BBB:The Bible for Today "The Bible for Today" is an organization headed up by Donald Waite of Collingswood, New Jersey. Recently he sponsored a work by Gary Hudson which bombed out quickly, so now he has undertaken to sponsor a second work by "Hotdog" Hymers of California called The Ruckman Conspiracy. Robert Scumner, editor of the "Biblical Muckraker," says about Hymer's work, "This valuable study is a work of the utmost importance, since it not only deals with the blessed word of God, but how that word should be understood in translation...We think most knowledgable ministers have long been alarmed with what the latter has been doing in claiming inerrancy for a translation...In this work Dr. Hymers carefully examines these doctrines, and looks at what may be their source, demonism...Since so many have been wrapped up in the bizarre cult-like teachings of Ruckmanism, we are glad for the careful, factual, information set forth in this volume." The book by Hymers is not a study of anything, it is Hymers' theory that if anybody believes the King James Bible is the scripture ("all scripture is given by Inspiration of God") and is the absolute and final authority for the child of God in "all matters of faith and practice," as an infallible and inerrant Book, that they learn that from a demon. This now is the position of Robert Sumner, and the position of Donald Waite. Donald Waite publishes the work, and Sumner recommends it. Sumner, who is just as mad as the Mad Hatter, says that "Ruckman teaches his followers to exorcise demons in front of a mirror, and then jump into bed." The sermon he is referring to is called "Demons and the Christian." This has been preached in the Landmark Baptist Temple in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the Detroit Baptist Temple in Detroit, Michigan, and two hundred other independent Baptist churches. Anybody can get a copy through the bookstore. Ask for the tape called "Demons and the Christian." It is a standard evangelistic message used in Bible conferences, and has been preached for more than thirty-five years. Years ago we mentioned the fact that Donald Waite was an Alexandrian, and once we pushed him he went the whole way.