BBB:The King's English According to the Prince of Wales, who is destined to be the next head of the Church of England, "Modern English is a wasteland of cliches, obscenity, and banality." The English Prince, who comes from the land of the Authorized Version, that produced the English Protestant Reformation, declares that the English language "has become impoverished, sloppy, and limited, a dismal wasteland (the Daily Telegraph, Dec. 20,1989, no.41,832)". The Prince accused the editors of the New English Bible and the Revised Standard Version of making changes in the Authorized Version, just to lower the tone, and believing that the rest of us wouldn't get the point if the word of God was a bit over our heads." The Prince went on, "the word of God is supposed to be a bit over our heads, elevated as God is." Never heard it put better anywhere. It will never be said to anybody over here any better, even if they are what an apostate fundamentalist would call a "Ruckmanite." This is the King with the King's English, and where "the word of a King is, there is power." The Prince of Wales contrasted "the glorious cadence of ribbons of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer's book of "Common Prayer" with the craftiness of the Alternative Service Book, whose language he likened to a newspeak invented by George Orwell for his nightmare 1984 world. "Irate people nowaday look in dismay at what is happening to the language. Looking at the way English is used in our popular newspapers, our radio and television programs, even our schools, and our theaters, they wonder what it is about our country and our society that our language has become so impoverished and so trite." You will never get it better anywhere. Going to the Greek for a "clearer meaning" that "people would understand" is just rubbish. That old King James Bible is so far over the head of the Greek and Hebrew scholars, that when they are shown something from it that is true that they didn't see, or that their teachers missed, they think it is a heresy that came from a cult. That is how stupid they are. "God save the King."