BBB:Items of interest #3 This is a third in a series of articles commenting on material published by Brother Bynum (Tabernacle Baptist Church) of Lubbock, Texas, who has kept, through the years, a very accurate record of the "goings on" that have taken place in America since the 1950's. We here record some of his material from 1985. 1. Bakker, when it began. The Charlotte Observer (Jan. 1985) says Bakker bought him a home near Palm Springs, California, for a modest $490,000 plus a Mercedes Benz and then a Rolls Royce (for running errands). They only cost his congregation $100,000. Later, Bakker was jailed for fraud; the judges missed the criminal. It was the people who gave him the money. They corrupted a "minor." 2. According to the World Almanac Poll on "Heroes of Young America," number one was the neuter "person" Michael Jackson. The number two man was one of the most foul-mouthed blacks who ever fornicated (Eddie Murphy). Michael (a professing Jehovah's Witness), according to Newsweek, is "a prophet of sexual anarchy"...belief in salvation through SEX makes him unique. "The Rolling Stone" said his album "Dirty Mind" was the most "generous" album made about sex by man. The records promote oral sex and incest (The Christian News, Dec. 31, 1984). 3. Robert Sergeant had some questions for Hymers and Hudson that neither one could answer in a lifetime. Here they are:--Is God's word for all men or just for the scholars?--Do we need to know Hebrew and Greek to fully understand the Bible? If so, how come they are difficult languages to master? Is God out to make life dfflicult?--If we need to rely upon the best Hebrew and Greek scholars, doesn't this set up two classes of Christians? (Yes, brother, it does; Bible believers like Bob Gray and Lester Roloff and Nicolaitans like Bob Jones III and Curtis Hutson).--Does the average "three years of Bible college" Baptist preacher have the right to correct the Bible on the basis of the Greek text, or on what he may have read? --If some of the verses in the Bible are questionable (say 1 John 5:7,8, for example), can we really be sure of ANY?--If we correct ANY verse on ANY basis, are we then not blatantly INCONSISTENT for impugning the modernists when they correct doctrinal verses on the same basis? (Not if you are as cuckoo as Hymers, Hutson, Bob Jones III, James Combs, Kutilek, Walker, Melton, or Jennings.) Only those who believe that Mr. Average has never enjoyed the pure Word of God could say they felt obliged to "unlock the treasures" of the AV (PBC, p. 2, Jan. 1985). That is exactly what the NKJV committee said, quoted exactly. That committee included Harold Okenga, Curtis Hutson, Elmer Towns, Truman Dollar, an Episcopalian rector, seven five-point Calvinists, and two Charismatics. 4. From The Calvary Contender (cited on p. 6, Jan. 1985): "A million blacks have bean slaughtered by blacks in Nigeria and nobody pickets the Nigerian embassy or says much about it. Over 200,000 blacks were killed in Uganda by the black Idi Amin." America put economic sanctions on South Africa until the Communists were in power (March 1990). The blood bath to follow will be WITH help. 5. A Roman Catholic "pastoral letter" drafted November 19, 1984, shows that Catholic bishops are overwhelmingly in favor of MARXISM-- contrary to Eastern Europe! On the staff of the letter was good old "Father" J. Bryan Hehir, who helped put out the "pastoral letter," demanding that America abandon nuclear weapons: WITHOUT RUSSIA ABANDONING HERS. The letter was so Marxist that the radical left wing Washington Post condemned it. The Daily Worker--official organ for the Communist party in America--greeted it with "great enthusiasm" (PBC, Jan. 1985). 6. Mother Teresa denies the Lord Jesus Christ and Paul. The Huntsville Times (Jan. 1985) carried an Associated Press account of Mother Teresa's response to the question, "Are communists (including atheists) also children of God?". Mother Teresa said that "Naturally, we are all God's children." That is a blasphemous heresy called "universalism" and it was corrected by the Lord Jesus Christ two thousand years ago when He told the long robed "fathers" of His day, "YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL." Paul said that no man was "a child of God" apart from faith in Jesus Christ (Gal. 4). Observe how sentimental humanism can lead millions of people to take the word of a Bible-rejecting Catholic over the words of the Holy Spirit. It is quite common in these days. 7. "Her Lordess Jesus Christ": Edwina Sandy made a sculpted statue of Jesus Christ as a woman. Biologist Edward Kessell (ASA Journal, Sept. 1983) says that "Christ was also a woman" because "parthenogenic births are always FEMALE." We should say, "There IS one mediatrix between God and people the woman Jesus Christ." Strangely enough, all of these sex obsessional neurotics refused to refer to "the Devil and HER ANGELS." Satan was allowed to keep his "sex." 8. Pope John Paul II blasphemes the Holy Spirit. In a 138-page "apostolic exhortation" the old bloody killer stated that forgiveness of sins cannot be obtained from God alone, and that the ONLY ordinary and normal way of receiving absolution from sins was through a black- hooded, Baalite cannibal--excuse me--"Roman Catholic priest" (Baptist Bulletin, cited in PBC, March 1985). "Who can forgive sins but God only?" (Mark 2:7). 9. John Lennon, the dopeheaded fornicator of 1940-1980, left $235,000,000 behind at his death after portraying Jesus Christ as a "garlic eating, stinking, little yellow, greasy, Fascist, bastard, Catholic Spaniard." RIP. 10. Ninety percent of the Southern Baptists at Wake Forrest are boozers (from The Baptist Trumpet, April 4, 1984), according to a survey conducted and published in the Winston Salem Journal. Sixty- four percent of them had driven cars while drunk, and forty-seven percent of them professed to have passed out at one time or another from drunkenness. Wake Forest is funded from the Cooperative Program. 11. A Rock group called "The Dead Kennedys" put out a nice little song that goes this way, "I kill children. I love to see them die. I kill children and make their mommas cry. Crush `em under my car, I wanna hear them scream. Feed 'em poison candy to spoil their Halloween. Take as many away with me anyone can be king for a day. I kill children. I bang their heads in doors. I kill children. I can hardly wait for yours." This is "realism." It is what Hollywood has been trying to achieve in the name of "art" for sixty years. It is too late for anyone to condemn it, if they put up with Hollywood. 12. Six years ago there were one million Americans already infected with a virus that causes GRID ("AIDS") (April 1985, p. 2). The indications now are that there are about two million known cases with a network of homosexual doctors and journalists engaged in "covering up" the facts, full time. The consensus of opinion in the medical world seems to be that if the populace knew what was going on right now (1990) there would be a revolution. 13. Dummy Dobson. One of Falwell's NKJV professors was Ed Dobson, who made this cockeyed statement back in March of 1985 (Fundamentalist Journal), "Extremists who declare the Papacy is of Anti Christ (John Knox, Martin Luther, John Wesley, George Whitefield, Ulrich Zwingli, Norris, Theodore Beza, Scofield, John Calvin, and T. T. Shields) are insensitive to others and lack the love of Christ." Typical rubbish from a dumpster. Reword it: "Professing Christians who refuse to identify the Pope as the Man of Sin and Rome as the Babylonian whore of Revelation 17 are INSENSITIVE TO JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT and lack love for the Holy Bible." 14. The "heroes" in America for 1985--according to kids eighteen to twenty-four years of age--were as follows (U.S. News and World Report, April 22, 1985): 1) A professional actor who plays dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood). 2) A professional entertainer with a mouth like a sewer (Eddie Murphy). 3) A former professional actor (President Reagan). 3) A professional actress who backed the Viet Cong (Jane Fonda). 5) A professional movie maker (Stephen Spielberg). Tina Turner and Michael Jackson were on down the list. There was not one athlete, statesman, scientist, author, artist, or soldier in the list and the only musicians were fornicating Africans who played sex music. 15. According to The Guardian (cited, p. 2, July 1985), the Church of England voted to recognize the Pope as its head (Feb. 14). The synod of bishops agreed that the final report of the first Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission offered "a sufficient basis for taking the next concrete step toward the reconciliation of our churches." This means (if it takes place) that Cambridge and Oxford will have to print nothing but Roman Catholic Bibles: the AV will have to go. It is the ONE BIBLE that no Catholic priest, bishop, cardinal, or pope will tolerate. 16. The "Bible" recommended by Gary Hudson. The NKJV is published by Thomas Nelson and Sons and the head of that outfit is on Jerry Falwell's board. It has the readings of the RSV of the NCCC inserted into the English text after professing to be a translation of a different Greek text. The NKJV is not the only "Bible" Thomas Nelson publishes. They publish the RSV of the NCCC, the New American Bible of the Roman Catholic Church, the NASV of Bob Jones University--the Jesuit Rheims Dark Age text from 1582, and the Good News Bible, one of the most corrupt publications in print. 17. Ed Dobson (see "Dummy Dobson" above) received a warm welcome at Baptist Bible College in Springfield and Tennessee Temple in Chattanooga (Calvary Contender, cited on p. 7, August 1985). Ed Hindson (of Hindson-Hutson-Hobbs-Horton-Hymers and Hut Sut Rawson on the Rillara, et al) went with him. 18. Pope John Paul II seconds Mother Teresa's blasphemy. On his twelve day African tour in August of 1985, Johnny Paul told the Moslems that they were all "children of God" (Calvary Contender). The comment of course was pure politics; it has nothing to do with any form of Christianity. In the Bible the unsaved man is a "child of wrath," "a child of disobedience," "alone in the world without hope and without God," and is "blinded" by Satan (2 Cor. 4:4). When Jesus Christ made a liar out of Johnny Paul He said to some of Johnny Paul's buddies, "YE ARE OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL AND THE LUSTS OF YOUR FATHER YE WILL DO." John Paul told these same Christ-rejecting Jews that he believed in the same God that they did, when he visited the Netherlands earlier in 1985. "The God and Father of Jesus Christ" is NOT THE GOD THAT ANY JEW WORSHIPS. If you don't believe it, ask him.