taken out of classrooms where people only play "roles" in life as they imitate someone's "lifestyle." The term is a movie term used by the Associated Press. 5. "ENRICHING YOUR DEVOTIONAL LIFE." Go stick your head in a bucket. No one is "enriched" with anything. The term is a term meaning "quit memorizing and studying and learn how to smoke pot and belly dance" so you can match the culture that invaded the schools in 1964. "ENRICHMENT" is the hackneyed term of a professional educator involved in world socialism; the term is MEANINGLESS even when defined. It has no MORAL content. 6. "AN EXPERIENCE IN RENEWAL." The word is "revival." There is no "renewal" for anyone but a professioal psychologist engaged in keeping a reprobate on "drugs" till he adjusts. The term is a favorite, hackneyed cliche for someone who doesn't wish to discuss "good or evil," "just or unjust," "right or wrong," or "black and white." "RENEWAL" is the earmark of a jackass. A LAODICEAN, CHRISTIAN JACKASS. 7. "A POWER LADEN ENCOUNTER." The last word is a favorite with people who cannot say "convert," "saved," "meeting," "revival," "repentance," or similar words. An "encounter" with a book or a sermon is nothing but you reading or hearing the sermon. All international socialists in the NEA were given the word "encounter" to add to a vocabulary that uses ANY word as long as it doesn't have MORAL or IMMORAL content. Jackasses are AMORAL. 8. "A FULL SENSORY EXPERIENCE FOR SPIRITUAL FORMATION." A full sack of baloney for a depraved idiot. NOTHING is "formed spiritually" by any "sensory experience," and there is no such thing as a "FULL sensory experience" in reading any book, or hearing any sermon, or going to any school, or watching any TV program, or studying anyone's work. "FULL SENSORY EXPERIENCE" IS FOUND IN DRUGS. 9. "EMPLOYEE REMUNERATION." Blank. You pay him or he goes broke. 10. "NOW THIS IS THE NORM IN THIS AREA." There are no "areas" unless you can walk on them and measure them with a surveyor's line; there is no "NORM" anywhere in modern education, as the NORM shifts with the "SOCIAL MILEU." "These areas" and "this area" IS THE ABSOLUTE AND FINAL IDENTIFICATION of the educated nut who lost his vocabulary and had to pad it with what they taught him in sociology classes": ALL MODERN FUNDAMENTALISTS USE THE TERM. 11. "THIS PILOT PROGRAM." There are no "pilot" programs. There never have been. There have been first and second programs, and good and BAD programs, but PILOT PROGRAMS are the programs cited by those who have had their "PILOT LIGHTS" blown out. It is educational, sociological MADNESS. 12. "THE CRITERIA SHOULD BE IMPLEMENTED." No, it shouldn't. The facts should have some more facts to back them up. TALK CLEARLY. Don't talk like a jackass so people will think you have been to college. "CRITERIA" is a philosophical term that came from unsaved atheists. It means what you think you or someone else is certain of, depending upon what you want to believe. THE CRITERIA for the Christian is a BOOK. YOU CANNOT "IMPLEMENT" it with anything. You can EXPOUND it, TEACH it, EXPLAIN it, PREACH it, ILLUSTRATE it, and APPLY it, but you could no more IMPLEMENT it than you could "implement" the Resurrection. 13. "NEW RESOURCES FOR PASTORS." "Resources" are what you have in the ground that you can use to stay alive with. (Ain't that a CRITERIA, man!) Your RESOURCES are prayer and the Bible, and if you want SUCCESS (not "resource") you can study Larkin, Pember, Bulinger, Scofield, Torrey, Greek and Hebrew texts, lexicons, commentaries, etc. THERE ARE NO NEW "RESOURCES" FOR PASTORS. A computer is not a resource; it is an aid or a handicap, and sometimes both. 14. "THE FINAL DRAFT: THE BOTTOM LINE." The term is not as bad as the others, as it came from the business world, in particular the insurance world and the architect's world. Overuse will mark the user with his family tree. It will "earmark" him. 15. "DO YOU WANT TO COMMUNICATE WITH OTHERS"? You do? Get on the phone, write a letter, or shoot the bull over a cup of coffee. The word is taken out of classes on psychology where people have a hard time "communicating" with each other. The unsaved atheist seeks COMMUNICATION with Soviet Russia and the Communist party. The apostate Catholics seek to "communicate" with Charismatics who have given up the Bible as the final authority. Problems in "communications" simply mean YOU CAN'T CONVINCE THE OTHER PERSON YOU ARE RIGHT. The term is a Swindoll-Dobson-Schuller- MacArthur term which means "LET YOUR WIFE RUN YOUR BUSINESS." For blacks it means, "How do you get access to the white man's money and jobs?" Jackasses bray in the same language. 16. "ENHANCE YOUR RAPPORT." No, defuse you dud. Paul never "enhanced his rapport" even when John the Baptist was "enhancing his rapport" so he could "reach out and touch" in those "areas" where "sharing and caring" enabled people to "communicate"! 17. "RECOIL FROM UNATTRACTIVE PEOPLE." No, GET AWAY FROM WICKED MEN. Don't "recoil" from anything; not even the "lifestyle" of those who are "alienated" from you. All of this is from psychology and sociology classes in college. 18. "A RESTRUCTURED ECONOMY." Communism. You "restructure" anything that is old-fashioned or based on COMMON SENSE or EXPERIENCE; you simply make adjustments to bring it into line with sin, death, and hell. "Environmentalist" is another word for Communist, and another word is "Political ACTIVIST." These are the stock-in-trade of the pie-on-the-earth- now-and-now boys who cannot talk or write straight because they can't THINK straight.