BBB:What We Don't Print The Bible Believers' Bulletin is considered by apostate Fundamentalists, Charismatics, Catholics, and unsaved people to be a very radical paper. The feeling seems to be that we are "way out in left field" because we believe the Holy Bible is the "scriptures," not just "the Word of God." (The latter expression is a neo-Orthodox expression used by apostates who do not believe the Book but "prefer" it because they make a good living teaching or preaching from it.) Our statement of faith was given by McDowell, president of Bible Baptist College, Beauchamp Vick, president of the Bible Baptist Fellowship, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Lester Roloff, Bob Gray, Billy Sunday, John Bunyon, and many others and its only "radicalism" lies in that it does not agree with the "historic positions" of Christians who let their scholarship go to their head while feeding their bellies. If we wanted to get "radical" we could do it. I could print documentary evidence in the paper that vampires originate with bloodsucking angels connected with Jupiter, but why spoil everyone's day? Suppose I printed all the scriptures that deal with God obtaining manna from a wound in a dragon's head, that bled at regular intervals? Now wouldn't some of these fancy pants have themselves a "spell"? If I really wanted to shock these little thin-skinned sissies who can't stand any more Bible than what is necessary to help their own minisries (i.e. income, subscriptions, enrollment, and attendance), I could give them Ruckmanitis, AIDS (Alexandrian Idiots Degrading Scripture) and B.O. (Baloney Only) at the same time in one dose. How about a brief study on literal cannibalism every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, accompanied by a rock band? In this paper we have stuck pretty well to one issue, and we realize that it often becomes redundant and monotonous to our readers. It is necessary however in order to keep up with the monotonous redundancy of what we call "The Alexandrian Cult," a scholar's union of professional liars who made their living at attacking the Book they "prefer" and "use." You may have noticed in "The Last Grenade" that these Nicolaitanes were still repeating the exact same lying cliches that their fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers used (1800- 1850-1900-1950), without one sign of repentance, correction, or remorse. Having read a full chapter in one of my works called "The Professionsl Liars," documenting seventeen standard lies told by every major faculty of every major school in North America, they went right on with the lying as though they had never seen the evidence. This is why we keep printing the evidence. You can stay abreast of them and spot them in 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, and 1990. There are some things we do NOT print. These items would make a pile of magazines, circulars, tracts, clippings, and newspapers (literally) ten feet high. People send them to us constantly in the hopes that we will print them in the paper but we never do. We do not mean to slight anyone but our paper is a "right wing" paper politically only in a secondary sense. The John Birchers have their ministry, Human Events is an excellent publication (and sometimes we use articles from it) and The Conservative Digest has some of the finest material in the country in it--especially the political cartoons--but we use very little from it. I have a mass of material here against Masonry, both on tapes and in books. I have been sent a pile of material on the Illuminati and the International Bankers that would weigh down a wheelbarrow. I get material from ZOG and The Thunderbolt (anti-Semitic) every month, plus all of the dirt on the ecumenical movements in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and England. Occasionally we use a few articles from these reports. I have five publications from the State Department in Washington, D.C. with ALL of the details of ALL the individuals involved in the Nicaraguan mess and the San Salvador mess. Plus testimonies from fugitives, refugees, guerillas, MaryKnoll nuns and armed Jesuit priests. I could print two editions of the Bulletin, each running thirty pages, on the mess in Nicaragua alone. We don't print it. Our primary purpose of publication is to alert STUDENTS AND TEACHERS OF THE BIBLE to the dangers of destructive critical scholarship wherever, however, whenever it comes up or WHO it comes from. It is a Bible Believers' Bulletin. We could print ten issues thirty pages apiece on soul winning. We have all the material and ninety percent of it is my own personal testimony from the "field." We could print ten issues of thirty pages apiece on rock music and its effects on the mind and nervous system. We could print ten issues of thirty pages apiece on President Wilson, Col. House, Schiff, and the Rothschild Bankers, and another ten issues of thirty pages apiece on "The International Conspiracy" and the "Protocols." But our paper is for Bible Believers and it is primarily to alert them and instruct them on the inroads being made into their faith by Christian education and Laodicean Fundamentalism. We did not print the photograph of the offspring of a Negro mating with a gorilla, although I have the photo. We did not give you a report on the Russians beating the Canadians in a battle on the moon back in 1973, or how the PLO got Jim Jones out of Guyana and dumped his body out over Lebanon at two thousand feet. We failed to give you the grids and coordinates for the nuclear mines planted in the Missouri and Mississippi rivers (and the Great Lakes) that will be set off by devices on "platforms" orbiting America, and we utterly failed to inform you that Rockefeller disappeared fifteen years ago and the present one is a clone. I also have information that Mr. and Mrs. Carter were both "cloned" while he was in office. And, oh, by the way, I have "documented" evidence that the Russians are now all Christians and the old Bolsheviks are all gone. I got that information in 1974. We did not give you the details of how John Paul II had John Paul I murdered shortly after he was elected to be pope and to this day we have never shown you how Carlos Marcellos (Mafia) had both Kennedys assassinated (and probably Michael King Jr., the famous fornicating Communist). The .22 bullets that hit Kennedy from behind (Bobby) did not match the gun barrel of the .22 that was fired at him by Sirhan from the FRONT. Now do you see how all of this tends to get you involved in everything except the main issue; the issue of Final Authority in the life of the Christian? I know FDR knew all about Pearl Harbor before it was bombed--of course, I do. I know that one of the most vicious killers in the holocaust was President Eisenhower; of course I do. Who doesn't know about "Keelhaul" that committed nearly three million Europeans to concentration camps in Russia AFTER the war was over? America is an insane asylum run by the inmates. They tried Von Kleist, Goering, Von Papen, and Hess but forgot Eisenhower. "Ike" did what Adolph Eichmann did, and they hung Eichmann in Jerusalem! You see, there is no end to the really "radical stuff." If you knew all that was going on in this country right now about AIDS you would be petitioning and lobbying Congress twenty-four hours a day to confine every sodomite in America to a ghetto. But you don't know, and we are not going into one hundred pages to explain it. America went "over the hill" years ago (1933); nobody is going to pull her out now no matter what they do. Do we know about Jackie and Bobbie shacking up with Marilyn? Of course. All three of America's greatest heroes (John Kennedy, Michael King Jr., and Elvis Presley) were habitual fornicators before, during, and after marriage. None of them were condemned by the press for "womanizing" or anything else, and their wives all put up with it to get the publicity: and "who knoweth not such things?" This Bulletin is not primarily to inspire pople to be soul winners, although we believe in it and practice it. This Bulletin is not primarily to preach at backslidden Christians or unsaved sinners, although we do, and have done this for forty-one years. This Bulletin is not a devotional, inspirational "monthly" to show you how to "cope" with your wife so she can run your family. And this Bulletin is not a publication written to "share the love of God" with you or anyone else. There are thirty of these publications monthly in America plus more than five hundred paperbacks in any Christian bookstore in America. Our purpose is to keep STUDENTS AND TEACHERS OF THE WORD OF GOD on the alert ("sober, watchful, vigilant") as to the course of apostasy in their day (1950-1992). To do this, they must know the ROOTS and SOURCES of apostasy in any other day. The present can be judged by the past. This explains why there is a great deal that we do not print. There simply is no room to print it. Even the Bulletin is a brief condensation of material that deals with the main issue. If you want a real detailed picture of the main issue in Christianity TODAY--with all sides speaking up and all sides represented--obtain "The Last Grenade" and "The Christian's Handbook of Biblical Scholarship" and you will see the real nature of this Bulletin. You might add "The Bible Believer's Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles" and "Problem Texts." That will give you the whole picture. Even to print THAT material in the Bulletin would take twenty issues of more than fifty pages an issue.