BBB:Liberty's "Champions" A letter from Mrs. Mac Varner, in Syracuse, New York. "Dear Brother Ruckman, we just thought you might want to know a little of what's going on up here in New York state. I'm sure it is the same old thing everywhere. We recently left a church that we didn't want to leave, because a graduate of Liberty in Lynchburg lied his way into our pulpit, and kept up with his lie that he was a believer of the King James Bible. He stayed with his lie for about six weeks, then he started correcting the Book, and then he came out with the truth, or I should say, what he believes, which isn't a whole lot. My husband finally got him to admit that he didn't have a Bible at all. Unfortunately, the people in this church are ignorant of all these things, excluding one other family who when confronted with things, the wife wanted to stand for the old black Book, but her husband just kind of smoothed things over. I'm sure within a year or so, they won't believe anything anymore. I wonder if he learned how to lie his wsy into a church from Liberty in Lynchburg too. He sure knew what to say. He had all the right answers." See how it is done? At Christian schools now, "Ruckmanism" has become such a terror to the faculty, that the faculty members are training the graduates to lie their way by the body of Christ, in order to get into a pulpit. That is to profess to believe the Book when they don't. This is perfectly legitimate at Lynchburg or Bob Jones (or in the NCCC), because that is exactly what the faculty has been doing ever since the school was founded. So now the graduates are being "supplied with the right answers" to get in, then they destroy the faith in the word of God once they are in the pulpit. Remarkable operation, isn't it? That is exactly what took place between 1900 and 1950 in every Liberal and Modernistic pulpit in America.