BBB:"Lord, is it I?" (a poem) As on life's road I rush along, Seeking its pleasure with the throng, Looking for fun and flattery, Have you forgotten--Calvary? Pitiful tribes in darkness grope, Never have heard of Christ, their Hope; More fancy churches, this the plea, While I'm forgetting--Calvary. Houses and cars and freezers fine, While hungry orphans wait in line, Rice in their bowls they cannot see While I'm forgetting--Calvary. Lepers, unwanted, homeless roam, While faithless stewards rest at home; Sad is their plight; their agony, While I'm forgetting--Calvary. Plenty for self from God's own store, Deaf is my ear as cries outpour, Calloused my heart, 0, can it be That I've forgotten--Calvary? Treasures of earth will soon decay, Nothing above I've stored away; Wood, hay, and stubble, woe is me, If I've forgotten--Calvary. "Whose shall these THINGS be" when I'm gone? Things I have set my heart upon; Naught in my hand to offer Thee-- LORD, I've forgotten--Calvary! --Mable F. Miller