BBB:Being in the right church It is sad, but true, that modern judges exercise religious discrimination when faced with the crimes of "preachers." If you belong to the right church you get a "slap on the wrist," but if not you get "the book" thrown at you. Recently, a Bible believing Protestant in a town up in the pagan northeast was amassed fines up to $80,000, with time in jail, for HOLDING BIBLE STUDIES IN HIS HOME. In Toronto (Montreal Gazelle, February 14), a twenty-one year old young man was beaten senseless by a gang of Catholics for carrying a Bible home from a Bible study: he was kicked in the groin and one Catholic jumped up and down on his head after he was prostrate. The attack was instigated by one of the Catholic punks, asking "Whatcha got in the shopping bag?" and the young man said "THAT'S MY BlBLE." That did it. You say, "What will happen?" Not much. The gang might have to pay his hospital bill, or get sent to a Delinquent Reform Center a month. You say, "How do you know?" Simple: in Peterborough, Ontario a Roman Catholic priest had just been sentenced to eighteen months in prison. For what? For sexually assaulting a teenaged boy repeatedly through a four year period (beginning when the boy was thirteen). "Father" Martin Wain also provided money for the boy to buy drugs with, and encouraged him to read pornographic material. The priest's lawyer claimed that the priest was the "victim" in this case. The judge gave the priest a sentence of eighteen months. Compare that with Bakker's sentence and you will "get the message." Sexual abuse, child molesting, drugs, and pornography are the "field" to enter if you are going to break the law: BUT BE SURE YOU BELONG TO THE RIGHT CHURCH: "the one that Jesus founded"! "Father" Dale Crampton (a Nepean priest, Ottawa) only got eight months for assaulting seven altar boys during a ten-year period. This was in the Goulbourn Township rectory. The Catholic lawyer said the Archdiocese was not responsible for the priest's action--no pope or archbishop is "responsible" for any crime ever committed in the church--because no bishop or archbishop has any control over any priest's moral conduct. It cost Bakker over $4,000,000 to atone for his sins. Guess how much it costs "Father" Crampton. It cost him $150,000 and he didn't have to appear in court. THE ARCHDIOCESE PAID THE BILL FOF HIM, SO IT DIDN'T COST HIM A DIME. Who said "crime doesn't pay"? It depends upon which church you belong to.