BBB:The Reprobate Republicans by William P. Melden The Bulletin has never declined to point out the stupidity and wickedness of the Democratic Party, especially those members of the party who have, by a cruel twist of fate, found their way into the United States Senate. Chuckling and howling over the antics of the Democrats is always a healthy and enjoyable exercise, but as we wipe the tears of laughter away from our eyes, we should pause to consider a sobering thought: namely, that the Republicans aren't much better. Viewing the political horizon, we find that the party of Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy does not maintain a monopoly on degeneracy and general sleaziness. The Republical Party, like the Democratic, is composed of sinners: cultured sinners, perhaps, and oh-so-respectable sinners, but sinners nonetheless. "Destruction and misery are in their ways, And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes" (Rom. 3:16-18). Perhaps the situation was best summed up by John Lindsay, a pretty-boy liberal Republican who once "served" as Mayor of New York City. One day, pitching for votes in Harlem, he became helplessly frustrated by the unwillingness of the Afro-American audience to listen to anything a white Republican had to say. In a rare burst of candor, the sweating Lindsay cried out, "Don't you understand? My skin may be white, but my heart is as black as yours!" Amen. Other examples are not so funny. Everyone knows about Lincoln, of course, the "great" Republican who single-handedly slapped the Tenth Amendment out of the Constitution and thereby sent the concept of "States' Rights" off to the Elephant's Graveyard. But what about more contemporary Republican heroes? Christians have cried for the past twenty years over the excesses of the truly horrible "Warren Court." This was the Supreme Court that gave us forced integration, booted prayer out of the public schools, and gave criminals a collection of "rights" that any sceptered monarch could only dream of. But His Majesty, Chief Justice Earl Warren, was a genuine blue-blooded Republican (and a former Governor of California, interestingly enough), and was appointed to his lofty position on the Court by a Republican President, the inimitable Ike, Dwight Eisenhower. When we weep over the tattered Constitution, let us not be blind to the real culprits in the case: the Republicans, who have occupied the White House for twenty-four of the past thirty-six years. And what of the current Republican leader, the kindly and lovable Reagan? Speaking personally, Ronald Reagan is my favorite American politician, and I have voted for him as frequently as the law allows. But my emotional attachment to this affable gent does not diminish his dreadful complicity in the assault on the Constitution. It was Reagan, not the sainted FDR or Lyndon "Basset Ears" Johnson, who forever shattered the First Amendment by appointing an Ambassador to the Vatican. Paul instructs Christians to "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (Eph. 5:11). (But then, when did our beloved President ever claim to be a Christian? During the second Reagan-Mondale debate in 1984, the candidates were asked directly, "Are you a born-again Christian?" Mondale laughed the question off, and Reagan side-stepped it with style. If the President is saved, then he blew the kind of opportunity for witness which only comes once in a lifetime.) Reagan, the most popular president of modern times, has delivered America over to the Vatican, lock, stock, and empty gun-barrel. Had a liberal Democrat struck such a deal with Rome, conservative Christians would have raised an uproar. But they accepted it from Reagan, because...well, why? Because he's nice to Jerry Falwell? (So is Ted Kennedy.) Because he's opposed to abortion? (Not a single abortion has been prevented by law since Reagan took office.) Because he takes the correct position on the AIDS "crisis"? (On the contrary: according to the National Review, August 14, 1987, Reagan has appointed an avowed fruit to his "Presidential Task Force on AIDS," thus giving America's fairies the official Ronald Reagan Seal of Approval.) Or is it just that America's Laodicean Christians were looking for a politician they could "believe in," and Reagan galloped into view on his white horse? Ah, there's the rub! Ronald Reagan, along with such cheerleaders as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, has succeeded in doing what no Democrat could ever do: convince America's Christians that justice and righteousness can be found in Washington, D.C. Bible-believing Christians, who once believed that "help cometh from the Lord," have now joined all the cheapjack politicians and welfare swindlers in thinking that "help cometh from Washington." In 1980 and 1984, Christians gave their time, talent, and money to the Reagan Cause, thinking hat he could somehow end abortion, eradicate pornography, "put God back into the schools," and transform our dear and dying nation into the New Jerusalem. They should have known better. The Democrats, let me emphasize, deserve every bit of contempt and ridicule we can possibly give them, but let us keep some in reserve for the Republicans, who gave us the Warren Court and the Vatican Ambassador. And instead of snapping at whatever shiny bait the candidates toss out in this election year, let us remember God's words: "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes" (Ps. 118). That means any princes, Democrat, Independent, or Republican.