BBB:Jesse Jackson's Communist Platform Very few Americans are aware of the fact that Gus Hall, former president of the Communist Party in America, has officially approved of the Democratic platform, not only in 1988 and 1989, but as far back as 1963, he set up Jesse Jackson's platform. We quote Gus Hall from Straight Talk, vol. 53, no. 16, April 21, 1988. Gus Hall says, "What is needed is a system of basic federal laws that will apply and supercede all state laws. "(1) Reapportionment of all electoral districts on the basis of population. "(2) A federal law protecting the right of labor to organize and to strike and to use its finances and strength in political campaigns. "(3) A federal law that will remove special privileges for monopoly. "(4) A federal law prohibiting discrimination or segregation. "(5) A federal minimum wage law. "(6) A uniform federal system of unemployment insurance and old age benefits. "(7) A federal law RESTRICTING THE USE OF CITY AND STATE POLICE." That socialistic program put forth by the former president of the Communist Party in 1963 is almost word-for-word what Jesse Jackson is now saying while he is "stumping" up and down the country. Americans now see a genuine Communist on the ballot.