BBB:Your ticket to heaven Since Pope John Paul II set himself up as the dominant leading figure in world politics, the Roman Catholic Church has gotten very "evangelistic" in America, especially around the California, Texas, New Mexico area. In the last twenty years, they have actually set up Sunday Schools (if you can believe it) and have even bussed in children to services, causing some irreverent commentators to refer to it as "mass transportation." Their latest is a little gospel tract they put out to offset the work being done in Chino, California. I have one here called "My Ticket to Heaven" and this is published somewhere by a retired high school principal, Father Joseph Bernard. It has twenty-five pages in it, and is recommended by Father John A. Hardon, S.J., "world-renowned Catholic theologian professor, lecturer and author of over twenty books." The tract was printed in Patton, Pensylvania, zip 16668 (notice the 6's, please) and the first publishing was 2,400,000 tracts. It is called "My Ticket to Heaven." So here we have a renowned, famous, ordained Catholic priest and theologian who is a professor (and the author of over twenty books), who wrote this thing which has been called a "masterpiece" by Father Bernard, called "Fantastic" by Pat Flynn of New Jersey, and Sister Engelica from Pittsburg says "there has been nothing like it ever before," and so forth and so on. What is it? "My Ticket to Heaven?" I will read it for you and if you want to buy the junk you can buy it and go to hell like you were going before you picked it up. Page 7, "Can I be sure of making it to heaven? God gave me the perfect blueprint for getting there. He gave me exact directions, and every aid I will need. Those directions are simply this...1. Keep your face turned toward God. 2. Keep moving toward the gate of heaven. 3. Never turn your face away from God. 4. Never turn around to go in the opposite direction. 5. Never commit a mortal sin. 6. Remain faithful to God, and if somebody asks you if you are going to heaven when you die, you are to reply "well if I don't make it it won't be my fault" (pages 8, 9, and 10). "God gave me the job of getting myself to heaven. Whatever is involved let us get the job done and over with. Let's get to heaven, then my job is done. THEN I HAVE ACHIEVED THE END TO WHICH I WAS CREATED" (page 20). There you have it. That is your Roman Catholic ticket to hell, and if you don't believe that ticket will take you to hell, try it. You will get there, and you will get there on time. That is a ticket to the pit, and it will get you there as quick as the train can travel or the plane can fly. You couldn't get to hell any quicker than by following those instructions. The Book says, "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us." The Book says, "By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." The Book says, "To him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." Your ticket to heaven was bought and paid for by somebody else. "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." This Roman Catholic ticket, this fraudulent passport to hell, put out by a fraudulent priest, who is no more a New Testament priest than Judas Iscariot or Simon the Sorcerer, doesn't have the plan of salvation anywhere in it, and it is a blueprint for eternal chaos, but nothing to get excited about. That is Rome yesterday, today, and forever. They never "change."