BBB:Sayings When I have any money, I get rid of it as quickly as possible, lest it find a way into my heart. --John Wesley All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of confirming more and more strongly the truths contained in the Sacred Scripture. --Sir William Herschel The Bible and the Bible only is the religion of the Protestants. --William Chillingworth (1602-44) Religion would not have man enemies, if it were not any enemy to their vices. --Massillon All Things in Christ We have things in Christ, and Christ is all things in us. If we are sick, He is a physician; if we fear death, He is life; if in darkness, He is light; if in want, He is abundance; if hungry, He is food; if thirsty, He is drink, if miserable, He is mercy; if covetous of Heaven, He is the way. --Ambrose Anglican Paganism "Lighting a candle, blessings to the dead, secret Icons, are ways of keeping faith alive", says the Anglican Bishop of Stepney. --Radio 4 (WPU) Admiral Sir Julian Oswald, a Roman Catholic, has been appointed the First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty the Queen {Elizabeth II of England}. --Catholic Herald, WPU