BBB:BBF and the Drunkards The following is from a born-again, saved, soul winning, once married, Filipino pastor in IIo IIo in the Philippines, dated Nov. 3, 1989. "Thank you for your gift. Your book that gives me strength and faith in our King James Authorized Version. I meet preachers in our country who vocally say that the King James Version was translated by drunkards. SAD TO SAY THAT THEY ARE FROM THE BIBLE BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL GROUP." Well, who taught these fine pre-millennial "historic Fundamentalists" that business? On goes the native Filipino pastor, "Your book (one time that I shared some things with some preachers) had their faith in God's preserved word restored. Doc, if you don't know Greek or reading Greek now-a- days, as most preachers refer to Greek, then you are not in the `company'. Anyway, when I was in seminary we had no Greek. I hope you can help. If you have books to back up the King James Version, we have preachers that are novices, but are willing to make a stand." Do you see how the snow drifts? It doesn't drift any different in IIo IIo than it does in Missouri, South Carolina, or Tennessee. There is a great day coming at the Judgment Seat of Christ.